C Chaos agent Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Mar 29, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent-mrs1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11203689_1691005424506269_6691823609173230783_n.jpg?oh=143fb8e9e1129ebcf873dd3e17845e58&oe=5794DBE7
A Anmir Minister (2k+ posts) Mar 30, 2016 #2 Praveen bhabhi Rashid should let loose the GULU butts armed with GULU COSE injections on the Islamabad demostrators
Praveen bhabhi Rashid should let loose the GULU butts armed with GULU COSE injections on the Islamabad demostrators