Media Anchor is Not a Journalist.There is a big difference between a Media Anchor & a Journalist.

Meer Ikram

MPA (400+ posts)
The main responsibility of Pakistani Media is to keep Pakistan's dignity maintained to the highest standards and do more efforts to keep Pakistan's respect superior to anything.
Media Anchor are Not Journalist.There is a big difference between a Media Anchor & a Journalist.
Media anchor Just host the show whereas A Journalist does the research First. A Journalist is the one running around to get news.
Any traitor in the Media department should be fired and banned for journalism immediately because of the greediness of these corrupts media anchors (traitors) are demeaning our motherlands respect.

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You are missing one important aspect in your characterization. The terms are journalist and an opinion maker/analyst. An anchor on a media talk show may well be a journalist. For example people who just conduct shows without any obvious bias without stating their own opinions and views and are objectively and fairly ask questions. Then there are people who do opinionated talk shows or present their analysis. I am not going to go into who falls in which category as these boundaries are pretty fluid in Pakistan and people try to float from being a journalist to an analyst to an opinion maker. Its hard to tell with some personalities as to which hat they are wearing at a given time. Some are clearly opinion makers such as Hassan Nisar and Haroon Rashid. Some are analysts such as Najam Sethi.

The main responsibility of Pakistani Media is to keep Pakistan's dignity maintained to the highest standards and do more efforts to keep Pakistan's respect superior to anything.
Media Anchor are Not Journalist.There is a big difference between a Media Anchor & a Journalist.
Media anchor Just host the show whereas A Journalist does the research First. A Journalist is the one running around to get news.
Any traitor in the Media department should be fired and banned for journalism immediately because of the greediness of these corrupts media anchors (traitors) are demeaning our motherlands respect.



Minister (2k+ posts)
مجھے صرف ایک انفورمشن چاہیے اگر کسی کے پاس یہ اطلاعت ہیں کہ یہ پارٹی کس انکر نے کرائی تھی کیونکے حامد میر نے نادیہ خان کے پروگرام میں اس انکر کا حوالہ دیتے ہووے کہا تھا کہ اس انکر کو پارٹی کرنے کا بہت شوق ہے زور اس بات پر دیا تھا کہ یہ اینکر ہے صحافی نہیں .بعد میں اس نے یہ تصویریں خود ہی انٹرنیٹ پر پھیلا دیں ،اور اس پارٹی کے اخراجات بھی کسی اور نے ادا کیے تھے .حامد میر نے یہ انکشاف کاشف کے پروگرام جس میں طلعت نے حامد میر کی کافی کھچائی کی تھی اس کے بعد کیا تھا .کیا حامد میر جو مہر بخاری کے پروگرام میں برابر تشریف لا رہے تھے انھوں نے یہ کہ کر کاشف اور مہر کے درمیان انے کی کوششش کی تھی ؟ لیکن ان سب کے لئے یہ جاننا بہت ضروری ہے کہ یہ پارٹی کس انکر نے کی تھی اور اس کے اخراجات کس نے برداشت کیے تھے



Senator (1k+ posts)
Its very true. Humein apne mulk mein har cheez ka meyaar qaym karna chahye. Is mulk ka aam admi ye samajhne se qasir he ke journalist, analyst ya anchor kya hota he. wo ye dekhta he ke ye "khabar" TV pe ai he, bus!
PEMRA ko ese usool banane chahye ke TV pe ane wala biased bakwaas band ho jae.
Channels pe pabandi honi chahye ke anchors select karte waqt unki ehliyat dekhi jae, un ki taleem dekhi jae. Anchor aur VJ mein koi to faraq hona chahye.
Ese ese nalke dekhe hein mein ne jo aaj kal anchor bane phirte hein. Na show ko run karna aata he in becharo ko, machli bazaar laga kar bethe hote hein. Na show ko control karna ata he in nalko ko aur na bulae gae mehmano ko track pe rakhne ki himmat hoti he in ki.
