Look How happy they are


Senator (1k+ posts)

Identify these carefully.. see how cheerfull they are, regardless of what americans have done to us...


Minister (2k+ posts)
mantel case Sana buch asusual blackfobia dress

Asma shiraz asusual only Head cover with dopatta (top head cover only but xxxxx)

aie chikni chambali
Sheela ki jawani
Muni Badnaaam hoie
Chano ki ankh main ik nasha hy


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Identify these carefully.. see how cheerfull they are, regardless of what americans have done to us...

Do you know what we have done with this great nation? what a MULLAH has done ? what Taliban has done? what Army has done? what Agencies have done?

we only see towards other countries that they have destroyed us, yes they did because we want this, we helped them only then others can do because we are not truly faithfull with this country.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
you have to sing a song daily for democracy. This way nobody will doubt your intention and you will support Zardari co.
