Lifafa Journos are finally speaking the Truth!!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Actually Nawaz and corrupt gang, applied the strategy of bringing nation on the edge of such poverty, that it become impossible for them to think any thing except how can we feed our kids the next meal and this is what happened and still happening. People are scared that what ever Nawaz and group did we were at least getting 1 meal a day and they are assured if you don't support the PML"N" you will lose that 1 meal as well, they have lost trust, they beleive that there will be one after another similar rulers, so why interrupt let this one keep going at least we have set our self to live with that 1 meal.
Someone should take it as a mission to go out and tell them that if you take stand you will see better days, happy days, respectable days where you will be able to earn enough to live a respectable life. It is more that any Tableegh and some one should do it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یہ تو سارا پاکستان جانتا ہے ٢٠١٣ میں دھاندلی نہیں دھاندلا ہوا تھا لیکن تب حامد میر جعفر اور جیدے چنگڑ جیسے بے غیرت نام کے صحافی اور پیشے کے دلال نورے کی ڈالی ہوئی ہڈی کو حلال کرنے میں لگے تھے

آج پاکستان تباہی کے دھانے جا کھڑا ہوا ہے اب بھی یہ بے غیرت باز نہیں آ رہے

ن لیگ کے درباری تو چلو مجبوری میں میڈیا پر نورے کا دفاع کرتے تھے کیوں کہ وہ حرام خور نورے کے سیاسی انتقام سے ڈرتے تھے پر صحافتی طوائفیں صرف ہڈی کی وجہ سے پاکستان کو ڈبوتے رہے

الله ان کو غرق کرے .... آمین


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یہ مہر ،کاشف،حامد،جاوید اور کئی دوسرے بھڑوے گول گول باتیں کرنے کے عادی ہیں اور جہاں سے جیب گرم ھوتی ھے انکے گُن گاتے ھیں۔آج اڈیالہ سے پولیس ریسٹ ھاوٴس میں ان کتی کے بچوں کو شفٹ کرنے کے آڈر ھو رھے ہیں مگر کوئی ان لوگوں میں سے حرامخور یہ اسٹینڈ نہیں لے رھا کہ ایسا کوں ھو رھا ھے؟؟؟ماسوائے ارشد شریف کے۔۔۔


President (40k+ posts)
Actually Nawaz and corrupt gang, applied the strategy of bringing nation on the edge of such poverty, that it become impossible for them to think any thing except how can we feed our kids the next meal and this is what happened and still happening. People are scared that what ever Nawaz and group did we were at least getting 1 meal a day and they are assured if you don't support the PML"N" you will lose that 1 meal as well, they have lost trust, they beleive that there will be one after another similar rulers, so why interrupt let this one keep going at least we have set our self to live with that 1 meal.
Someone should take it as a mission to go out and tell them that if you take stand you will see better days, happy days, respectable days where you will be able to earn enough to live a respectable life. It is more that any Tableegh and some one should do it.

They have taken away the basic necessities from the people.
Therefore don't expect them to think beyond their physiological needs.
