Jibran Nasir Left Q&A Session With Students During Election Campaign


Senator (1k+ posts)
Qalma parh kar maa behn ki galian nikalo dosron ko yay konsa ISLAM hay.Aur yay saab keh rahay hain IMAN ka taqaza hay.Rasul ki mohabat hay.Agar Rasul ki mohabat galian nikal kar hoti hay to mujay tum per rehm a raha hay .


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
so the dude talks about corruption, water supply, environment, healthcare etc and he gets bombarded with question about khatm e naboowat because well we cant get behind anything that might contribute to the well being of people if we are not allowed to call other kafirs as well.

Good for him for not giving in to extremists and throwing his support behind their views. I dont know of many other politicians who would have done the same.

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Mirza Ghulam per lanat bhej ne per koi haraj nahi aur nahi hi Qayadiano ko Kafir khena, but now I am afraid now some so called follower of Rizvi and worshiper of so called hero and aashiq like Mumtaz Qadri will get this poor guy.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I am not QADIANI, but this is wrong to say that this is deen's requirement to bad mouth some one or a community. This is specific instruction that do not talk bad about some one's religion or faith because then you will force them to speak same about your faith or religion. Any one who doesn't believe in oneness of ALLAH or Prophet Mohammad P.B.U.H is considered out of Islam, is this not sufficient for us the believers, why should we curse or use bad language, this will only spread hate or insecurity among minorities. And in an exemplary Islamic society no one should feel insecure.


MPA (400+ posts)
He should have told his exact views in relation to khatmay nabuwat.....This is unfortunate that a patwari is portraying himself a democrat and is hidding his original thoughts... a qadiani/his associates are hidding themselves behind liberal and human rights protection activists clothing... This is munafqat


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Jibran Nasoor Election Campaign Expenses Are Paid By Group Of Qadiyanies From Denmark. That's Why He Can't Say Anything Against Qadiyanies.

I think you should be careful before making such accusations without any proof as accusations like that get people hurt or even killed...


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Not a fan of JN. However, this is a dangerous trend. Unfortunately, we are not unique on this issue. Even in the US, they questioned the faith or Obama.
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such bolo

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
حاضرین جلسہ نے صرف اتنا مطالبہ کیا کہ آپ کہہ دیں کہ میں قادیانیوں کو کافر سمجھتا ہوں
میرے خیال میں جس شخص کے متعلق ایسی کوئی بدگمانی ہو وہ اگر اس بات کا اظہار کر کے پھر اپنی مہم کو جاری رکھے تو اس میں کوئی قباحت نہیں
جبران ناصر کو علی الاعلان اس بات کو دہرا کر بات ختم کردینی چاہیے تھی

اگر اس سے کوئی کہتا کہ آپ پڑھے لکھے نہیں تو یہ ضرور کہتا کہ نہیں میں نے اتنی اتنی تعلیم حاصل کی ہے
اور ممکن ہوتا تو اپنی سرٹیفکٹس کی فوٹو کاپیاں بھی تقسیم کرتا
اگر اس سے کوئی کہتا کہ آپ جاگیردار سرمایہ دار ہیں تو یہ اس بات کی وضاحت کرتا کہ نہیں میں مڈل کلاس ہوں اور میرا جاگیردار سرمایہ دار طبقہ سے کوئی تعلق نہیں
اگر اس سے کوئی کہتا کہ آپکے ذرائع آمدنی کیا ہیں تو یہ یہ بھی بتا تا
پھر قادیانیت سے متعلق اظہار اور وضاحت پر موت کیوں آ رہی ہے؟؟

Rmzan Latif

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
سوشل میڈیا اور ٹالک شو میں بییٹھ کر کیسے بک بک کرتا ہے آ ج عوام کے سامنے بات نہیں ہو رہی اس کے پِچھواڑے سے پانی نکل رہا ہے


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Simple se baat hai, agar awam ko aap ko qalma parhnay ka kahti hai aur aap Musalmaan ho to bhai aik lamha waste kiyay baghair aap qalma parh k suna do aur keh do k bhai main kisi ko gaali nahi dai sakta. Khatam baat, unless k aap bhee un ke jama'at mai say he aik ho ;)
