Kim Barker Is Also Happy On NAB's Decision About Nawaz Sharif Corruption


Councller (250+ posts)

نوازشریف کی سزا پر امریکی صحافی کم بارکر کا ردعمل بھی سامنے آگیا۔۔ کم بارکر نے اپنے ٹویٹ میں خوشی کا اظہار کرتے ہوئے کہا کہ "واہ۔۔ نوازشریف سابق پاکستانی لیڈر کو بھی جیل کی سزا سنادی گئی"۔
کم بارکر وہ صحافی ہیں جس نے نوازشریف پر الزام لگایا تھا کہ نوازشریف نے انہیں آئی فون گفٹ کیا تھا اور بدلے میں دوستی کی آفر کی تھی۔ کم بارکر کی اس ٹویٹ پر دیکھئے سوشل میڈیا صارفین کا ردعمل
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Councller (250+ posts)
jee nahi, you believe what you want to believe and reject what you dont want to believe.
Do you guys EVER make sense? all the three women you mentioned were either involved or allegedly involved in IK's life hence argument of them being biased is relevant . What beef Kim Barker has with Nawaz? Name one thing she could gain by falsifying a story. Speak logic and teach your kids the same. All 3 women you mention are made to believe linked with IK's personal life , what personal life KIM Barker had with the god father?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Do you guys EVER make sense? all the three women you mentioned were either involved or allegedly involved in IK's life hence argument of them being biased is relevant . What beef Kim Barker has with Nawaz? Name one thing she could gain by falsifying a story. Speak logic and teach your kids the same. All 3 women you mention are made to believe linked with IK's personal life , what personal life KIM Barker had with the god father?
you knew her name before her "revelations"?


Councller (250+ posts)
huh? what's the point? again NEVER make sense . She is an American journalist who happens to meet the then premier of a country just like she met with saddam , again... what's the point?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
you knew her name before her "revelations"?
نواز شریف اس قدر گمنام جرنلسٹ کو نہ صرف انٹرویو دینے پہ راضی بھی ہوا اور ترلوں پر بھی ؟ نواز تو جانتا تھا اتنا نام تو تھا اس کا
