Maazrat k Sath - 12th October 2012 - Ansar Abbasi & Fawad Ch


Senator (1k+ posts)
When Will We Unite As A Nation?

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A wolf and a lamb story......

A wolf and a lamb story again and again...... is America's policy.

First create a cause ------> then use this cause as an excuse and take an action.

1- (cause/excuse created by USA) Weapons of mass destruction ------> (Action by USA) Attack on Iraq.... ready for Afghanistan
2- (cause/excuse created by USA) 9/11 an inside job done by USA ------> (Action by USA) Attack on Afghanistan..... ready for Pakistan
3- (cause/excuse created by USA) Propaganda Malala Yousafzai -------> (Action by USA) Attack on Pakistan (Waziristan).... ready for breaking Pakistan

TTP = Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan

Who are TTP:
Remember a decade back America created its own version of Taliban within Pakistan, called TTP.
This CIA/RAW/Mossad funded Taliban group is not pro islamic, pro pakistani. They are just our enemies in our own attire. They look like us, they have beard, they are fair in colour like Pathans, they wear turbans, they apparently say prayers. But they are not the subsidiary or branch of actual Talibans. These are the taliban version created by our enemies to be used against us, our religion and our country.

Why our enemies created TTP:
When people think these Talibans are muslims and hardliners..... thats where our enemy is successful. So our enemy is successful in making us think that these are muslims. But in fact these Talibans are NOT muslims. There are few purposes

1- Pakistanis should start hating beard and muslim attire and tend towards western way of life.
2- Pakistanis should see USA as their friends and should let them do whatever they want in Pakistan.
3- Pakistanis should let USA land into its territory , have military bases and stay here for a while, as they have done in Iraq and Afghanistan.
4- Divide Pakistan and diffuse its nuclear power which in future may be a threat to Israel.
5- Make the remaining Pakistan a secular country and remove the word ISLAMIC from its name "Islamic Republic of Pakistan"
6- Presenting Pakistan as place where girls got shot if they go to school ..... but this is not true, as America is just creating a fake blame.

So attack on Malala was done by TTP as they admit, but remember TTP is not islamic or Pakistani group. Its a group working for USA and its beneficiaries.

We are an emotional nation, we think less and feel more..... Our enemy knows about it...... so they have created Malala Incident and used it to brainwash our nation. So that we show them green signal to come into our Waziristan......

Why America does not talk about our sacrifices, the 35000 Pakistanis..... why just their self created issue Malala
Why America does not talk about children killed in drone series...... why just their self created issue Malala
Why Maddona does not dedicate a song to other Pakistanis killed for USA or by USA...... why just their self created issue Malala
Why western media is just talking about one child, what about others..... why just their self created issue Malala

Think before its too late.......


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Re: A wolf and a lamb story......

Dont worry , we are still a lamb ....we cannot cahange .....take it easy


Voter (50+ posts)
معروف مذہبی اسکالر اور ہردلعزیز ٹی وی میزبان ڈاکٹر عامر لیاقت حسین نے ملالہ پر حملے کی پرزور مذمت کرتے ہوئے نیوز ون کے پروگرام معذرت کے ساتھ میں اپنے خیالات کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ۔

ہم سب دعا گو ہیں کہ ملالہ اور ساتھ زخمی ہونے والی بچیوں کو اللہ تعالی صحت کاملہ عطا فرمائے اور وہ صحت یاب ہوکر اپنے گھروں کو جائیں۔

حضرت خضر علیہ السلام کی حضرت موسی علیہ السلام سے ملاقات اللہ تعالی نے کرائی تھی۔ نبی اپنی مرضی سے کچھ نہیں کرتا۔ اس حوالے سے حملہ آوروں کی تاویل انتہائی بھونڈی اور جاہلانہ ہے۔ یہ خود اسلامی تعلیمات سے ناواقفیت کا ثبوت ہے۔ اس جسٹی فیکیشن کو تمام علماء فکر نے رد کیا ہے۔

قرآن و سنت کے مطابق کسی کو مارنے کی اجازت نہیں دی جا سکتی۔ اگر کوئی دیتا ہے وہ خود بھی کتاب و سنت کے خلاف عمل کا مرتکب ہوگا۔

اسلام امن کا مذہب ہے، متشددانہ سوچ کی مذمت کی جانی چاہیے۔ اسلام کا تشدد سے کوئی تعلق نہیں، ہمیں اسلام کی اصل تعلیمات کو معاشرے میں پھیلانا چاہیے۔ ہر مسئلے کا حل جنگ نہیں۔ تاریخ کے مطالعے سے معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ مذاکرات کو خوارج سے بھی کیے گیے ہیں۔

