Junaid Jamshed (alleged) Blasphemy & Repentance


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

In the last few days there has been a lot of discussions about Junaid Jamsheds alleged blasphemy against mother of the believers Sayyida Aisha (RA) and then emotional apology. Observing from the comments, it is becoming apparent that most people have not heard the original clip, not analysed the evidence and are merely jumping on the bandwagon! Interestingly, many in the west are not fluent in Urdu so have no clue as to what was said in the original offense or the apology.

Here is the breakdown with full English translation:

Junaid Jamshed
s alleged blasphemy:

Amma (mother) Aisha (RA) used to demand attention from Rasul-ullah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam). She was the most beloved, the most dear so she used to demand attention and lie down faking an illness. The Nabi of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) used to arrive (home) and seek to ask about her well being.
One day she wrapped her forehead and was crying in pain Ah! Ah, Nabi of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) arrived and asked, What happened Aisha (RA)? My head is about to explode, I am very sick!
Rasul-ullah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) replied, O Aisha (RA) if you passed away in this condition the Nabi of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) would perform your Janazah (funeral) prayer how fortunate would you be?

She bolted and sat upright and threw the cloth from her forehead and said, You want me to die so you can go to other (wives).

This is the evidence that a woman cannot change her (nature) even despite being in the company of Nabi of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam). The nature of a woman cannot change despite being in the company of Nabi of Allah (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) so dont try to change it otherwise you will break it. She is from a bent rib so if you force it (you will break it)!

Evidence for Junaid Jamsheds "alleged" blasphemy:

The Headache issue:

Chapter of Saheeh Bukhari:

??? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?????
Chapter: To say "I am sick," or "Oh, my head!" or "My ailment has been aggravated"

Hadeeth of Saheeh Bukhari:

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Narrated Al-Qasim bin Muhammad: `Aisha, (complaining of headache) said, "Oh, my head"! Allah's Messenger (?) said, "I wish that had happened while I was still living, for then I would ask Allah's Forgiveness for you and invoke Allah for you." Aisha said, "Wa thuklayah! By Allah, I think you want me to die; and If this should happen, you would spend the last part of the day sleeping with one of your wives!" The Prophet (?) said, "Nay, I should say, 'Oh my head!' I felt like sending for Abu Bakr and his son, and appoint him as my successor lest some people claimed something or some others wished something, but then I said (to myself), 'Allah would not allow it to be otherwise, and the Muslims would prevent it to be otherwise".[Bukhari]

Further (recommended) reading:

Commentary of Imam Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani (RA) on the Hadeeth
Women being bent-rib issue:

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Abu Hurayrah (RA). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: Treat women kindly, for woman was created from a bent rib, and the most crooked part of the rib is the top part, so treat women kindly. [Bukhari & Muslim]

Further (recommended) reading:

Any Commentary on this Hadeeth and Fatwa of Ulama based on the Hadeeth.

Blasphemy or dramatization?

When facts are viewed in light of Hadeeth it is clear that Junaid Jamshed isn't guilty of blasphemy but he is guilty of dramatization of the events! He is laughing, smiling, giggling and play acting and slightly exaggerating the events which actually occurred.

But those who have sickness in their hearts have made a mountain out of a molehill. Our dear and beloved Hazrat (Shaykh) Arslan. (Damat Barakatuhum) has referenced a small talk by a Scholar Maulana Irshad (HA) and his explanation is bang on the money and it translates as:

Jazakallah Maulana Ibraheem Isa, you have given the references and I would like to add a few points to the discussion. It is correct that saying seeking attention puts an artificial twist & slant to the issue. It is beyond the grandeur and status of mother of the believers Aisha (RA) and Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) that she was (Naaudho-billah) acting it out or showing it off.

We can speculate that perhaps the intention of Junaid Jamshed was to demonstrate that when Sayyidina Aisha (RA) had a headache then as a wife it was (a natural desire) for the husband i.e. Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) to divert his attention towards her. When he (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) came home she was crying in pain (o my head, o my head) so it can be speculated that she was drawing the attention of Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) towards her suffering.

