Javed Chaudhry,your comments before the programme are always very nice.Today you gave the example of jew selling the air is a wonderful example,we have to admit that jews and hindus are the best sales persons but now chinese also taking the number in godd salesmanship.what happened to our pakistani sales persons,either they dont have the right knowledge of salesmanship or they are very greedy and wants to make 500% profit right away,not realizing that less profit and more sales will benefit them eventually but this kind of psychology does not work for our people.now lets come to the real point,punjab is too big province to handle for one govt ,it has to be small in size so the govt can take care of the area.Punjab should be divided into three provinces at least for better governence so the other provinces stop grilling punjab for taking too much advantages. Making three provinces in punjab will benefit punjab for better share in NFC and parity with others too .Baluchistan should also be divided in three and fata and hazara should be given a stautus of provice for good governence,better management and increased GDP.Its good for the country,give a thought on this issue with a good intention.