Is this the end for Nawaz Sharif?

Kamran Stu

MPA (400+ posts)
اللہ نے ان کے دلوں پر کانو پر آنکھوں پر پردہ ڈال دیا ہے
بے شک ان کے لئے بڑا عذاب ہے


Is this the end for Nawaz Sharif?

Muhammad Omar Iftikhar

“Today, we have settled a score and have carried out five successful nuclear tests…” were the words of former prime minister of Pakistan, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif during his televised address to the nation on the eve of May 28, 1998, following his government’s successful nuclear tests. However, the real score was settled between the Supreme Court and Pakistan Muslim League — Nawaz (PML-N), when on Friday, July 6, when the court sentenced Nawaz Sharif to ten years of imprisonment in the infamous Avenfield reference case. Maryam Nawaz was sentenced to seven years.
While the public at large in Pakistan is acknowledging the justice served by the accountability court for this historic decision, this all began a few years ago when Imran Khan questioned the origin and source of Nawaz Sharif’s property and assets in Pakistan and abroad. Had the Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) remained a mute witness, the country may have never seen Nawaz Sharif standing inside the court. However, with Nawaz Sharif now sentenced to imprisonment, the next step will be to bring back the taxpayer’s money that he has embezzled.

This verdict has perhaps changed Pakistan’s political fabric. Nawaz Sharif — the former three-time prime minister — who has served on various government offices since 1990 has been a key political leader of Pakistan. It is unfortunate that Nawaz Sharif’s three terms as prime minister ended prematurely. Although he was democratically elected thrice, his exit was quite humiliating.It is yet to be seen what future Nawaz Sharif holds, however, it is evident that the masses now know that if a former prime minister can be penalised, other big fishes in the sea,who have been swimming freely after misusing their power, can also be brought to court.

The people must understand that corruption does exist in many forms in our society. It is the public who must curb this menace of corruption because when unchecked and unrestrained, dishonesty, sleaze and malpractices originate from the grassroots level to the top.

In the case of Nawaz Sharif, it was his corruption, combined with him being in a state of denial, which eventually led to his political demise. As such, his past merits study
In the case of Nawaz Sharif, it was his corruption, combined with him being in a state of denial, which eventually led to his political demise. What Nawaz Sharif did in the past must be studied and closely observed as a case study for it tells a lot about the way a man uses and abuses his power.
Interestingly, even after the court had publicised its sentence against Nawaz Sharif, many of his supporters protested their decision. This goes to show that a blind following only fuels a corrupt leader’s chances of being in power. Although Nawaz Sharif had a considerably positive image during his first tenure as prime minister from November 1990 to July 1993, he returned for his second tenure with much optimism.

However, following his ousting during his second term in 1999 through a military coup by Pervez Musharraf, Nawaz Sharif’s national popularity did face a considerable decrement. Nawaz Sharif did return for his third term following the general elections of 2013. By this time only the diehard supporters of his party remained by his side, while the public at large was disillusioned with his politics. Furthermore, following the Panama Leaks, it became apparent that Nawaz Sharif was gradually losing the massive support he had enjoyed for so long.

It was perhaps political suicide when Nawaz Sharif began asking Mujhay Kyun Nikala? (Why was I expelled?) during rallies following the court’s decision to disqualify him in July 2017, forcing him to step down as the prime minister. What followed was Imran Khan explaining in his rallies the very reasons why Nawaz Sharif was disqualified, eventually helping to cement Khan’s position in politics and further diluting Sharif’s political status. It is yet to be seen when Nawaz Sharif will return to Pakistan and actually face the music that awaits him.

It is for certain that the influence of Nawaz Sharif over Pakistan’s politics is now over and the era of Sharif has ended. Politics being a game of chess requires parties and leaders to play their moves with caution. It is now time for Imran Khan and Asif Ali Zardari to make their moves. While Imran Khan has gained much political weight following Nawaz’s court decision, Asif Ali Zardari could also be gearing up to enjoy some political leverage following the upcoming general elections. However, many believe Zardari will face a similar fate akin to Sharif. Whether this will ever happens is a question for another time; today it is just heartening to see a long time criminal being finally brought to justice.

