Islamabad Tonight - 27th April 2010 - Gen Rtd Mirza Aslam Baig


Minister (2k+ posts)
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Nice interview,mirza Aslam Baig was very vocal on BB's murder.He did vindicate my belief that US,Musharraf was behind this murder and PPP's insiders were also involved.We do have the evidence that proper security was not provided and the murder place was washed away within couple of hours,BB's email to Seigal was very impotant also but how come Zardari is blaming the group of people who have nothing to do with this killing.He is afraid to name Musharraf because Musharraf might expose him,may be the reason. I will say it again this investigation by the govt will not pinpoint the killer and will only punish the small fish whereas the big fish and real killers will get off the hook,remember this.
