The definition of a political party given by G Saratori in his book
Parties and Party systems: A Framework for Analysis (1976) page 63 is;
Any Political group Identified by an official label that presents at elections, and is capable of placing through elections candidates for public office Unlike any other pressure group in society a party aims to obtain the keys to government. However, in the case of PPP it appears that the more accurate definition would be to obtain the keys to corruption and squander!
Fake sacrifices, martyrdom & Blood. These are the three Unique Selling points used by the Peoples party to
win votes from the poor uneducated people of Pakistan. Though, there appears to be no serious agenda other than corruption and the innocent and illiterate voters are used as tools, and very quickly they are forgotten once power is gained. It is sickening to see how shrewdly the PPP electorate is used for the benefit of the elite. The PPP voters hardcore Bhutto fanatics sit like chickens on the floors at Ghari Khuda Baksh waiting to be roasted for dinner.
Whilst studying Government & Politics at A level in Winchester, my
tutor use to quote from George Washington;
Parties serve to organise faction; to put in place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party I endorsed this view earlier in life and I was sceptical of Pakistani parties, this is very much the case with PPP today which has imposed Rental Raja on Pakistan against the will of the nation. However, my sceptical view of parties only changed when I saw PTI as a genuine uniting force and a symbol of the federation which is capable of bring all Pakistanis together under the Pakistani flag.
The words of the ex Prime Minister Gaylani are striking of the feudal mindset which has plagued this party; I am Prime Minister, I am no peon this shows his mentality as much as his ignorance. He is completely unaware of the basic principle of law that everyone is equal before the law irrespective of what caste, colour, race, ethnicity or profession they belong to! The lack of respect for the apex institutions such as the Supreme
Court and the constitution only shows that this party believes it is above the law.
The democratic credentials of this party which believes that democracy is the best revenge are nil. A head has to be the relative of the founder of the party, though the focus of this article is specifically on PPP however we must not forget that PML N is very much the same. This has a detrimental effect on our political system as we cannot bring forth leadership from bottom upwards through the elections. It is grossly
unfair for a party to impose Bilawal Bhutto as co chairman of the party leaving behind other party workers merely because he is relative of the Bhutto clan. This dynasty has a self proclaimed right to rule over the masses and carry out abuse of power and hold the nation hostage. How long are Pakistanis going to be slaves to this feudal mindset? The only way to progress is through Meritocracy people must progress according to their ability to govern. This needs to be our principle aim.
Corruption and treason is the only hallmark of this party for which it could be identified for. Whether it is looted wealth of the nation which is in Swiss banks, Corruption in rental power cases, NICL corruption, endless scandals and imposition of incompetent and corrupt leaders on our country. This endless list must appear in the Guinness book of world records!
Pakistan should seriously consider clearing up the garbage in our political system and prevent parties from having agendas and campaigning on non political issues such as sacrifices which has no relationship to providing people with the basic necessities to sustain life. In clearing up this garbage, we should allow party reforms to take place, where there are genuine elections to bring leadership from Bottom upwards. However, the final say is always with the electorate, an electorate votes in a party. The prime responsibility is giving the electorate a viable alternative, and only PTI has the strength to bind the country together so there can be a lasting change to the political landscape.
I have reached a profound conviction that if we are not going to say goodbye to such a party with a fake agenda then we are saying Good Bye Pakistan. Time has come for everyone to stand up and be counted. VOTE PTI!