Brother Karachiwala.. Dr tariq Jameel did his MBBS from King Edward Medical College.. so if you have any issue againt his medical education then just go to his College and verify how brilliant student he was.. So dont be so worry about his medicine title... Allah has given him a great ability.. He is also an aalim-e-deen. Hafiz-e-Quran also...
Very good lecture.. but I think admin has to give same right to every sect of islam that anyone if want to share any good religious lecture can do it with freedom. Not just one sect is allow and others not.
I uploaded a religious speech of Dr Asif Ashraf Jalali but Unfortunately it was removed by admin. Why only religious speeches of a particular sect are allowed in this forum??? why other sects cannot upload speeches?
I uploaded a religious speech of Dr Asif Ashraf Jalali but Unfortunately it was removed by admin. Why only religious speeches of a particular sect are allowed in this forum??? why other sects cannot upload speeches?
Molana Dr Tariq Jameel never been offencive on any sect .. thats why every one like his bayan... anyother Aalim who has this ability will be welcomed...