The second thing which Junaid Jamshed said was that the natural disposition of a woman cannot change even despite the companionship of Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) this statement in its spirit is correct. So when we combine the two statements together perhaps Junaid Jamshed was trying to articulate that the natural disposition which Allah (SWT) has placed in a woman then it cant be that after coming into the companionship of Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) these natural (desires and disposition) will be change and she will become a fully observant drone then it cant happen.

These natural desires and dispositions were expressed by the mothers of the believers on numerous occasions and this (wasnt) the only occasion. During the incident of Al-Ifk when revelation was descending upon Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) and his body was shaking Sayyidina Abu Bakr (RA) had asked Sayyida Aisha (RA) to hold him (in an embrace to protect his trembling body) but she declined. After revelation when Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) informed her about her innocence (which was revealed by Allah (SWT)) she said that Praise & Gratitude to Allah (SWT) and not to you (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam).

There are other incidents.

In a journey when Sayyida Aisha (RA) had swapped her camel with (likely) Sayyida Hafsa (RA) then she felt some sadness when Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassallam) joined Sayyida Hafsa (RA) so she was placing her foot in the grass for (an) insect to bite!

The summary of these incidents when considered (together) point out that perhaps Junaid Jamshed was trying to articulate that the natural desires and disposition of a woman will not change. However, the error of Junaid Jamshed is that (similar to Naseem Hijazi) he spiced up the incidents a little bit which may lead (some) to imagine that it was the (modern day romanticism of todays couples) and this is against Adab. Junaid Jamshed should not just repent but should explain to people the background because mere repentance would paint the incident in the worst light i.e. that he has uttered the worst blasphemy (potential expulsion from Islam). The explanation he should do should articulate that I meant that human nature, desires and disposition remain and they do not change! They may alter a little but natural disposition does not change. We know the incidents of the Sahaba (RA) with their wives and the four (4) Caliphs with their wives, their differences and these are all part of natural human disposition which dont vanish or disappear due to companionship of a pious person or even a Prophet. The gradation of truth vs falsehood changes, nearness towards Allah (SWT) is achieved, of course the highest rank of closeness towards Allah (SWT) is achieved through the companionship of a Prophet.

That leaves us to the utterings of Peer Muzaffar Shah and their ignorant (group) who are hell bent on declaring Junaid Jamshed an absolute apostate! May Allah (SWT) protect us from the rants of these ignoramuses (Ameen). May Allah (SWT) protect us from these wretched ones (Ameen). The truth is that they want to work to expel people from the sanctuary of Islam!

Junaid Jamshed
s Repentance & Apology:

In the Name of Allah (SWT), The Most Beneficient, The Most Merciful Respected and honourable, elders, brothers and my Sisters, Sometime ago due to ignorance, lack of knowledge and ignorance I uttered some words regarding Amma (mother) Sayyida Aisha (RA) [sobbing] which were against the grandeur and status of such a personality, it was my mistake.

My mistake was committed due to my ignorance, my lack of knowledge. I am not a Scholar, I am not a Mufti and I admit in front of the Ummah and I accept my mistake. I sincerely repent from Allah (SWT) and I beseech to be forgiven. I stand before you (humiliated& distraught) and beg of your forgiveness. I made a mistake and I admit my mistake but it was neither intentional nor deliberate because [sobbing] the one who intentionally and deliberately says something (blasphemous) regarding Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassalam) or the Sahabah or wives of the Nabi (Sallallaho Alaihe Wassalam) loses his faith

So I again sincerely ask forgives from you (all).

And I also hope that you will forgive your brother and I sincerely appreciate the efforts of those (brothers) who pointed the error and made me aware of it and made me realise the gravity of my error.

[sobbing] I request that you make dua for me for Allah (SWT) to grant me the ability to express the truth.
I have been in this work of Dawah for 17 years and sometimes do 3 talks a day, a mistake has happened once. Look, only the Prophets are free from mistakes we all can make mistakes and my mistake (I can assure you) was neither intentional nor deliberate.

I made a mistake and not only me but this is also NOT the opinion of (our) Tableeghi Jamaat.

Please forgive your brother.

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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
پاکستان کے توہین رسالت کے قانون میں معافی کی کوئی گنجایٓش نہیں اور نہ ملزم کی نیت کا کوئی دخل ھے۔ جنید جمشید کے کیس میں بآسانی اندازہ لگایا جا سکتا ہے کہ اس کا گستاخی کرنے کا کوئی ارادہ نہیں تھا اس نے نادانی میں ایسی بات کر دی۔ لیکن پاکستان کے قانون کے مطابق وہ پھر بھی مجرم ہے۔ علماء اس قانون میں کوئی ترمیم نہیں چاہتے لہذا جنید کو سزا ملنی چاہئے۔


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
پاکستان کے توہین رسالت کے قانون میں معافی کی کوئی گنجایٓش نہیں اور نہ ملزم کی نیت کا کوئی دخل ھے۔ جنید جمشید کے کیس میں بآسانی اندازہ لگایا جا سکتا ہے کہ اس کا گستاخی کرنے کا کوئی ارادہ نہیں تھا اس نے نادانی میں ایسی بات کر دی۔ لیکن پاکستان کے قانون کے مطابق وہ پھر بھی مجرم ہے۔ علماء اس قانون میں کوئی ترمیم نہیں چاہتے لہذا جنید کو سزا ملنی چاہئے۔

When facts are viewed in light of Hadeeth it is clear that Junaid Jamshed isn't guilty of blasphemy but he is guilty of dramatization of the events! He is laughing, smiling, giggling and play acting and slightly exaggerating the events which actually occurred. But the Taqayyah Brigade does not leave any opportunity to malign a Muslim even if he / she does dramatization of events un-intentionally and repent afterward. Whereas Taqayyah Brigade would openly be Blasphemous to Sahabah Kareem (رضی اللہ عنھا).


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
This is an extremely good case, it should go in the court. Read this excellent article from 2014.

When facts are viewed in light of Hadeeth it is clear that Junaid Jamshed isn't guilty of blasphemy but he is guilty of dramatization of the events! He is laughing, smiling, giggling and play acting and slightly exaggerating the events which actually occurred. But the Taqayyah Brigade does not leave any opportunity to malign a Muslim even if he / she does dramatization of events un-intentionally and repent afterward. Whereas Taqayyah Brigade would openly be Blasphemous to Sahabah Kareem (رضی اللہ عنھا).


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
In Pakistani Blasphemy Law there is NO forgiveness. You Blaspheme, You die. Where are the Ashiq-e-Rasools!? LoL. Karo naam roshan Apne Rasool ka aise hi.

Gaye thay Ghustakhon ko saza dene.. Aur ek aur ghustakhi kar aye.
is ki sahe pitai hoe hai ..begherat boht ultay sedhay kam kar raha tha ....boht aurtoun mai ghus raha tha ..islam ka mazak banaya howa tha begherat nay ...islam k baray mai pata na hou kar bhe tableegh karta tha or kufriyat bakta tha ..sahe howa salay k sath



MPA (400+ posts)
Tum log sahi jhanuum kaaay ******* ho.
Khuddaa tum per azaab layay. Bulkay tum jaisay Khunzeer he is mulk kay liyay azaaab hain.

is ki sahe pitai hoe hai ..begherat boht ultay sedhay kam kar raha tha ....boht aurtoun mai ghus raha tha ..islam ka mazak banaya howa tha begherat nay ...islam k baray mai pata na hou kar bhe tableegh karta tha or kufriyat bakta tha ..sahe howa salay k sath



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

جان چھوڑ دو اس بندے کی۔

ایسے ایسے دو کوڑی کے لوگ تبصرے کرنے بیٹھ جاتے ہیں، جو اگر کسی کے گھر مہمان بن کر جائیں تو اگلے بھکاری سمجھ کر دروازے سے ہی معاف کرو کہہ دیں


Liberal 000

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Sometimes I wonder
How can prophet (PBUH) be offended when He is not alive ?

I wonder
Why People have a belief, Prophet (PBUH) is all hearing and all seeing?

Who is most high, all hearing all seeing ?

Wondering as I wandering
What is called shirk ?

Sometimes I wonder
Why there is no law of God's blasphemy ?

I wonder
How can Prophet (PBUH) be above God?

Why God treats believers and non beleivers alike if He gets offended ?

Wondering as I wandering
What is called shirk?

Sometimes I wonder
What is called Tooba ka Darwaza to last breath?

I wonder
How can someone close this door for someone else ?

How man become God?

Wondering as I wandering
What is called shirk ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)




Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
وہ جو گلی گلی ازواج رسول اور اصحاب رسول پر غلاظت اچھال رہے ہیں وہ کسی کو نظر نہیں آتے ، آج مسلمانوں کے مختلف مسلک میں نفرتیں پھیلانے میں بھی یہ ہی مشغول ہیں ، ہم ان کی سازشوں کو کامیاب کر رہے ہیں اور اپنے پاؤں پر خود ہی کلہاڑی مار رہے ہیں
مسلمانوں کے درمیان اسی طرح نفرتیں پھیلا کر اور انھیں اپس میں لڑا کر ہی کمزور کیا جا سکتا ہے ، اور آج یہ کام بہت خوش اسلوبی سے انجام دیا جا رہا ہے

Tum log sahi jhanuum kaaay ******* ho.
Khuddaa tum per azaab layay. Bulkay tum jaisay Khunzeer he is mulk kay liyay azaaab hain.
tmhy kyu itna bura lag raha hai ..... aj dykha deobandi haramiiii phat gaya park k bahar ...ye tableeghi kounsa islam sikhatay hain k 7 8 saal bad bhe banda concert pay laga rehta hai or musalmano ko marnay mai
When facts are viewed in light of Hadeeth it is clear that Junaid Jamshed isn't guilty of blasphemy but he is guilty of dramatization of the events! He is laughing, smiling, giggling and play acting and slightly exaggerating the events which actually occurred. But the Taqayyah Brigade does not leave any opportunity to malign a Muslim even if he / she does dramatization of events un-intentionally and repent afterward. Whereas Taqayyah Brigade would openly be Blasphemous to Sahabah Kareem (رضی اللہ عنھا).

وہ جو گلی گلی ازواج رسول اور اصحاب رسول پر غلاظت اچھال رہے ہیں وہ کسی کو نظر نہیں آتے ، آج مسلمانوں کے مختلف مسلک میں نفرتیں پھیلانے میں بھی یہ ہی مشغول ہیں ، ہم ان کی سازشوں کو کامیاب کر رہے ہیں اور اپنے پاؤں پر خود ہی کلہاڑی مار رہے ہیں
مسلمانوں کے درمیان اسی طرح نفرتیں پھیلا کر اور انھیں اپس میں لڑا کر ہی کمزور کیا جا سکتا ہے ، اور آج یہ کام بہت خوش اسلوبی سے انجام دیا جا رہا ہے


ہاے ہاے تقیہ تو قیامت تک جائز ہے آج صحیح بخاری کو بھی تاریخی اور فضول کتاب قرار دے دو تکفیریوں کو ان کی ہی کتب سے شکار کرنے کا مزہ آتا ہے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The practice of lying in the Shi'ite faith

ہاے ہاے تقیہ تو قیامت تک جائز ہے آج صحیح بخاری کو بھی تاریخی اور فضول کتاب قرار دے دو تکفیریوں کو ان کی ہی کتب سے شکار کرنے کا مزہ آتا ہے

