exactly, it isn't cancelled, but delayed, which reduces the investments we can get.
Investment is not Aid.
Aid is the penny the US govt throws in our begging bowl, out which every pimp takes a cut until we are left with nothing.
Investment is a business, you expect profitable return at the end.
Chinese president was to bring Chinese investors in his delegation, and his and our government were to work out a system to channel those investors investments in sectors which were profitable to both.
They would get green channel from bureaucratic hurdles, favourable tax agreements etc.
We would get critical infrastructure and most importantly, JOBS.
Workers will be needed for these projects, material will be needed, workers to make or mine those material will be needed, transport would be needed, people to fix those transport would be needed, people to feed all these people would be needed, houses would be needed, people to build those houses would be needed, people to teach their kids would be needed, people to entertain these people during their off time would be needed...
Investment is an Economic driver.
Of Course there are bribes either way, but unlike aid, investment is a gift that gives constantly and consistently, for all.