Leadership Matters

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Leadership Matters

Funny thing about life is that when we think of having all the answers, suddenly LIFE changes the question. Recent attack by extremists on Jinnah Hospital Lahore wearing Police uniforms was aimed at rescuing their injured colleague captured by law enforcing authorities after 28th May, 2010 man hunt killings of more than 92 persons in the aftermath of targeted Qadiani Worship places in Model Town and Gadhi-Shahu. Myriad private television channels who lack better sense and knowledge about their professional limitations kept on showing live images among their much acclaimed Breaking News that an injured terrorist identified as Maaz is being treated in JPGH Emergency and investigating Agencies are confident of collecting potential clue and informations about the network behind this heinous crime. How ironical!

Latest attempt has established without an iota of doubt this larger US game plan for Pakistan and the issue is not what the US plans to do but what OUR leadership is doing or not doing to protect itself, from this increasingly threatening US agenda. Those who feel that such acts are perpetuated on religious or ethical grounds are either completely nave & ignorant or had no vision at all, as to how such barbaric target killings can be averted. Its part of a well planned and hatched conspiracy by the enemies of Islam and the stability of our country is seriously threatened. Hype in print and electronic media is weakening State Organs to flush out this menace once for all.

But first some serious questions that our leadership and specially our Interior Minister should have done immediately after the attacks on Qadiani Worship places, which has now beginning to look more and more like a deliberately created incident to suck Pakistan into not only doing the US bidding in Southern Punjab vis a vis North Waziristan but also to provide a scenario which would allow more US forces to enter our territory and allow US to forcibly take control of our nuclear assets!

What is truly disturbing thought is the civil and military leaderships silence on questioning US intent? Why are we allowing the US to threaten us while we continue to entertain their civil, military and intelligence teams and frequent delegations along with providing NATO forces in Afghanistan the basic fuel, food, medical and other logistic services without which more than hundred thousand Americans & their NATO allies can not sustain?

In the aftermath of this bleareyed threat, very least shouldnt our government suspend cooperation with the US? Should we not convey our displeasure at this overt threat and stoppage of NATO supplies and the downing of a drone will definitely send a clearer cut message to Americans than an apologetic mumblings from our leadership?
Napolian said, If you built an army of 1000 LIONS and their leader is a DOG the lions will die like dogs but, if you built an army of 1000 dogs and their leader is a Lion, all dogs will fight like, LIONS.
In conclusion, the Leadership Matters!


Councller (250+ posts)
Funny thing about life is that when we think of having all the answers, suddenly “LIFE” changes the question. Recent attack by extremists on “Jinnah Hospital” Lahore wearing “Police” uniforms was aimed at rescuing their injured colleague captured by law enforcing authorities after 28th May, 2010 man hunt killings of more than 92 persons in the aftermath of targeted “Qadiani Worship” places in Model Town and Gadhi-Shahu. Myriad private television channels who lack better sense and knowledge about their professional limitations kept on showing live images among their much acclaimed “Breaking News” that an injured terrorist identified as “Ma’az” is being treated in JPGH ‘Emergency’ and investigating Agencies are confident of collecting potential clue and information’s about the network behind this heinous crime. How ironical!

Yes it was as if they were running all these news in a far-flung planet away from globe where terrorists won't be able to watch it and plan accordingly. I think it is shameful more than ironical. But this shows that every one in this country is doing what one wishes or wants to - in their own domains - and there is no system of check and balance anywhere.

Latest attempt has established without an iota of doubt this larger US game plan for Pakistan and the issue is not what the US plans to do but what OUR leadership is doing or not doing to protect itself, from this increasingly threatening US agenda. Those who feel that such acts are perpetuated on religious or ethical grounds are either completely nave & ignorant or had no vision at all, as to how such barbaric target killings can be averted. Its part of a well planned and hatched conspiracy by the enemies of Islam and the stability of our country is seriously threatened. Hype in print and electronic media is weakening “State Organs” to flush out this menace once for all.
Bajwa saab, I think you have something there. I dearly believe it is yet to be decided and understood what the real game plan is ... some people are conjuring up conspiracy theories to their own individual understandings. But there are somethins which happen in a sequel to indicate a confirmed road-map where this whole dirty international politics is advancing. And it is also to be decided as if what news weigh much to be taken in to notice and what nots. If UN declares a resolution against Israel and vows to check its military arsenal reports ... there is a group which goes "halleluja" ... and when Israel belligerently denies access and rudely defies any need to have its paraphernalia checked ... there is the same group which goes "ahhhaaa ... now ain't Israel a culprit?" It is as if we are still moving back and forth like a pendulum who finds it impossible to stand on its axis. Along the same lines, since our current ruling elite is US planted, brought there through a deal US brokered itself ... KSA the biggest ally of US providing shelter to every corrupt politician who happens to loot Pakistan and bring it down some more ... and even after realizing that we go on looking if "our government" will do something to protect this country or not. I wanna know HOW MANY GOONS, HOW MANY WOUNDS WOULD IT TAKE US TO REALIZE THAT WE MUST STEP UP AND CORRECT THE WRONGS WE FEEL MUST BE CORRECTED ... or PPP would keep saying with 16% votes in their favor out of whole population of Pakistan that they have been entrusted with a mandate and they have every right to exercise it.

