I searched various videos on youtube regarding astrology and predictions about Imran Khan and Pakistan.
90% of them said he wont be in the Government. PTI wont be successful it'll only make "some" impact in the politics. Many of them have varying opinions but except one, all of them agree Imran Khan wont be in the Government.
To all, please search all them videos, take them as "point of origin" for this year, and see how everything will turn out differently than what they predict. In the coming time, please see how Allah (SWT) is the only planner and why he doesnt like us believing these things and how many times we've been told future is only known by Him.
Like one brother said in one of the comments in the videos, If they could see the future, these people would see how far their death is every single day.
"If you could see even one day in the future, wouldnt you try to predict your own death, your ow wealth, your own luck?"
All these palmists, numerologists, astrologists are simply doing "dhanda".