Join PTI to end Decades' Corruption, Injustice and Discrimination.

Zulfi Khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Mashallah! Very good! I support Meer Ikram 100%. We must join PTI in its struggle against
corruption,injustice and discrimination. Imran Khan is better than all other corrupt and dishonest
leaders in Pakistan.Meer Ikram Zindabad! Geo Islam! Geo Imran Khan Zindabad! Vote for PTI Inshallah!

Meer Ikram

MPA (400+ posts)
Join PTI to end Decades' Corruption, Injustice and Discrimination.
Help of Allah (SWT) has arrived in the shape of Imran Khan.(Inshallah)
Enough is Enough !
Join PTI to Save your Motherland from looters !!!

Meer Ikram

MPA (400+ posts)
Join PTI to end Decades' Corruption, Injustice and Discrimination.
Help of Allah (SWT) has arrived in the shape of Imran Khan.(Inshallah)


Minister (2k+ posts)
meer tera janoon bhi khan shaib ki thera ha.
salab ho ka andhi chala,,,,dia gal-e-rakhna ha..............................impressed.

consistency makes the difference.

Meer Ikram

MPA (400+ posts)
Zindabbad Mery yaroon Kher Ho , Allah Pak , Mery Dost salam rahin (Ameen), I was missing all of you ..!!!
Thank You Very Much !!! :jazak::jazak: :jazak:
