Ahud khan
Senator (1k+ posts)
Real Islamic Mothers Day:
Sub sey Afzal Maaan
Sub sey Afzal Maaan

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Assalamu alaikum,
We must not forget the other Ummul Mo'mineen (Mothers of Believers)
- Khadijah R.A d/o Khuwalid Qureshi
- Saudah R.A d/o Zamah
- Ayesha R.A d/o Abu Bakr
- Hafsah R.A d/o Umar bin Khatab
- Zainab R.A d/o Khuziama bin Haris Qaisia
- Ume Salma R.A d/o Khazeefah Abi Ummayah Al-Mughaira
- Zainab R.A d/o Jahash Al Assadya
- Javeria R.A d/o Haris bin Abi Zarar
- Ramla Ume-Habibah R.A d/o Abu Sufyan
- Safia R.A d/o Haye bin Akhtab
- Maimoona R.A d/o Haris Ameria
Moreover, I believe we should abstain using the word "ya" with deceased people.
Moreover, I believe we should abstain using the word "ya" with deceased people.
I am still waiting for a reliable proof/reference where any Sahaba, Tabee, Taba Tabaee..including Hazrat Hasan R.A and Hazrat HUssan R.A said "YA" (meaning "O") aftre the death of Prophet Mohemmed (P.B.U.H), Hazrat Ali R.A etc
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