R Rafat Ali Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 1, 2015 #1 Featured Thumbs https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s851x315/11041045_1598674237072722_573070945166252533_n.jpg?oh=c3eccda500168ad4f2ac972eaa4ce3e7&oe=56300DCD
miafridi Prime Minister (20k+ posts) Jul 2, 2015 #3 Pathetic by PML-N Government. They had opposed non-party based elections in the ERA of Musharraf and now they are doing the same.
Pathetic by PML-N Government. They had opposed non-party based elections in the ERA of Musharraf and now they are doing the same.