I agree 100% with azam sawati that fake degree holders should not let go off the hook just like that ,charge them for dishonesty and send them to jail-also recover the money they received as mna and mpa. If honesty prevail in the country,everything will be all right and controlled .Some politcians are arguing that degree condition was imposed by musharraf to keep some of the people out of the parliament.I endorse the degree condition if someone dont value the eduation then why colleges and universities are working in the country and in the world.In the west education and research is given very much importance thats why these countries are ahead and civilised. Third world countries should move on health and education sector to bring morality and civility in the country.How these uneducated illiterates are gonna do the job in the parliament.Those illiterates gonna choose the judges and other high profile people for the country who themselves dont have any knowledge about anything.This will be a mockery of the system in the country to bring those uneducated in the parliament.In the west 99.9% members of the parliament are highly qualified people, try to learn something good from the west.I am pretty sure majority o f the mna's and mpa's are not able to write an application .