Majid Jahanghir actors fundraiser needed for future artist


Minister (2k+ posts)
The news story about our nation’s comedians or entertainers running out of funds is ailing to say the least, With ever needed quality entertainers we need to start and assisting from government or sponsors to keep healthy supply of lucrative media entertainers at hand,

Why did Junaid Jamshed or Majid Jahinghir fall in this category to begin with?Well the simple answer can fall on any government
To halt its support in bad times ahead,But there needs to be some blame taken on behalf of government mis handling the economic turmoil in first place by our so called think tanks if any

So how do we take steps in backup funding for such personalities rather than 1 off media star to prevent utter hopelessness financially?We should create a fund sponsorship by regular patriotic channels to prevent this type of thing re-occurring in first place

It is dehumanizing to beg on the streets than to lets put IK in the picture say in 10 years time, for all he has done for Pakistan, he extends his hands in begging on the road and no one but no one helps a lending hand for whatever little money he may ask for in future

See the big picture is not even remotely at par with attractive forget pretty, it’s more in the shades of ugliness for all patriots!
I am glad Shabaz Sharif took on a Edhi type role & assisted Mr. Jahanghir finally.
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The Oasis

MPA (400+ posts)
Sir let me give you some info about Majid Jahangir, he left Pakistan in mid 80's live comfortably in USA, there is thing about him as from word of mouth that he left Pakistan because he wanted to work in bollywood but at that time PTV had strict policy for any entertainer who work in India will not be facilitated, so he left states so that but later bollyowood dumped him as they had big names like Qadir khan and Shakti kappor etc working well for their market, after that he did small jobs in Houston and Chicago also worked for small roles in some local hindi-urdu dramas later when his health insurance refused to pay for all his bills he returned back to Pakistan in late 2008, hence moral of the story 'Once you take your soil for granted no other soil gives a fu^k' apnay mulk ki izzat karain aur jis mulk nay shurat di hay us ko choor ke na jaieen acha mustaqbil sirf Allah ko pata hota hay.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Sir let me give you some info about Majid Jahangir, he left Pakistan in mid 80's live comfortably in USA, there is thing about him as from word of mouth that he left Pakistan because he wanted to work in bollywood but at that time PTV had strict policy for any entertainer who work in India will not be facilitated, so he left states so that but later bollyowood dumped him as they had big names like Qadir khan and Shakti kappor etc working well for their market, after that he did small jobs in Houston and Chicago also worked for small roles in some local hindi-urdu dramas later when his health insurance refused to pay for all his bills he returned back to Pakistan in late 2008, hence moral of the story 'Once you take your soil for granted no other soil gives a fu^k' apnay mulk ki izzat karain aur jis mulk nay shurat di hay us ko choor ke na jaieen acha mustaqbil sirf Allah ko pata hota hay.

Toe joe jatae hein baahirr toe woe gundae khuraab loage hotae hein keeya, didnt get your point majid j did not do anything bad as per your comments above.
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The Oasis

MPA (400+ posts)
Toe joe jatae hein baahirr toe woe gundae khuraab loage hotae hein keeya, didnt get your point majid j did not do anything bad as per your comments above.
Sir what i am trying to say, one cannot just leave native country and later come asking help, one should be responsible for making his own decision


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Sir what i am trying to say, one cannot just leave native country and later come asking help, one should be responsible for making his own decision

Sir pakistan is a muslim country our culture everything facilitates anybody to help if they need it. Who made this rule and if he breaks it ie majid j whats with you to point out. Baekar kee batein.

The Oasis

MPA (400+ posts)
Bhai help is available, he can go and get services in govt hospital just like common citizen, but he need private health care, why should I spend my tax money on some one who when opportunity came left the country, and in last this has nothing to do with Islam this same privileged for all.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Well thanks for updating Oasis about Mr Majids case. My article is to simply point out a fund or sponsorship needs to be created for those in the Edge of brink from hitting the street begging scenerio. Nevertheless Mr majid abused or not, what if another media personality hits that financial road block, we need to help all Pakistanis to prevent someone in this situation generally speaking. Once again thanks for crucial updates.

Helping a friend in need is a friend indeed.

The Oasis

MPA (400+ posts)
I totally agree with you if someone wants to help, most welcome, bro I have grown up seeing these so called Pakistani cream of excellence, half of them abuse Pakistan in private meetings, rest are basically pseudo liberals who either bash army or blame Islam for everything, our elite and so called highly educated intellectuals have real ugly face inside.