ہم سب اپنے مفادات کے تحت الجھے ہوئے ہیں۔ یہ وقت حکومت اور اقتدار بچانے کا نہیں، متفق ہوکر آواز اٹھانے کا ہے۔ ہم سب کا اس بات کا اتفاق ہے کہ ہم دہشت گردی کے خلاف ہیں۔ تمام علماء، صحافی، سیاست دان اور دیگر مکاتب فکر کو متفق ہونے کی ضرورت ہے۔

یہ طالبان نہیں ظالمان ہیں۔ طالبان کا تو مطلب ہی علم کا طالب ہے۔ وہ علم کے اجالوں کی سفیر کو نہیں بجھا سکتے، وہ درسگاہوں کی تباہی کے خلاف ہیں۔ اس لیے میں کہتاہوں کہ جنہوں نے معصوم بچی کی شناخت کرکے اس کے سر میں گولی ماردی، یہ طالبان نہیں ظالمان ہیں۔

اسلام کا برانڈ نہیں ہوتا، اسلام تو وہی ہے جو اللہ اور اسکے رسول کی طرف سے ملا۔ اتباع رسول کی اسلام ہے۔ اسلام کی تشریحات مختلف ہوسکتی ہیں۔ اسلامی تعلیمات اپنی جگہ اٹل ہیں، فالورز بگڑ گیے ہیں، جنہوں نے دین میں اختراعات پیدا کی ہیں، دین میں نئے راستے نکال لیے ہیں۔

سیاسی اختلاف ہو تو مقدس ہوتا ہے، مگر دین میں اختلاف نہیں۔ ہر جگہ اسلام کی انٹرپریشن الگ ہوسکتی ہے۔ جس طرح ہر جگہ جمہوریت کی تشریح الگ ہے۔ جس پر آپ کو طمانیت ملتی ہو اسے اختیار کیا جائے۔ اس کا طریقہ یہ ہے کہ ایمان، کتاب و سنت، عقائد درست رکھے جائیں۔ وحشی و جنونیوں نے اپنی من پسند تشریخ کو مسلط کرنے کی کوشش کی گئی۔ یہ نہیں ہوسکتا کہ کوئی اپنی من پسند تشریح ہم پر مسلط کرے۔

علماء کی بنیادی ذمہ داری ہے،، انبیاء کی شان میں گستاخیاں کی گئیں، اس معاملے میں علماء کو آگے بڑھنا ہوگا، ان کی خاموشی نہیں ہونی چاہیے۔ مجھے دکھ ہے کہ جس طرح قوت کے ساتھ آواز اٹھنی چاہیے تھی ویسا نہیں ہوا۔

Famous religious scholar Dr. Amir Liaquat has share’s views on sad incident of Malala Yousafzai, with host of program “Maazrat kay sath” on News One, he showed concerns over health of 13 year old innocent girl Malala Yousufzai who was attacked and wounded, by alleged Taliban’s known as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), they had accepted responsibility of this cowardly act of terrorism in the media and also had have misinterpreted verses of Quran to justify attack on innocent girl, this incident has shaken all school of thoughts, and 50 Sunni religious scholars have ruled out FATWA against it, while human rights organizations have started to debate for the resolution of this crises.
Dr. Amir Liaquat have also said; that Ullama should’ve decided who is responsible to ruled out lawful interpretations of Islam, religious institutions should’ve come forward and address the issue with utter authority that no one would dare, to attempt of taking such drastic measures in the name of Islam and Quran. Wrong justification proved that they are nothing but bunch of barbarians, and they have got nothing to do with Islam and religion, irony of the situation is that they have committed a heinous crime and now they are trying to justify it, by narrating misinterpretations of Quran, that “Hazrat Khizar Elahi Islam have killed young boy, due to the reason Allah Subhanahu Talla, has given him knowledge about the fate of the boy, that he will become evil and spread chaos in the society and will make his parents disobey commandments of Allah Subhanahu Talla, that is why Hazrat Khizar Elehi Islam had killed the young boy”, are they trying to say that they are also getting revelations? Are they claiming to be Prophet? This is sheer denial of the teaching of Islam, and this is the high time that Ullama should come forward and address the issue, as culprits are destroying the image of Islam, and it is hence proved that they got nothing to do with Islam, and they should be recognized as non Muslims officially.
Ullama should have taken drastic steps, as these culprits have attacked our religion, our Prophets (Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Khizar Ellehi Islam) they only trying to take shelter of Islam, by giving such non sense justification, not acceptable by any sect of Islam.
I do not believe that they are Taliban, as the meaning of Taliban is “student of knowledge”, and they are against education, these people belong to tribal areas and are mixing their traditions with Islam.
Government is simply failed to provide security, this is sole responsibility of the state to provide security and shelter to their citizens, if president Zardari gets ill, he gets the helicopter in no time, but when Malala needs attention, they were reluctant to send it, one engine of the plane was not even working, when it was sent to pick her up, and it cause further delay for medical assistance, the time she needed the most, they are playing politics in critical situation of innocent child, she was taken to Pindi instead of Peshawar, so, that prime minister could visit her, for the reason he can’t go to Peshawar due to security measures, we only can condemn what officials have been doing, this is sole responsibility of the state to dealt with the culprits with iron hands and restore peace nationwide.
I have researched on Taliban and Mulla Umar of Aghanistan, and they had have condemned them and disassociated themselves from these Taliban’s in Pakistan, Mulla Umar is against suicide bombing, he is against destroying schools and institutions, he is against killing Muslims, it is also responsibility of real Taliban’s to destroy them, as they had been spreading chaos and shedding blood while using their name.
Complete Interview can be watch on official website of Dr Aamir Liaquat Hussain, Follow Aamir Liaquat Hussain on Twitter [MENTION=6105]aamir[/MENTION]liaquat


