Leaked and solved mdcat exam was sold for pkr 50,000-1 lakh in lahore and it has made students helpl


Senator (1k+ posts)
This year’s Medical and Dental College Admission Tests for Punjab were leaked in Lahore. In the reports released by local news outlets, it has been reported that the entry exam was solved and leaked to students through various academies. The paper, in a short passage of time, went viral and students who had benefit to such corruption performed well in the exam.

According to ARY News, the exam was solved and sold between PKR 50, 000 to 1 lakh!


Students claim that the Physics portion of the MDCAT was given as a mock exam in the local Star Academy. According to students, this was a plotted scheme and the local academy leaked the exam on purpose. Additionally, students are claiming that the solved exam was also leaked by the same university.


Around 70,000 students appeared in an exam which offers just 3400 allotted seats. A total of 220 MCQs were asked in the given time of 2 hours and 30 minutes, which gives each MCQ the time of 40 seconds. Out of the 220 MCQs, 40 were numerical which required additional working as calculators were not allowed. The Physics and Maths questions were based on exams which engineering students give in their ECATs. On the other hand, the English portion has questions revolving around the Ph.D. level, asserting how difficult it would be for government students.

This was the Leaked and pre-solved Exam


The UHS has taken no stand on this issue and remains silent. The students are the ones who are suffering as they would have to waste another year, putting a hold on their dreams.

Each year, a student in a different part of the country commits suicide due to the weak and corrupt system. No one takes a stand for these students who have to put their dreams aside because of the corruption which prevails openly.

Source: https://news.parhlo.com/leaked-solved-mdcat-exam-lahore-sold-rs-50000-rs-1-lakh/?fref=gc


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
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