sarbakaf - Blogger
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Please change your thread title " jaisee Rookh waisay Farishtay"
All angels are innocent. Yeh baat bohat famous hai hum main " jaisee Rookh waisay Farishtay", is ka matlab hai k agar koi bura hai tu os ki zimay jo farishtay lagay hain woh b 'MAAZALLAH' buray hain.
farashtay to masoom hotay hain gunahoon say paak.
After seeing this i am confirmed that why this part of our country is so fertile in false prophets. Forgive me on this.. Sorry for that.. (GOBAR SHAHI, YOUSUF ALI & MIRZA GHULAM & many more)..
Brother sarbakaf, i think u wrongly misquoted my comment to reply to brother harisuae.. I know this proverb. Jaza-k-ALLAH
Bhai biomat
Class 5 say matrick tak hum muhawary bee parthay hain urdu main , un hazaroon muhawaroon main say aik yeh bee hai
jaisee rooh , waisay farishtay in english it means like saint like followers
After seeing this i am confirmed that why this part of our country is so fertile in false prophets. Forgive me on this.. Sorry for that.. (GOBAR SHAHI, YOUSUF ALI & MIRZA GHULAM & many more)..
well guys dont be so upset, if a person wish some thing then i guess we can fullfill his request if we dont go against the law.
so keep cool we have other problems then just peers, those who even dont accept peers, are the most wanted people in the world, killing innocent peoples
hope we understand
muhawaroon ki bajaiy why don't you quote Quran which says (jesy kisi kaum key Aamal hotey hain wesey hi us per hukmuran musalat kiye jatey hain) i believe it is enough for every reader.
Normally, I like to stay away from anything that has an air of sectarianism in it. But I have two points to raise here.
1- Khan sb and Pa Ganju,: Please consult a reputable scholar like Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman sb. and ask him about his opinion about this way of funeral. And then kindly share his answer with all of us.
2- US and our government were allies of ''two schools of thoughts'' in Pakistan during the war in Afghanistan as they needed mujahideen at that time. So all the meetings of US delegations, flow of capital, all of their resources and all of the Pakistani Govt. machinery were working for one cause. Now, as the tables are turned, US is in need of another ally and this time they have chosen another school of thought, once again for their own good. '' SUFI COUNCIL'' during the time of Gen. Sb was clearly a reflection of new US plans to propagate ''non violent'' image of Islam as suggested by a think tank. Anyone interested can search about the increase funding to particular madrassa's in the last few years. Similarly, many people have written about this issue in the recent past as well, quoting references.
Whether its Sahibzada Kareem sb, any religious scholar or any ordinary individual, whoever is unable to see that they are providing a fertile land to the enemies of Pakistan and Islam, may Allah SWT guide them. Recent example of Sunni-Shiites clash in the Iraq should had been a beacon for us but alas.
And if anyone believes that blaming a particular sect or school of thought would solve the problem of terrorism or would save us eventually, I just have the following lines for them.
[FONT=Callisto MT,Georgia,Book Antiqua,Palatino,Times New Roman,Serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]they first came for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up.[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT]
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