I instamusic Banned Jul 11, 2015 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11737985_481072815385235_6219641060654218732_n.jpg?oh=093e5c15af1caad15bf102d81ca921b6&oe=561BBB09 Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
eye-eye-PTI Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 11, 2015 #2 Who needs rangers when your institutions are fully functioning without any political interference. Well done Ehtesab commission KP and well done KP govt.
Who needs rangers when your institutions are fully functioning without any political interference. Well done Ehtesab commission KP and well done KP govt.
miafridi Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 11, 2015 #3 Indeed it is the change IK promised. And we hope for a more transparent system under Ik's leadership.:)
Indeed it is the change IK promised. And we hope for a more transparent system under Ik's leadership.:)
K knowme786 MPA (400+ posts) Jul 11, 2015 #5 khurram said: worst moment in the history of pakistan politics Click to expand... And the best moment will be when we will see noose around their necks soon,,,,,,
khurram said: worst moment in the history of pakistan politics Click to expand... And the best moment will be when we will see noose around their necks soon,,,,,,
Husaink Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 11, 2015 #6 khurram said: worst moment in the history of pakistan politics Click to expand... اک میرا چاند اک میرا تارا -- جدّہ کا لاڈلہ دبئی کا پیارا :biggthumpup:
khurram said: worst moment in the history of pakistan politics Click to expand... اک میرا چاند اک میرا تارا -- جدّہ کا لاڈلہ دبئی کا پیارا :biggthumpup: