Karachi waloon say ma'azrat kay sath


Siasat.pk - Blogger




i still remember when we used to have comedians from all around pakistan and actors originating from balochistan, peshawar hyderabad you know

now every thing is limited in punjab,

even cricket matches used to happen in quetta, peshawar, hyderabad, and now cricket matches are llimited in punjab

the reason is, pakistan has been confined to punjab, karachi is suffering the same fate as any non punjabi land

if you give prosperity to karachi, balochistan, sindh, KPKP then you will see intellectual and talent rising from all across pakistan

today Karachi is the only last frontier outside punjab which is still producing talents and is the only frontier left which can still challenge punjab

but slowing this frontier is also fading and at last there will only be punjab

arts and culture in karachi is dying because of dilapidated condition the city is in, people are more worried abt clean garbage from their streets, fighting their lives to earn the living and increased crime rates and over all destruction of the city then to enjoy comedy to be honest

as far as punjabi comedy goes, always thought it to be below intellectual, cheap and clownish, never had a heartily laugh at punjabi comedy, punjabi comedy needs to introduce element of intellect and it doesn't always need to be clownish to be honest

the 4-5 multicultural ethnically diverse country slowly getting dominated by Punjab is frankly not a very good sign for country like pakistan either and not something to be very proud of as a pakistani, rather as a punjabi nationalist.

about Altaf Hussain, he has won karachi elections since 30-40 years, for majority of karachi people, he is their savior, like jesus, so if as an islamic country, you don't want to hurt feelings of billions of muslims in the world by making jokes on prophet muhammad PBUH, because he is considered holy among so many humans, why would you make jokes about a person who is highly revered in mahajir society, just because punjabi people hate him? isn't it more about punjabi hate than simply comedy to make fun of any pakistani which may also include quaid e azam, aliquat ali khan, even raheel sharif, we all know wht will happen if pak media makes fun of pakistan army right?

when altaf hussain made fun of pak army, he was instantly banned from the media, so on one hand, you are complaining tht how a guy with millions of followers can't be mocked in the media, while a guy with a stick and gun cannot be made fun of in pak media despite having zero followers and die heart fans? isn't tht oxymoronic?

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
i still remember when we used to have comedians from all around pakistan and actors originating from balochistan, peshawar hyderabad you know

now every thing is limited in punjab,

even cricket matches used to happen in quetta, peshawar, hyderabad, and now cricket matches are llimited in punjab

the reason is, pakistan has been confined to punjab, karachi is suffering the same fate as any non punjabi land

if you give prosperity to karachi, balochistan, sindh, KPKP then you will see intellectual and talent rising from all across pakistan

today Karachi is the only last frontier outside punjab which is still producing talents and is the only frontier left which can still challenge punjab

but slowing this frontier is also fading and at last there will only be punjab

arts and culture in karachi is dying because of dilapidated condition the city is in, people are more worried abt clean garbage from their streets, fighting their lives to earn the living and increased crime rates and over all destruction of the city then to enjoy comedy to be honest

as far as punjabi comedy goes, always thought it to be below intellectual, cheap and clownish, never had a heartily laugh at punjabi comedy, punjabi comedy needs to introduce element of intellect and it doesn't always need to be clownish to be honest

the 4-5 multicultural ethnically diverse country slowly getting dominated by Punjab is frankly not a very good sign for country like pakistan either and not something to be very proud of as a pakistani, rather as a punjabi nationalist.

about Altaf Hussain, he has won karachi elections since 30-40 years, for majority of karachi people, he is their savior, like jesus, so if as an islamic country, you don't want to hurt feelings of billions of muslims in the world by making jokes on prophet muhammad PBUH, because he is considered holy among so many humans, why would you make jokes about a person who is highly revered in mahajir society, just because punjabi people hate him? isn't it more about punjabi hate than simply comedy to make fun of any pakistani which may also include quaid e azam, aliquat ali khan, even raheel sharif, we all know wht will happen if pak media makes fun of pakistan army right?

when altaf hussain made fun of pak army, he was instantly banned from the media, so on one hand, you are complaining tht how a guy with millions of followers can't be mocked in the media, while a guy with a stick and gun cannot be made fun of in pak media despite having zero followers and die heart fans? isn't tht oxymoronic?


Was prophet Muhammad also involved in bhatta khori , target killing , and turned a beautiful city into hellhole like your revered leader Altaf hussain did ?


Was prophet Muhammad also involved in bhatta khori , target killing , and turned a beautiful city into hellhole like your revered leader Altaf hussain did ?

no, but he did get accused by kafirs of being a sorcerer, devil incarnation, evil person etc just like punjabis with worst corruption, killing, raping, plundering, terrorism and crime track record pointing fingers at AHB


Sphere Manisfest

Senator (1k+ posts)
Totally disagreed. Anwar Maqsood is a legend and far above in creativity than this corrupt Yasir Pirzada and his corrupt father Ata ul Haq Qasmi. Karachi produced legends on comedy like Dilawar Figar, Ibn Insha, Mushtaq Yusufi, Shokat Thanvi, Anwar Maqsood, Moeen Akhter, Bushra Ansari, Kamal Ahmed Rizvi, all the stars of Fifty-Fifty.

There is no need to compare. Lahore also had its gems like Yunus Butt, Hamid Rana, Sheba Hasan, Khalid Abbas Dar, Jawad Bashir.

Other cities like Zulqarnain Haider from Quetta and the fat moustache guy from Peshawar who was active on PTV in mid and late 80s. (forgot his name but he was too funny).


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
no, but he did get accused by kafirs of being a sorcerer, devil incarnation, evil person etc just like punjabis with worst corruption, killing, raping, plundering, terrorism and crime track record pointing fingers at AHB


I suggest you psychological treatment.
