Kia 35 Puncture Ki Kahani Khatam hogai ya??? Shahid Masood Explains


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
جس طریقے سے پینتیس پینکچر کی کہانی کروٹیں لے رہی ہے اس کے پیچھے کچھ تو ضرور ہے ، لیکن ثابت نہیں ہو رہا۔ بالکل ایسے جیسے سرے محل، ہار اور سوئس اکاونٹس کے باوجود زرداری کی کرپشن ثابت نہیں ہو رہی۔ یا ٹارگٹ کلنگ، بھتہ خوری اور اغوا برائے تاوان کے باوجود ایم کیو ایم پر الزامات ثابت نہیں ہو رہے۔ یا میٹرو پراجیکٹ کے ٹپکتے چھتو ں اور تالاب بنے لاونچز، اور نندی پور کے بند پڑے بجلی گھر میں کرپشن ثابت نہیں ہو رہی۔


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
According to me The only Explanation that Shahid Masood can possibly give will be that the agencies or people involved in phone tapping and spying on people won't want this tape to be revealed since once revealed it may start another debate of privacy rights of individuals and may end up in laws in Parliament against syping/phone tapping of individuals..

Note that Shahid Masood Hinted that Agencies spy on Individuals but never want anyone to know that they are spying but in fact they use the information taken during they spying/phone tapping to get their goals, and never directly show the conversation as evidence...


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
It is my gut feeling that one of the personalities that is in on this phone call is a military person.....and establishment is very likely pressurizing Shahid Masood into not exposing the audio in his show....which is why he keeps on repeating kay mujhey adalat mein bulao to mein aoon ga. And he knows he wont be called, because perhaps PTI lawyers have been pressed by the establishment not to do so as well. Cant see any other reason....because exposing it would mean that the army was aware of the punctures, and did nothing about it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
According to me The only Explanation that Shahid Masood can possibly give will be that the agencies or people involved in phone tapping and spying on people won't want this tape to be revealed since once revealed it may start another debate of privacy rights of individuals and may end up in laws in Parliament against syping/phone tapping of individuals..

Note that Shahid Masood Hinted that Agencies spy on Individuals but never want anyone to know that they are spying but in fact they use the information taken during they spying/phone tapping to get their goals, and never directly show the conversation as evidence...

Even IK don't buy this stupid doctor conspiracy theory but you are defending him? strange


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Even IK don't buy this stupid doctor conspiracy theory but you are defending him? strange

In fact if Dr sahab comes up with the possibility i mentioned it will be lame. As Agencies cannot use something directly as evidence, because the court will say who gave you the right to tape the phone. But if someone else produce the audio as evidence then agencies can simply deny any role in tapping the phone and can simply argue that the tape might be recorded by one of the two(in the conversation). So such an argument that Agencies won't let such an audio tape surface, would be lame..

This is just my opinion. Let's wait for Dr. Sahab explanation of not surfacing the audio, which he claims he will disclose..
