Live With Talat - 16th June 2010


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Talat Hussein, this particular programme of yours was a superb approach to the problem of how the heroic example of the Freedom Flotilla can also inspire us individuals to take action to improve our civil society. No bloody revolution required. Just a quiet uprising of “intellectuals” to achieve what the government has failed to get done so far. I’m more grateful to you than I can say. And I’m so, so glad that, thanks to you, we’ve finally woken up to the fact that Palestine is also our business in our in comparison thriving Pakistan.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Idont understand why are we worried about Palestine? Have any time any Arab country helped us ? Do we have solved our pronlems in Pakistan ? Are we very rich country ? If u want to help anyone first u must be able to do so.In my point of view it is waste of time,we should concentrate on our problems,it is same like that we dont have for eat and we are giving food to others.Talat sis a great person ,he is number one in Pakistan, no doubt, but it will be better he should rais up money for Pakistanies not for others.We are very emotional nation not practical.