Dr. aamir liaquat hussain has share’s views on sad incident of Malala Yousufzai, with host of program “Mazrat Kay Sath” on News One, he showed concerns over health of 13 year old innocent girl Malala Yousufzai who was attacked and wounded, by alleged Taliban’s known as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), they had accepted responsibility of this cowardly act of terrorism in the media and also had have misinterpreted verses of Quran to justify attack on innocent girl, this incident has shaken all school of thoughts, and 50 Sunni religious scholars have ruled out FATWA against it, while human rights organizations have started to debate for the resolution of this crises.

Dr. Aamir Liaquat have also said; that Ullama should’ve decided who is responsible to ruled out lawful interpretations of Islam, religious institutions should’ve come forward and address the issue with utter authority that no one would dare, to attempt of taking such drastic measures in the name of Islam and Quran. Wrong justification proved that they are nothing but bunch of barbarians, and they have got nothing to do with Islam and religion, irony of the situation is that they have committed a heinous crime and now they are trying to justify it, by narrating misinterpretations of Quran, that “Hazrat Khizar Elahi Islam have killed young boy, due to the reason Allah Subhanahu Talla, has given him knowledge about the fate of the boy, that he will become evil and spread chaos in the society and will make his parents disobey commandments of Allah Subhanahu Talla, that is why Hazrat Khizar Elehi Islam had killed the young boy”, are they trying to say that they are also getting revelations? Are they claiming to be Prophet? This is sheer denial of the teaching of Islam, and this is the high time that Ullama should come forward and address the issue, as culprits are destroying the image of Islam, and it is hence proved that they got nothing to do with Islam, and they should be recognized as non Muslims officially.

Ullama should have taken drastic steps, as these culprits have attacked our religion, our Prophets (Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Khizar Ellehi Islam) they only trying to take shelter of Islam, by giving such non sense justification, not acceptable by any sect of Islam.

I do not believe that they are Taliban, as the meaning of Taliban is “student of knowledge”, and they are against education, these people belong to tribal areas and are mixing their traditions with Islam.

Government is simply failed to provide security, this is sole responsibility of the state to provide security and shelter to their citizens, if president Zardari gets ill, he gets the helicopter in no time, but when Malala needs attention, they were reluctant to send it, one engine of the plane was not even working, when it was sent to pick her up, and it cause further delay for medical assistance, the time she needed the most, they are playing politics in critical situation of innocent child, she was taken to Pindi instead of Peshawar, so, that prime minister could visit her, for the reason he can’t go to Peshawar due to security measures, we only can condemn what officials have been doing, this is sole responsibility of the state to dealt with the culprits with iron hands and restore peace nationwide.

I have researched on Taliban and Mulla Umar of Aghanistan, and they had have condemned them and disassociated themselves from these Taliban’s in Pakistan, Mulla Umar is against suicide bombing, he is against destroying schools and institutions, he is against killing Muslims, it is also responsibility of real Taliban’s to destroy them, as they had been spreading chaos and shedding blood while using their name.

Complete interview of Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain can be watch on his official website Follow Dr. Aamir Liaquat on twitter [MENTION=6105]aamir[/MENTION]liaquat