Junaid jamshed accusations from 2014 2016



A series of accusations for Junaid Jamshed (JJ), bad indeed, were the highlight saga for this year 2016. It all started few months ago when JJ mistakenly pronounced words against a holy figure Hazrat Aisha (RA). According to him, it was a genuine mistake and he had no intention of what slipped from his mouth.

However, some legit liberals protested and came to the conclusion that the intentional blasphemy is indeed worth punishment. Despite the fact that the allegations against JJ were not pure, it took a toll when he was at Islamabad airport.

What actually happened?

When JJ was at the Islamabad Airport, a group of men who already had beards and were not less than pseudo-extremists charged on him and chanted words like “Hit him” and “beat him”. JJ was shown running away from them and was seen in the miserable situation. Naturally, he couldn’t help much as he was all alone and people from some “known” sect attacked the “singer-goes-good-act” person.

History and its play – 2014:

Back in December 2014, JJ unconsciously gave remark on the Prophet Muhammad’s wife, Aisha. He was charged and even had been questioned by the Islamic scholars. His real mentor because of whom he left the singing profession and came to the Islamic circle of gatherings, claimed him innocent. Mobin Qadri was involved and highlighted in the case because he was the one who reported the situation.
Whether JJ holds justification or not:

JJ was the heart of many desi and international music lovers. From that hip-hop life to the extremist being, he was a major target of the lot. Islamic minds, however, inclined to remain subjective and encouraged that he left the path of “wrong-doers” and entered a safe “hit-me-and-go” messed up life.
As to whether JJ holds justification or not, it is you who need to understand if words were put rightly or not. You are the one to decide where the world is going, you to know whether the accusations were right or not!
How exactly will the case be solved?

Technically, it is something based on intention. The entire world saw what he did after the act of blasphemy and “by-the-way-happened” situation. Yes, the fault was in his stars because even after asking for forgiveness right in front of everyone and in media, people didn’t forgive him. But then came the role of “Religious-touch-me-not” religious mullahs. According to them, it was something which he never intended, and “happened-for-the-sake-of-happening”. They claimed that no one can torture anyone; emotionally, physically or psychologically if the person’s intentions are not sure. And, we being Muslims can’t really make sure of what another person had in his mind before saying something. At times, indeed, certain things happens without knowing or fixating intentions.

For many, it has become a point of frustration and they are of the view that he should face consequences. On the other hand, it is said that he has not done anything bad and should be forgiven. There is a whole lot bunch of peeps who say that this case will not end in near future.
Standing for or against JJ:

Being an individual, you and I can only decide things which fix naturally in the jigsaw puzzle. And yes, decisions are based on many things, not just one. Secondly, it is all how you think about the entire scenario. Maybe for you, he should be served with blasphemy charges and for others, it is solely a matter between Allah and JJ.
Last take on the situation of JJ:

Is there any slight chance to let go people and mind our own business, at least in the religious rulings? Why can’t we just let go and forgive people in this world? Is there any way out where we can help others in need or if not, at least, try not to harm them? These are the question on which you and me, we all, need to ponder!!!

Source: SourSip
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MPA (400+ posts)
When Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam forgave Wahshi and Hinda (a.s) then why can't our nation forgive J.J.
He publicly apologize for his mistake.

I am very concerned about the future of Pakistan. We must control the exteriest and extermist mindset. I don't hate baralvis but i am deeply concerned about RazaKhani extermist mindset.

IHO, there should be a law in Pakistan that any molvi (deobandi, Baralvi, RazaKhani, ahleHadith and Shia) should be give 5 years of jail for giving inciting speech or promoting violance aganist other sects.
Due to jahalat, my people follow these dumbass halwa khor molvi.

ISI and army should take a notice of Razakhani extermist.

My second suggestion is to introduce real Islam to the country my uniting the sect on fundamental pillars of Islam.

My 3rd suggugestion is to introduce imam Shaifi fiqh in Pakistan. Razakhani hate deobandi (Razakhani call them Kafir) and don't allow their people to pray in Deobandi masjid nor they teach real islam to their people.

In my opnion Razakhani don't have nothing aganist Imam Shafi and it might not face the same challanges as Deobandi sect.
Shafi mazhab is in SriLanka, Malaysia Indonesia, Yeman, Somalia and Jordan and we don't see any conflict with other sects. It will be a good idea to indroduce Shafi fiqh it will be a neutral fiqh and it may attract people from Baralvi, RazaKhani and Deobandi fiqh.
It will be a good way to introduce real Islam in Pakistan, all other sects are greatly inflenced by other religions (Hindu and Christianty)
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MPA (400+ posts)
He is not a scholar nor he claims to be one.
For any religious advice one should alway go to autentic scholar.