It is about time to forget about Zullfikhar Ali Bhutto and Benazir Bhutto.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
What about the new Bhuttos....ZARDARI BHUTTO......

here is a funny picture about bhutto but I think it suites the new bhuttos...


Asif yaar,

I wrote 'may he rot in hell' and not 'may he rat in hell' [hilar][hilar]


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
is qoum ko aqal pta nhe kab aye ge, ghatia party ko sentimental vote de kr pachta rhe hy, or isi sentiments ne bera-gherq kia hua hy


Minister (2k+ posts)
It about time that PPP should stop mentioning and parroting Bhuttos' name to cheat and manipulate Pakistani voters. It is about time that they start discussing real economic issues of Pakistan and not hide behind Bhuttos' name to make a mockery of Pakistan electorate intelligence. PPP is bankrupt of ideas and has no policy at all to take the country forward but to retrograde the progress and development that the country deserves.

A government that has deprived the nation of electricity, gas, fuel and basic necessities of life for over four years does not deserve to be elected again. It should be totally obliterated from Pakistan's politics.

And it is about time media should stop making a HERO out of a corrupt ***** Benazir, she was corrupt and never did any good work worth mentioning, only looted Pakistan along with her commission agent husband.

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
Father and daughter were cause of many ills and evils in Pakistan's history. But the biggest misfortune that could have afflicted upon Pakistan was the birth of asif ali zardari and his becoming the president. They are the greatest tragedy to happen to Pakistan because they are selfish and want to create a dynasty. Allah will never allow it to happen.
