Maryam Nawaz Ka Brand Nawaz Sharif Fail: PIA Premier Service 4 Billion Ke Nuqsaan Ke Baad Band


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
معمول کی سہولیات سنبھالی نہیں جاتی تھیں پر تعیش سہولیات دیں گے. نوروں کو کون سمجھائے ان کی تجربہ کار ٹیم ہر ناکامی کو مزید کھانے پینے کا ذریعہ بنانے کا خوب تجربہ رکھتی ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is shocking.

They could have spent those 4 billion in hospitals and what not.

ITs just shocking how easily they plunder awami money and then get away with it so easily.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is shocking.

They could have spent those 4 billion in hospitals and what not.

ITs just shocking how easily they plunder awami money and then get away with it so easily.

And you expect different from these thieving bastaards. What planet do you live on?