C Chaos agent Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Apr 12, 2016 #1 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-photos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpl1/v/t1.0-0/p160x160/12718085_1697262423880569_6431905499458756217_n.jpg?oh=850ccc250c2399239c81ad367a62fed7&oe=577686A3&__gda__=1468466950_062ce8a02cf57786450d9a9c8e077c7c
A Anmir Minister (2k+ posts) Apr 12, 2016 #2 Shiekh Saab thusi thok kaay CHITI halal lassi Mian nuu thok thok kaay piliao, Bol naa saakay, Sirf cheek kee away aye. Lok kil banay rahay haan, box bananay shuru hoo gaya haan????
Shiekh Saab thusi thok kaay CHITI halal lassi Mian nuu thok thok kaay piliao, Bol naa saakay, Sirf cheek kee away aye. Lok kil banay rahay haan, box bananay shuru hoo gaya haan????
Sultan Alvi Minister (2k+ posts) Apr 13, 2016 #3 I agree with Sheikh Sahib that Noora Nawaz will be out by the end of this month (April)... Insha Allah!
I agree with Sheikh Sahib that Noora Nawaz will be out by the end of this month (April)... Insha Allah!
Citizen X (50k+ posts) بابائے فورم Apr 13, 2016 #5 ML and Sheeda Paaji, this should make for some great entertainment, gonna watch it now (bigsmile)