Dr A Q Khan is a great asset for Pakistan, we should give him the due regard for the great services he has rendered to Pakistan. But under American pressure, even Zardari is keeping Dr Khan under house arrest. Shame on you Zardari.
But I don’t like what this creep Ahsan Iqbal was saying. (Actually Ahsan Iqbal is dreaming that Nawaz Sharif will become the PM third time). All this happened in front of our eyes and in the run up to 28 May, we all know that Nawaz Sharif who by nature is a very coward person and a greedy person (just like Zardari) never wanted to do the Atomic Explosions. This is true that only Gohar Ayub, Gen Karamat and Dr Khan wanted to do Atomic Explosions at every cost. Thank you Gohar Ayub, Gen Karamat, and Dr Mubarakmand and a very very big thank-you to You Sir, Dr Khan.
I am not a great fan of Gohar Ayub, but this guy definitely gave very strong and sharp statements against India at that time. No doubt Gohar Ayub took a very bold stance at that time. (Just like his father – Ayub Khan who took a bold stance in 1965 War).
I pray for good health and long life for Dr A Q Khan.
And now ask any Pakistani to choose between Imran Khan and Jamshed Dusti, this stupid, jahil and junglee Awam will choose, Jamshed Dusti, even now that Arrest warrant have been issued against Jamshed Dusti for manhandling Doctors.
And then ask any one from Muzaffargarh to choose between Dr Khan and Zardari, then don’t be surprised that this stupid Awam will choose Zardari.