3:34 Brotherhood's
Misr 25 television channel announce that after counting 95.5 per cent of the vote, Mursi is in a firm lead with 52 per cent or 12.4 million votes with Shafiq lagging 1.4 million votes behind.The FJP's official
Facebook page subsequently announced Mursi as winner:
"Dr Mohamed Mursi is the first popularly elected president of Egypt."
Al-Arabiya news channel reports that Mursi will address Egyptians in one hour.
3:25 Our final figures show Shafiq trouncing Mursi in Tanta, Gharbiya Governorate. Of a total 365,643 registered voters, about 56 per cent cast their ballots.
Shafiq: 139,549
Mursi: 65,408
3:19 Shafiq can only look back in anger as Mursi surges ahead in Fayoum Governorate, named after a famed oasis, according to our latest tally from 280 of a total 380 polling stations:
Mursi: 416,700
Shafiq: 116,361
3:11 Military man Shafiq seems to be capturing the lion's share of the vote in Daqahliya Governorate, where Egyptians drove the French out and seized their king during the 13th century Battle of Mansoura. Our numbers from 700 of the governorates 1,032 polling stations indicate the following:
Shafiq: 710,230
Mursi: 570,463
2:59 Results from 658 polling stations in Giza Governorate show Mursi with an apparently unassailable lead, according to our latest figures:
Mursi: 997,564
Shafiq: 630,961
2:53 Mursi soars past Shafiq in the northwestern coastal governorate of Mars Matrouh, according to our latest tally. Of a total of 204,733 registered voters, around 40 per cent cast a ballot.
Mursi: 65,162
Shafiq: 16,155
2:49 Shafiq lords it over Mursi in the Delta governorate of Gharbiya, according to our results from 400 polling stations:
Shafiq: 490,300
Mursi: 290,270
2:46 Mursi out-muscles military man Shafiq at one polling station in Abu Simbal, hometown of Egypt's de-facto leader Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, according to our latest figures:
Mursi: 402
Shafiq: 382
2:43 Mursi should start packing his bags for the presidential palace post-haste, if results from the Brotherhood's official website,
IkhwanOnline, are to be believed. The website's tally puts Mursi at 10.5 million votes and Shafiq at 9.5, with 82 per cent of ballots counted.
2:23 Shafiq's campaign is sounding the victory trumpet in Menoufiya, home province of the last inhabitant of the presidential palace, citing the following figures:
Shafiq: 218,000
Mursi: 82,000
Turning to the Cairene island of stability, Zamalek residents push Mursi out to sea. Figures from one polling station are as follows:
Shafiq: 1,951
Mursi: 175
2:13 Shafiq has let the air out of Mursi's tyres in the Alexandrian hub of Bab Sharq, according to the presiding judge at a polling station in the area.
Shafiq: 56,655
Mursi: 50,228
2:07 Mursi may have cracked the code in Beheira Governorate, where not so long ago French troops unearthed the Rosetta Stone, according to results posted on the FJP's
Facebook page.
Just over a third of the region's total votes have been counted, but the tally for now stands at:
Mursi: 674,025
Shafiq: 481,737
1:54 Some reactions from the
Twitter-sphere on today's announced addendums to last year's constitutional declaration:
Mahmoud El Lozy, drama professor at the American University of Cairo,
tweets: The Egyptian President will be known from now on as The Prisoner of Zenda!
tweets: every mother fu**ing thing in this country is unconstitutional since 1952, including the constitutions !!!
1:52 The final results have just come in from Red Sea Governorate with Shafiq safely to shore, according to our latest figures. Of a total 225,218 registered voters in the governorate, a quarter have cast their ballots.
Shafiq: 47,988
Mursi: 46,802
1:46 Despite initially celebrating a comfortable lead, the Muslim Brotherhood are grudgingly acknowledging Shafiq is closing in,
Reuters reports:
"Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said on Monday its candidate Mohamed Morsi was running almost neck-and-neck with his rival Ahmed Shafiq, an ex-military man who was Hosni Mubarak's last prime minister.
A Brotherhood official said Morsy had 51 percent of the votes from a quarter of polling stations counted so far, compared to 49 percent for Shafik. The group had earlier said Morsy had a commanding lead after Sunday's vote but that was based on just 10 percent of polling stations counted."
1:44 Alexandria Governorate, known as an Islamist stronghold, is proving true to form and weighing heavily towards Mursi, according to our results from 234 polling stations. It has the following tally:
Mursi: 324,124
Shafiq: 212,874
1:41 Al-Hayat TV channel releases the first final vote count from the governorate of South Sinai, showing Shafiq with a slim margin of victory. A turnout of 40 per cent took to the polls out of a total 62,759 registered voters.
Shafiq: 12,502
Mursi: 12,284
1:38 The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) says it will hold a news conference Monday morning at the Moral Affairs Department in Nasr City to announce the addendum to the constitutional declaration published just hours ago.
