5246316 Alternate Link
C Chaos agent Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Dec 5, 2016 #1 [PLAYWIRE=1002956]5246316[/PLAYWIRE] Alternate Link Featured Thumbs https://scontent-mad1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/15327360_1806118362994974_3331596339903882091_n.jpg?oh=a2141faee74f4ba83d55d3f1909cece4&oe=58B16772
A ASQR1 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Dec 5, 2016 #2 Praising everything foriegn and not learning to make it yourself is a way of those who depend on others to innovate, invent and sell their products to them, so keep appreciating and keep buying the stuff made not in Pakoatan.
Praising everything foriegn and not learning to make it yourself is a way of those who depend on others to innovate, invent and sell their products to them, so keep appreciating and keep buying the stuff made not in Pakoatan.