Komal Rizvi's response on controversial selfie with Edhi

Liaqat Hussain

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

"The controversial Selfie with Edhi"

"I walked into his office with his grandchildren and his face lit up with a smile. Met his amazing and cheerful wife. Bilquis aapa excitedly told me stories about all the amazing people who have to visit them and awarded them for the selfless service. ..
They requested me to sing something soulful and I happily and humbly obliged. I sang Lambi Judai. I will be posting the short clip tomorrow:)

I have been travelling alot all of last year and the year before that I wasn't even living in Pakistan.

So when I heard that my hero was not well I decided it was high time I pay my respects. As should each and every citizen of this country by the way:)I was extremely excited to meet the most important man in my Nation. I went to give them a humble donation and to offer my services to them... they don't need me... I need to them. Being part of their foundation is a dream for me:)

Bilquis Aapa took my details down and requested me to make myself available for attending and perforning at the shaadi of orphan girls and I happily agreed. And that she will InshAllah get in touch if there is anything else needed.

I was like an excited teenager... I asked them if it's ok to take pictures with them and they very kindly agreed. In fact, the most SURPRISING thing happened... their grandchildren wanted to take pictures of me with the amazing couple too...! And asked if they can post it on Facebook. Nothing would have been a greater honor of course. So I said yes!

Edhi Sahab wanted to sit up for my pictures.. I quickly asked him to keep lying down... i didnt want to inconvenience him even one tinsy bit...while his beautiful wife was making funny jokes and talking about Sean Penn and Anupam khers visit... I took tons of pics and selfies.Both Edhi Sahab and Bilquis Aapa were very happy.

He is NOT DYING. He is undergoing dialysis with Dr. ADEEB RIZVI and is not in perfect health. A transplant cannot be made because MashAllah he is 90 years old. Yes is ill and old now but may the Almighty bless him with many many more Happy years ahead! Ameen

Both Edhi Sahab and bilquis aapa seemed to be really enjoying my visit with my bhabi, nephew and niece... they didn't want us to leave... but alas, we had to go....I share this personal visit with you and the conversations we had briefly because I believe that my selfie with Edhi Sahab is possibly the greatest and best selfie I have ever taken.
I love it! I will print it and frame it because I am extremely excited like a little kid about it.

I am reposting it again because I don't think anyone else in pakistan has a greater selfie than this. Both Edhi Sahab and I were happy taking it. We were laughing and joking and singing and talking about other celebrity visits and how i can possibly participate in the future with their foundation:)I am ALSO EXTREMELY disappointed with how nasty, negative, and lazy and hypocritical some people in Pakistan are. To take such an innocent and beautiful thing and turn it into something ugly.

I will be permnently blocking each and every person who has negatively or nastily commented on my beautiful and memorable selfie today by 5pm.
So if you have any regrets for making a hasty and ill-informed ugly comment you have time to retract and delete it:-)
Lastly I would request to these nasty people... have some damn respect will u? Why are you waiting for an excuse to tear someone down. This is not the behaviour of a good happy postive Muslim. Shame on all of you.
It does NOT make any difference to me at all because I will still love my selfie forever and always. The only one you are annoying is your own self. Please find something constructive and productive with your lives:)

May this country become a happy and positive nation soon InshAllah. Ameen"




Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
آپ نے اچھا کیا بے فکر رہو تنقید تو ہوتی ہے لیکن اس پکچر میں ایدھی صاھب بھی مسکرا رہے ہیں اسلئے سب اچھا ہے