But first some serious questions that our leadership and specially our “Interior Minister” should have done immediately after the attacks on “Qadiani Worship” places, which has now beginning to look more and more like a deliberately created incident to suck Pakistan into not only doing the US bidding in “Southern” Punjab vis a vis North Waziristan but also to provide a scenario which would allow more US forces to enter our territory and allow US to forcibly take control of our nuclear assets!

First of all ... "our interior minister" should be a Pakistani not a dual nationality holder who can easily board a plane and get the hell out of here when circumstances dont favor him, like Moeen Qureshi, Short-cut Aziz, Musharraf, Takla brothers and BB. We see them daily ridiculing our judicial system which so many people of Pakistan strived to have re-instated and we do nothing ... they declare they have been given mandate and play victims while they are in power ... can there be any bigger theatric on earth ? If US does gets away with our Nuclear assets ... what wrong would it do to us ? except that we won't be able to practice our ego, our honor ? The question is are we showing dignity already ? If we are not ... then it makes no difference if our nuclear weapons are with us or snatched ? Things have got really to this level ...

What is truly disturbing thought is the “civil and military” leadership’s silence on questioning US intent? Why are we allowing the US to threaten us while we continue to entertain their civil, military and intelligence teams and frequent delegations along with providing NATO forces in Afghanistan the basic fuel, food, medical and other logistic services without which more than hundred thousand American’s & their NATO allies can not sustain?
Some million dollar questions ..... our "civil and military" leadership ... brother we don't have any. We have got them by default who declare themselves Leaders ... there is no leader ... and those who can be leaders who are honest, upright, have a direct approach ... we are not forcing them to be our leaders ... I am sure that ANP leader who denounced Hadrat Quaid RA in our provicial assembly would get re-elected if a magic hand was to remove him .... now talk of dignity, honor, leadership or anything ...

In the aftermath of this bleareyed threat, very least shouldn’t our government suspend cooperation with the US? Should we not convey our displeasure at this overt threat and stoppage of NATO supplies and the downing of a drone will definitely send a clearer cut message to Americans than an apologetic mumblings from our leadership?

Actually with hundreds of deaths in Lahore ... indian high commissioner throws a party with booz, jaaz and festivities a day after the incident and we don't even mark our protest to india ... US is a bigger player surely. Not even an individual organization from any social outfit gathers around indian high commission to denounce its teasing activities .... let alone our government who have their hands in glove with our ideological rivals.

“Napolian” said, “ If you built an army of 1000 ‘LIONS’ and their leader is a ‘DOG’ the lions will die like dogs but, if you built an army of 1000 dogs and their leader is a ‘Lion’, all dogs will fight like, LIONS.
In conclusion, the Leadership Matters!

Plato said "People are respectable when they are at war with their government" ... which does not mean virtual war with weapons or disobedience ... but it means they should be wary of their rights, their decisions on war footings. They should stand up at the slightest notion of treason from their rulers ... they MUST react when any body dares to pose himself as unpatriotic ... there used to be a time when a good leader like Bhutto was dismissed just because he "sipped" now and then ... and now our leaders dance and sing on national networks and we idolize them ... heck.

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Yes it was as if they were running all these news in a far-flung planet away from globe where terrorists won't be able to watch it and plan accordingly. I think it is shameful more than ironical. But this shows that every one in this country is doing what one wishes or wants to - in their own domains - and there is no system of check and balance anywhere.

