Javed Chaudhery was Malik Riaz's Ghost writter - It's time for JC to pay back!


In 2002, Malik Riaz started Jinnah Newspaper. He wanted to be the columnist in his own newspaper but he doesn't know how to write, so he decided to buy one who could write for him but publish it under Riaz Malik’s name. He contacted Haroon ur Rasheed in 2002/2003 and offered him 2 Lakh rupees per month & a house in Bahria town.(This is 100% confirmed)

Haroon ur Rasheed ridiculed him and said No to this offer or to work for his newspaper. Even though Haroon was under a lot of financial pressure and he offered him atleast 3 times more what Jang was paying him. It would have made life much easier for him.

Guess, who grabbed on to the opportunity? It was Javed Chaudhery. So all you Malik Riaz article fans out there, it was not him but JC ;)

Hamid Mir, Kamran Khan are two other big names who benifited from Riaz Malik in past. Guess what, It’s time to pay back now. In coming days, you will see tons of stories against Chief Justice, Iftikhar Chaudhery.

جرنلسٹس کو ولاز اور مرسڈیز دی گئیں. وہ کون جرنلسٹس ہیں؟ وہی جرنلسٹس اب چیف جسٹس کے خلاف بھی لکھیں گے. آپ لوگ اپنی آنکھیں کھول کے رکھیے” - ڈاکٹر شاہد مسعود


You would ask, how do I know all this? Let's just say, I wouldn't call it my 'Chirya' after the thrashing Najam Sethi got ;)

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Councller (250+ posts)
.میں نے سوچا تھا کی یہ جاوید چوھدرے اچھا انسان ہے، کیوں کی یہ بھاشن بہت اچھے دیتا ہے، لیکن یے بھی ایک کالی بھیڑ ہی نکلا

Faheem Niaz

Senator (1k+ posts)
Man, bring it on more , this is really informative story. Truely I was considering Kamran Khan which is not corrupt in any regards, but now entire Geo team is Corrupt either in political regime or business-gang regime.
I can see the future of SHUTing-DOWN of Geo Channel.
Javed Ch was in my list as a cleaned hand. but.................................... They are bloody *Beep Beep *

TALLAT is only one Anchor so far I can see which is neutral Journalists and paying his service neutrally for everyone.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
To be honest in my opinion it is not a crime to write for some one, yes it may be ethicaly not correct. Ofcourse who ever indulges in such practices looses credibility and respect of the audience.
PayBack time!


MPA (400+ posts)
I absolutely HATE this meesna looking mofo Jeda Choudry. Shakal say hi chaploos haramkhor lagta hai and I never bought self righteous, sanctimonious BS he spewed in his programs.



MPA (400+ posts)
I don't know why people had rated JC so high. Long long time ago, after following his columns over some time, I was convinced he is a third class columnist. Then I shared my opinion with some of my friends, some of them already convinced and some of them later reached on the same conclusion. I think only those people like him who are sentimental and who don't have proper knowledge of things, I would say whose knowledge is based only on such people's columns. He is also favorite of some PMLN's supporters as he is often PMLN biased.


MPA (400+ posts)
so it has proven that journalist are one of us, they aren't aliens. we are corrupt so they are.
nothing to surprise for me.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

یہاں فرشتہ وہی ہے جِسے سجدہ کرنے یا نہ کرنے کا اختیار نہیں ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔ ۔

ایسے بہت سے اخبار نویسوں سے تعزیت جو بہت کم میں خریدے گئے مگر جِنہوں نے دام پورے وصولے اُن کو مبارکباد !!۔

یہ ہے میکدہ ، یہاں رند ہیں ، یہاں سب کا ساقی امام ہے
یہ حرم نہیں ہے اے شیخ جی یہاں پارسائی حرام ہے
جو ذرا سی پی کے بہک گیا اُسے میکدے سے نکال دو
یہاں کم نظر کا گزر نہیں یہاں اہلے ظرف کا کام ہے
کوئی مست ہے کوئی تشنہ لب تو کسی کے ہاتھ میں جام ہے
مگر اس کا کوئی کرے گا کیا یہ تو میکدے کا نظام ہے

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Zulfi Khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Dr.Shahid Masood said," Haroon Rasheed did not accept the offer of Malik Riaz to write
for him." Geo Haoron Rasheed Sahib! This Malik Riaz Must be punished with the charges
of giving bribery by the Courts.Geo Dr.Shahid Masood!


.میں نے سوچا تھا کی یہ جاوید چوھدرے اچھا انسان ہے، کیوں کی یہ بھاشن بہت اچھے دیتا ہے، لیکن یے بھی ایک کالی بھیڑ ہی نکلا

Pyarey bhai, JC ny agr usky liye kuch likha hai tu iss main kya burai hai? App kaali bhairr tu tab kaheen agr uss ny kuch kiye bina pesy liye hon. Think positive. Thanks


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
haroon rashid kon ? jo government say plot lay kar Mukar jata tha ? lol

watch this video and watch his lies .. but i know people will still call him "SAINT HAROON RASHEED " but anyways watch this short video...



Minister (2k+ posts)
In his last article, haroon rasheed wrote that he worked for Malik riaz for sometime in 2002 when he was in need for money but soon left his job.. And JC wrote a very good pro CJ article after this case, so I am still not sure!!


Dr.Shahid Masood said," Haroon Rasheed did not accept the offer of Malik Riaz to write
for him." Geo Haoron Rasheed Sahib! This Malik Riaz Must be punished with the charges
of giving bribery by the Courts.Geo Dr.Shahid Masood!

@Adeel what is the authenticity of all that you said about javed choudhry?

No source is mentioned here..................:13:

Just to be clear, I didn't get this from Dr. Shahid

I can't disclose my sources. Next few days proceedings will clear things up for you.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
In his last article, haroon rasheed wrote that he worked for Malik riaz for sometime in 2002 when he was in need for money but soon left his job..[HI] And JC wrote a very good pro CJ article after this case,[/HI] so I am still not sure!!

چور کی داڑھی میں تنکا

umair ahmed

MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Beneficiaries of Malik Riaz. list published

Forgot to mention about the construction contracts given by Shahbaz Sharif in Murree . . Bullet proof car given to Hamza Shahbaz , Ansar abbasi even said yesterday in TO THE POINT that during his meeting with Malik Riaz , PM and Salman Shahbaz called Malik riaz . . .

So , frankly saying Malik Riaz is the BLACK BOOK of Pakistan and if anybody has seen PRISON BREAK than he is the SCYLLA . . .


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Beneficiaries of Malik Riaz. list published

Imran or hashmi ke elwa ksi bare ka naam nahi liya qurban jaoin in ki reporting pe.Koi jhoot bolna ho to us ka naam le ker bolo ta ke ziyada highlight ho.lakh di *****.
Beshamaar logon ne ye witness di keh Imran ne koi benefit nahi liya per ye nahi maante.me na manoo.
