Oh My GOD! Faisal Raza Abdi is living in Pearl Continental Hotel for the last 1.5 years..... And PIA pays his bills...... Oh my! He totally lies that he pays from his own pocket,
Rs.12,000 (room rent) + Rs.5,000(food) in a PC room = 17,000 x 30(days) x 12(months) = Rs.62 Lacs per year, only on living....?
What kind of business can sustain this kind of shit. Not even “Bill Gates” will live like this, when you can rent the best house in ISB for 1-2 lacs/month.... no buisness man who pays from his own pocket lives like this. What a bunch of Lies!
Fans of PPP who give votes to corrupt Jokers like Faisal Raza Abidi. Shame on all of you! (and don’t give excuses that others are corrupt too, Faisal Raza Joker nay tou extreme hee kar dee)