Kal Tak - 16th June 2010 - Ahsan Iqbal, "Kala Bagh Dam"


MPA (400+ posts)
Ch Javaid sb kia aap apney plots bhi ginwaien gey, aur haan, jo phichlay kuch dinnon main tv per 15 laakh per khareeda tha kuch aap ne jis ki worth was ????

zara lambi lambi chorney sey pehley zara bhai, apna ehtsaab karo,

waslam aap ka eik chahney wala (THA abhi naheen)


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Javed CH. Please Murday ko nikal day or is minister ko dafna dain. Stupid Member I dont have word for these type of people. They are all living in the good accomodation all their relative have living very Ayshasii ki life and all poor people are lining in dark and they want that we should still remain in the same and dont come over. PAKISTAN ZINDABAD


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
پاکستان کے بننے کے معاملے پر بھی عبدالغفار خان صاحب کو بہت تحفظات تھے اور پاکستان کو انھوں نے
دل سے کبھی تسلیم نہیں کیا
اس کا کھلا ثبوت محترم نے یہ دیا کہ انھوں نے پاکستان کی بجاۓ قابل افغانستان میں دفن ہونے کو ترجیح
دی ان کے خیال کے مطابق پاکستان کی تقسیم غلط تھی اور یہ آزاد ملک نہیں ہے
اس لیے میری سوچ کے مطابق یہ مسئلہ پختوں خواہ کے عوام سے زیادہ، اے این پی کے لیڈروں کی ہٹ
دھرمی اور انا کا زیادہ ہے
اگر میں یہ کہوں تو غلط نہ ہو گا کہ آج تک پختون خواہ ، سندھ، بلوچستان،اور پنجاب کے لوگوں کو تعلیم اور
زندگی کی بنیادی سہولیات سے محروم رکھنے اور چاروں صوبوں کی ترقی کی راہ میں بھی ہمیشہ یہاں کے
یہی خان ، وڈھڑے چوہدری رکاوٹ بنے ہیں ان کو اس بات کا اچھی طرح اندازہ ہے کہ اگر عوام کو اپنے حقوق
کا پتا چل گیا تو پھر ان کی سیاست ان کے ہاتھ سے نکل جاۓ گی لہذا ان کی کوشش یہی رہی گی کہ ان تک تعلیم
اور دنیا کی نئی روشنیوں سے دور رکھا جاۓ
اس کا کھلا ثبوت اس سال تعلیم کے بجٹ میں کٹوتی ہے اگرہم پاکستان کو ترقی کی راہ پر دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں تو اس
کے لیے ضروری ہے کہ ہمیں تعلیم کو عام کرنا پڑے گا جس سے غربت،انتہا پسندی ،بے روز گاری ،اور تشدت پسندی
کو ختم کرنے میں مدد ملے گی اور اس سے ترقی کے موقعے بھی پیدا ہوں گے


Minister (2k+ posts)
Ghafar Khan (Bacha Khan) knew real top of top of Pakistan and he had insight analysis regarding Pakistan future and people of Pakistan(poor people in Khyber,Punjab,Sind and Baluchistan) future and he used to visit different places in Punjab,Bengal, Sind and Baluchistan. He was right that our next generations will be in great trouble and all people on whole planet will abuse them and all world will hate. Innocent people of Pakistan will be always in the hands of stone age top of top. All developed nations in the world will consider these top of top of Pakistan as stone age people as well as ignorant people.That was the reason Bacha Khan was not in favour of separate country.
Now we are suffering.we can,t offer our prayer in our local masjid in our independent country we cant play game in our town in this independent country
we do,t have top level university etc etc
India , on other side is real independent country, they are developing.if we were one country then we could say now that we are Indian and independent country.but as PAkistani we say that we are not independent because some other country attack on our country and we cant do anything this is called independent country it means Bacha Khan was right.
but unfortunately we dont have any leader like Bacha Khan even in ANP or in any other parties except Sir.Imran Khan.
we just pray to God save us


Minister (2k+ posts)
javed chaudhry you did very well.Nice topic, kala bagh dam has been politicised and india was very much behind this project not to be completed,if it was completed pakistan's lots problems would be solved which india did't wanted that so ANP and Sindh govt was approached not to agree with it.Pakistanis are suffering in all the provinces but dont want to complete this so people can get cheap energy and water for agriculture and human use. There is no danger to Naushehra or any other city of that province.shamsul haq ,the chairman of wapda belong to phatoonkhawa,gave the recomendation that it should be made,no danger to any city it should be made.This is the biggest mistake of our own leaders who took so long to make it. Altaf Hussain said if he come into power ,he will make it.Can someone tell me how he will make it when others are against it including altaf himself? That shows the politics of the country.


Minister (2k+ posts)
There seems to be no valid objection from ANP against Kalabagh dam.

Instead of merely discussing this issue in talk shows, a concerted effort should be carried out in which policitcal parties of all the provinces should put heir objections before the technical experts. This way consensus (for or against) can be achieved.

Only saying that it is not feasible and hesitating from reaching a final decision will continue to pinch us time and again. We have to decide on this chapter once and for all.