The conference is also expected to address the presidential elections, the drafting of a new constitution, steps towards a new parliament and a roadmap for military rule until a constitution is drafted.
1:25 Military man Shafiq parries Mursi in the Upper Egypt governorate of Luxor, as results trickle in from 62 out of 188 polling stations, according to our latest figures:
Shafiq: 36,378
Mursi: 34,900
1:19 Ahram Online's latest countrywide tally shows Mursi leading Shafiq by a substantial 10 per cent margin. A total of 1,559,694 votes have so far been counted. For the latest updates, see our
Up-to-the-Minute Vote Count.
1:17 Vote counts from 104 of the 916 polling stations in Lower Egypt governorate of Beheira show Mursi in the lead, according to our latest figures:
Mursi: 86,492
Shafiq: 73,359
1:14 In Fayoum Mursi extends his lead after tentative results stream in from 181 polling stations, according to the Brotherhood's
Mursi: 241,718
Shafiq: 59,280
00:58 Steeling himself for a win? Mursi is far ahead in the Al-Dekhalia, the industrial powerhouse of Alexandria Governorate, according to our latest figures:
Mursi: 50,964
Shafiq: 25,946
00:53 Shafiq is still leading in Gharbiya Governorate, according to our latest tally from 169 polling stations:
Shafiq: 146,402
Mursi: 97,974
00:42 The Brotherhood's man is far, far ahead in the governorate of Fayoum, according to our latest figures. Here's the new tally:
Mursi: 131,034
Shafiq: 27,654
00:39 Mubarak's last prime minister has a solid lead in Sharqiya, according to our latest figure. Counts for 45 polling stations put the tallies at:
Shafiq: 32,283
Mursi: 22,507
00:31 Mursi has an immense lead in Beni Suef, according to figures cited by
IkhwanOnline. The Brotherhood's website is reporting the following:
Mursi: 131,882
Shafiq: 34,681
00:30 Shafiq is taking a slight lead in Luxor after a count of 16 polling stations, according to
Al-Hayat TV channel. Figures are as follows:
Shafiq: 16,357
Mursi: 15,120
00:26 Mursi (56.4 per cent) is now ahead of Shafiq (43.4 per cent) in Ahram Online's latest countrywide tally.A total of 492,080 votes have been counted.
00:23 Shafiq's official spokesperson, Ahmed Sarhan,
tweets "Mission Accomplished!" in a gesture that brings to mind George W Bush's infamous comment during the Iraq War.
00:14 Results for 26 polling stations in North Sinai show Mursi garnering more than double the vote of his rival, according to Al-Hayat TV channel. Their tally is as follows:
Mursi: 46,596
Shafiq: 20,856
00:08 According to
Al-Hayat TV channel, the latest vote counts from Sohag show Mursi surging ahead:
Mursi: 100,750
Shafiq: 52,842
00:03 Ahmed Sarhan, the Shafiq campaign's official spokesperson, is brimming with confidence,
tweeting the following:
"Lieutenant General Shafiq is on the cusp of becoming Egypt's first post-January 25 presidentindications are very promising."
He also praised Shafiq's solid performance in the Delta:
"Port Said will be a surprise and [Shafiq] continues to be ahead in Sharqiya. He is playing solo in Qalioubiya, Menoufiya, Daqahliya and Gharbiya. Results in Kafr El-Sheikh are impressive."
23:56 Vote counts from 45 polling station in the Upper Egypt governorate of Assiut show Mursi in a firm lead, according to our latest figures:
Mursi: 44,321
Shafiq: 15,291
23:53 Initial results from 36 polling stations in Giza Governorate show Mursi in a comfortable lead, according to our latest figures:
Mursi: 46,596
Shafiq: 20,856
23:50 Shafiq (50.2 per cent) has edged past Mursi (49.8 per cent) in Ahram Online's latest countrywide tally. A total of 171,468 ballots have been counted so far.
23:47 Our latest figures show military man Shafiq making a counter-attack in the Delta governorate of Ismailia. Here's a tally to date:
Mursi: 35,684
Shafiq: 28,459
23:44 Another update from the Upper Egypt governorate of Sohag courtesy of
Mursi: 60,682
Shafiq: 31,287
23:42 The Delta governorate of Gharbiya has given a further lead to Mursi after the vote count was finalised at 20 polling stations, according to our latest figures:
Mursi: 15,913
Shafiq: 12,740
23:40 According to the Brotherhood' official website, Mursi has leapt past his rival after the counting of votes from 67 poll stations in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate.
Mursi: 29,421
Shafiq: 18,329
23:37 The Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party announce in a press conference on their television channel, Misr 25, the results after 1.3 million votes were tallied:
Mursi: 842,577 (61 per cent)
Shafiq: 541,785 (39 per cent)