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, what I am going to tell you is something that all of us Muslims should know about the Shi'ites, this fundamental thing will show us why the Shi'ites can't be trusted, and why the Shi'ites are such of an enemy to Islam, this article of the Shi'ite faith called Taqayyah (concealment, deception or lying) lets the Shi'ites betray us and lie about Hadeeth and the Quran, this is also why a Shi'ite can never be used as a witness, or why he can not narrate Hadeeth, I myself have when talking to Shi'ites have found out that they always lie about Hadeeth for example one of them told me that there was a Hadeeth in Bukhari cursing all of the Sahabah (رضی اللہ عنھا), so I asked him for the proof and he said that he had it, so he gave me a page full of references, all which were irrelevant and have nothing to do with this hadeeth. Another Shi'ite once added on a verse to the Qur'an and tried to tell me that this was the Qur'an when I asked for references again he just refused to tell me, since then that Shi'ite has not been around since.

I also warn all you Muslims against the "Muslim" chat rooms, as there are many Shi'ites in them, I have found way over 10 who were on at one time you see they pretend to be Sunni Muslims but they try to infiltrate us by quoting their false Hadeeth and try to mislead us, as they truly despise (نفرت ) us Muslims. So dear brothers below is evidence that Shi'ites are allowed to lie and not only that, but encouraged to lie to us Muslims.

Please note that the Shi'ites attribute the following to Abu Abdullah (Ja'far as-Sadiq):

"Mix with them(i.e. non-shia) externally but oppose them internally." (Al-Kafi vol.9 p.116) now this Shi'ite hadeeth means that they should mix with us and try to deceive us..It truly shows us Muslims what the Shi'ites are!

"He who conceals his religion has saved it, and he who makes it public has destroyed it." now this contradicts the Quran as will be shown below.

"A believer who does not dissimulate is like a body without a head." (Tafseer al-Askari) It is also interesting that the Shi'ites article of Faith "Taqayyah" is just like what the Talmudites (jews who follow the Talmud) say about the Goyyims (non-jews,) as all Talmudites say that they should lie to us non-jews..You see this explains a lot about the Shi'ites and their Similarities with the Jews as the Shi'ite sect was started by Abdullah bin Saba'. (a Jew who started the shi'ite religion, just with the intent of trying to destroy the Muslims..this in explained in the article "Who founded the Shi'ite Religion")

"Nine tenths of religion is taqiyyah (dissimulation), hence one who does not dissimulate has no religion."
(Al-Kafi vol.9 p.110) This shows us that Shi'ites have to lie to us as if they don't then they will not be called Muslims by other Shi'ites....it shows us how sick is the Shi'ite faith.

Concerning the verse, "Verily the most noble of you in Allah's sight is the most God-fearing (atqaakum)" , the Shia attribute the following interpretation of "atqaakum": "That is, your deeds done by taqiyyah (dissimulation) (Al-I'tiqadat)

So as you can see, the Shi'ites believe that they should deceive us with their lies, as the Shi'ites hate us, Sunni Muslims, by calling us worse than dogs....("Although Allah, the Exalted, has not created a creature worse than a dog, yet a Nasbi (ie. A Sunni) is worse than even a dog." here is the Shi'te book that this lie came from (Haqqul Yakeen (Persian) Vol 2, P. 516)

So my dear Muslims now you know just a small part of what the Shi'ites say in their books which insult the meaning of Islam with their superstitious ideas and horrible lies against the Sahabah (رضی اللہ عنھا), (the prophets Companions)

Now I will finish of with this magnificent ayah from the Quran which shows us that Taqayyah (deception, lying etc) is forbidden in Islam.. and the Shi'ites practice this Taqqayah on us Muslims!!! So dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, Allah states in the Noble Quran: "Surely those who hide from people the clear proofs and guidance, which we clarified in the Book (Qur'an), will be cursed by Allah and all those who curse." (2:159)

And the statement of the Prophet pbuh who said: "Whoever is asked for knowledge and conceals it will have a bridle of fire around his neck on the Day of Judgement."
(Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi)

So dear Brothers and Sisters, now Insh-Allah we can see beyond the curtain concealing the Shi'ites true beliefs and not just the ones that he wishes to show us.... Insh-Allah Allah will guide us to the truth and may we all see the Shi'ites for what they are..... Ameen. source

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