LoL : Chinese Embassy : I am unaware of Chinese president visit cancellation


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
I hope they will not issue statement saying that there was no visit schedule in September at all (bigsmile)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The govt wanna spread false news to blame pti and pat to get sympathy.
And also trying to give them face saving becouse if all that mess is cleared up in couple of days then that visit may be reinstate and then padri and confused khan can get sympathy for that .


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Unfortunately, this news is showing incompetence of the goverment and making PTI+PAT agitation more legitmate that current goverment lost its authority.

The govt wanna spread false news to blame pti and pat to get sympathy.

Imran Siddiqi

Minister (2k+ posts)
ISS LIAY Isteaifaaa Zarooreee Hai,
Aik Number Ke Jhootay hain yeh Log aur isay Siasat samajhtay hain.
Ab Chinese embassy ko phone kar ke kahaingay, Khudara tardeed na karen hamaree siasat khatam ho jaaegee.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
They have not cancelled , they postponed ......

and what is authenticity of this tweet....????


Senator (1k+ posts)
Aur Qadri aur Imran Khan jeet gye

Qadri aur Imran khan ja mission jo tha ke Pakstan China se na investment na leh saky aur Indian aur Japan eik dosry ke saath mil ke Development kary. Woh khawab Pora hoo gya. Kyonke Uncle TOm wants it. They want that India will develop itself only. Pakistan lose $32 billion now...... What a shame.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Aur Qadri aur Imran Khan jeet gye

Yeh log to khoush ho rehain houn gay, they are not ashame of anything.

Qadri aur Imran khan ja mission jo tha ke Pakstan China se na investment na leh saky aur Indian aur Japan eik dosry ke saath mil ke Development kary. Woh khawab Pora hoo gya. Kyonke Uncle TOm wants it. They want that India will develop itself only. Pakistan lose $32 billion now...... What a shame.


MPA (400+ posts)
exactly, it isn't cancelled, but delayed, which reduces the investments we can get.


Investment is not Aid.

Aid is the penny the US govt throws in our begging bowl, out which every pimp takes a cut until we are left with nothing.

Investment is a business, you expect profitable return at the end.

Chinese president was to bring Chinese investors in his delegation, and his and our government were to work out a system to channel those investors investments in sectors which were profitable to both.

They would get green channel from bureaucratic hurdles, favourable tax agreements etc.

We would get critical infrastructure and most importantly, JOBS.

Workers will be needed for these projects, material will be needed, workers to make or mine those material will be needed, transport would be needed, people to fix those transport would be needed, people to feed all these people would be needed, houses would be needed, people to build those houses would be needed, people to teach their kids would be needed, people to entertain these people during their off time would be needed...

Investment is an Economic driver.


Of Course there are bribes either way, but unlike aid, investment is a gift that gives constantly and consistently, for all.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Mubarak ho Mubarak ho FASSADIO you have achieved your goal. Now this 30 billions investment will go to India.



Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Aur Qadri aur Imran Khan jeet gye

But strange thing is that Uncle Tom is on his Tommy side and giving statements that my tommy is legitmate so don't ask him to resign. Its IK who is saying your Uncle Tom not to involve in our internal matters.

Qadri aur Imran khan ja mission jo tha ke Pakstan China se na investment na leh saky aur Indian aur Japan eik dosry ke saath mil ke Development kary. Woh khawab Pora hoo gya. Kyonke Uncle TOm wants it. They want that India will develop itself only. Pakistan lose $32 billion now...... What a shame.


Councller (250+ posts)
Even if China reschedules the visit, why is the nation so positive about signing an agreement with China & a democratic government that was elected as a result of rigged elections. The equation is already negative. Everything that happens in a democratic country, the responsibility lies on the elected government. Everything that happens. Not the protesters, not the opposition, not the masses.

PMLN says they want to do everything for development of Pakistan. If that's the case, NS could have resigned for a month or two, why is he so afraid? I think we all know the reason pretty well.