Bajwa saab, I think you have something there. I dearly believe it is yet to be decided and understood what the real game plan is ... some people are conjuring up conspiracy theories to their own individual understandings. But there are somethins which happen in a sequel to indicate a confirmed road-map where this whole dirty international politics is advancing. And it is also to be decided as if what news weigh much to be taken in to notice and what nots. If UN declares a resolution against Israel and vows to check its military arsenal reports ... there is a group which goes "halleluja" ... and when Israel belligerently denies access and rudely defies any need to have its paraphernalia checked ... there is the same group which goes "ahhhaaa ... now ain't Israel a culprit?" It is as if we are still moving back and forth like a pendulum who finds it impossible to stand on its axis. Along the same lines, since our current ruling elite is US planted, brought there through a deal US brokered itself ... KSA the biggest ally of US providing shelter to every corrupt politician who happens to loot Pakistan and bring it down some more ... and even after realizing that we go on looking if "our government" will do something to protect this country or not. I wanna know HOW MANY GOONS, HOW MANY WOUNDS WOULD IT TAKE US TO REALIZE THAT WE MUST STEP UP AND CORRECT THE WRONGS WE FEEL MUST BE CORRECTED ... or PPP would keep saying with 16% votes in their favor out of whole population of Pakistan that they have been entrusted with a mandate and they have every right to exercise it.

First of all ... "our interior minister" should be a Pakistani not a dual nationality holder who can easily board a plane and get the hell out of here when circumstances dont favor him, like Moeen Qureshi, Short-cut Aziz, Musharraf, Takla brothers and BB. We see them daily ridiculing our judicial system which so many people of Pakistan strived to have re-instated and we do nothing ... they declare they have been given mandate and play victims while they are in power ... can there be any bigger theatric on earth ? If US does gets away with our Nuclear assets ... what wrong would it do to us ? except that we won't be able to practice our ego, our honor ? The question is are we showing dignity already ? If we are not ... then it makes no difference if our nuclear weapons are with us or snatched ? Things have got really to this level ...

Some million dollar questions ..... our "civil and military" leadership ... brother we don't have any. We have got them by default who declare themselves Leaders ... there is no leader ... and those who can be leaders who are honest, upright, have a direct approach ... we are not forcing them to be our leaders ... I am sure that ANP leader who denounced Hadrat Quaid RA in our provicial assembly would get re-elected if a magic hand was to remove him .... now talk of dignity, honor, leadership or anything ...

Actually with hundreds of deaths in Lahore ... indian high commissioner throws a party with booz, jaaz and festivities a day after the incident and we don't even mark our protest to india ... US is a bigger player surely. Not even an individual organization from any social outfit gathers around indian high commission to denounce its teasing activities .... let alone our government who have their hands in glove with our ideological rivals.

Plato said "People are respectable when they are at war with their government" ... which does not mean virtual war with weapons or disobedience ... but it means they should be wary of their rights, their decisions on war footings. They should stand up at the slightest notion of treason from their rulers ... they MUST react when any body dares to pose himself as unpatriotic ... there used to be a time when a good leader like Bhutto was dismissed just because he "sipped" now and then ... and now our leaders dance and sing on national networks and we idolize them ... heck.
LIFE is very small, fragile and delicate, like a very small open candle flame. Just like your
own life. Even a warm breath of air can make it to stop and die.

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Hadith # 1521 (Bukhari_Muslim):
Allah's Messenger, who is the most truthful, said Verily your creation is on this wise. The constituents of one of you are collected for forty days in his mother's womb in the form of blood. After which it becomes a clot of blood in an other period of forty days. Then after forty days it becomes a lump of flesh and Allah sends His angel to breathe life into it, as well as to convey instructions concerning four (4) things: The angel writes down his livelihood, his death, his deeds, his fortune & misfortune.



MPA (400+ posts)
Well every one knows the political leaders in Pakistan are not Lions so that leaves only one choice ------ DOGS


MPA (400+ posts)
Hadith # 1521 (Bukhari_Muslim):
Allah's Messenger, who is the most truthful, said Verily your creation is on this wise. The constituents of one of you are collected for forty days in his mother's womb in the form of blood. After which it becomes a clot of blood in an other period of forty days. Then after forty days it becomes a lump of flesh and Allah sends His angel to breathe life into it, as well as to convey instructions concerning four (4) things: The angel writes down his livelihood, his death, his deeds, his fortune & misfortune.

Jazak Allah. Thanks for sharing this beautiful hadees and providing knowledge, and also make us realize our own "real worth and value"

Jazak Allah
