These Jahil Mullahs want virus to spread quickly and fast. Masjids are already opened but Govt allowed only 5 people to offer prayer together, Jummah is banned as per consensus and guidelines provided by Govt, scientists and few scholars. Allah inn kuwein ke maindakoon ko aqal atta farmaein.
Beautifully blasted. Well done. ??These Jahil Mullahs want virus to spread quickly and fast. Masjids are already opened but Govt allowed only 5 people to offer prayer together, Jummah is banned as per consensus and guidelines provided by Govt, scientists and few scholars. Allah inn kuwein ke maindakoon ko aqal atta farmaein.
Hello?...There is a plan in place already.Agree with Mufti Muneeb. Govt should come up with a plan to open masajids - may be a policy should be implemented for masajids like having sprays et. al. and whichever masjid adheres to the policy should be allowed for prayers. We live in 2020 not in 1800 and there is nothing we can't do! As far as the discriminatory comments, bigotry, and stupidity goes, we have a lot of that in these forums as you can see already!!!
If there is that is good then. PM has also said that he will talk with the ulema and religious elders before making any decisions which is very wise.Hello?...There is a plan in place already.
Main samjha tha taleem jahalat khatam krti hy. Ap post parh kr lagta khotay k opr agr book rakh di jain to wo ustad nhi ban jta. Jahal tu app loog ho. Sab kuch pk mein ho raha. Factories open ho rahi. Hospital open hain. Sabzi mandi open hy. Sab press house open hy. Akhir masjid hi q band hy. Yaa tu sab ko band kro. Jaisay baqi countries mein. Pak mein ye doghli policy qThese Jahil Mullahs want virus to spread quickly and fast. Masjids are already opened but Govt allowed only 5 people to offer prayer together, Jummah is banned as per consensus and guidelines provided by Govt, scientists and few scholars. Allah inn kuwein ke maindakoon ko aqal atta farmaein.
IN Malasia masjids are open..they installed steam walkways, so to prevent virus on clothes... plus you do social distacning... Lets not blame our scholars, they also care about common people.امامت تم دونو ہی کرانا ایک ایک مسجد کی اگر تم لوگوں نے امامت نا کرائی اس تمام کرونا ٹائم میں اور مروانے کے واسطے دوسرے نمازیوں اور اماموں کو چھوڑ دیا اور خود چھپ کر بیٹھے رہے تو لوگ تمہیں کسی ....... کا بچہ منافق لعنتی اور نمازیوں کا قاتل کہیں گے ابّ لوگوں انتظارکو انتظار ہے کہ یہ دونو مولوی خود امامت کرائیں اور دونوں مولوی لگاتار با جماعت نماز کرائیں گے اور کراتے رہیں گے جب تک کورونا برقرار رہے گا
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