mathematical miracle of the Holy Quran


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We do not have to believe on this man with his presentation to believe the authenticity of Quran.

The Eeman on the Quran is part of our faith.
Allah subhan wa taala says in Quran that He revealed this on His Messenger.

Our believe is that each and every word is true and un-changed.

If our believe is different then what is mentioned in Quran then one have to have some hard time on the day of judgement.

Science or Mathematics change everyday, their fundamentals and concepts are not divine.
We dont need any formulas or scientific proves to check the authenticity of Quran.


Staff member
We do not have to believe on this man with his presentation to believe the authenticity of Quran.

The Eeman on the Quran is part of our faith.
Allah subhan wa taala says in Quran that He revealed this on His Messenger.

Our believe is that each and every word is true and un-changed.

If our believe is different then what is mentioned in Quran then one have to have some hard time on the day of judgement.

Science or Mathematics change everyday, their fundamentals and concepts are not divine.
We dont need any formulas or scientific proves to check the authenticity of Quran.
The Eeman on the Quran is part of our faith.
Allah subhan wa taala says in Quran that He revealed this on His Messenger.
Our believe is that each and every word is true and UN-changed.
There is nothing to add in this statement.


billet doux

Voter (50+ posts)
It is just an interesting fact that I came across, that's why I shared it. May Allah increase your Imaan, But everybody is not like you, and Imaan is something that keeps fluctuating even Sahaba RA had this condition. When we sit with religious scholars and listen to them, it increases our Imaan, and when we go to the marketplace we forget everything, who we are and what is the purpose of our life? so we need to kick (remind) ourselves all the time (zikr) to remain on the right path.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
@Qaiser ---- It is ryt that believing in Quran is part of our faith, but such information further helps to strengthen our Emaan on this divine book n thats it... it has nothing to do with the authenticity of Quran...

Quran is a miracle of Allah and it invites all the humans regardless of faith and race to ponder in it... n it includes Astrologists, Mathematicians, historians, scientists etc etc... who so ever will read and ponder in it will indeed discover amazing things which will make him wonder that this is no ordinary book...

this is the way i see it....

maksyed - Blogger
قرآن پاک کا ریا ضیاتی معجزہ



Minister (2k+ posts)
Khuda k liay Quran ko tarjuney k saath parho agar vakaee isko Allah ki kitab mantey ho...............agar nhi b mantey to phir b is fikr k saath parh lo k sarey musalman isey Allah ki kitab kehtey hain to aik dafa parh k daikhey hain k is me kia likha hoa he........................................plz aik dafa parho zroor.chahey sirf maloomat k liaey hi saey.