Published in Daily Times
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Senator (1k+ posts)
If you end Nawaz/Maryam that would be like giving Imran open playing field and establishment will never allow it.
They wouldn't want him to become another Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.Also, These 92, Ary aka anti pti channels might turn on pti so be prepared.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
If you end Nawaz/Maryam that would be like giving Imran open playing field and establishment will never allow it.
They wouldn't want him to become another Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.Also, These 92, Ary aka anti pti channels might turn on pti so be prepared.

Dear..Pakistan aur tukey mein bohat faraq ha..Tukish have very old history..while Pakistan age like young child as compare to Turkish peoples mantallity..IK just focus and only aim to stabilize Only nucular power country in Islamic world ..Pakiatan.
Ik knew the important of Pakistan Army..he never ever interfere in Army matter to save guard the country..

Kamran Stu

MPA (400+ posts)
میری ایک بات سمجھ نہیں آتی
ایک طرف سوشل میڈیا اور الکٹرونک میڈیا یہ کہتا ہے کےپی ٹی آی کے پیچھے اسٹیبلشمنٹ ہے
دوسری طرف یہ بھی کہتا ہے کے عمران اسٹیبلشمنٹ کو قابل قبول نہیں

کونسی تھیوری مانے

گول مال ہے سب

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
These 92, Ary aka anti pti channels might turn on pti so be prepared.
They will turn against PTI as soon as it comes into power ( Inshallah ) and if they don't then I will think there is something wrong with them as free media's job is to highlight the shortcomings of the govt. But valid criticism not criticism just for the sake of criticism.

Nawaz Sharif iis pretty much over but PML(XYZ) is not and it shouldn't be, a good and strong opposition also has a very valuable role in a helthy democracy. It keeps the govt in check and stops power going to their heads and becoming democratic dictators like Nawaz. There has to be a system of checks and balances that the opposition has a big hand in.

Unless some miracle happens I don't see Maryam also in the picture and inshallah if the wheels of accountability keep rolling neither do I see Shabaz or his offspring too.

Like Pakistan PML also is in dire need of a fresh new and honest non sharif leadership to once again restore faith in the party which carries the name of the party of the founder of the nation and get rid of the image of being a party of corrupt thugs.

P.S : This is 2018 and this bogeyman of the establishment doesn't exist anymore, its just a bogeyman kept alive by the psuedo intellectuals,


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
میری ایک بات سمجھ نہیں آتی
ایک طرف سوشل میڈیا اور الکٹرونک میڈیا یہ کہتا ہے کےپی ٹی آی کے پیچھے اسٹیبلشمنٹ ہے
دوسری طرف یہ بھی کہتا ہے کے عمران اسٹیبلشمنٹ کو قابل قبول نہیں

کونسی تھیوری مانے
گول مال ہے سب
نہ صرف نورا بلک نورے کا پورا خاندان ، شوباز اعلی اور شوباز اعلی کا پورا خاندان نیست و نابود ہونگے

جس جس نے حرام کھایا ہے اس اس کے پیٹ میں درد ہو گی



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
میری ایک بات سمجھ نہیں آتی
ایک طرف سوشل میڈیا اور الکٹرونک میڈیا یہ کہتا ہے کےپی ٹی آی کے پیچھے اسٹیبلشمنٹ ہے
دوسری طرف یہ بھی کہتا ہے کے عمران اسٹیبلشمنٹ کو قابل قبول نہیں

کونسی تھیوری مانے
گول مال ہے سب

چور کی نہ سنو بس.



Voter (50+ posts)
i dont think so this is the end of nawaz sharif or his family. for example they lost 2018 election but they wil come back with a grand and heoic entry his doughter mariyam will become the great personality in the political field. no body will think that they released or accused in a corruption but they will faviour them and awam will pay thier jan, mal, makan


Voter (50+ posts)
Agar ehtesaab ka amal yahin ruk jata hai agar mulk me is ke bad zardari, faryal talpor, dr asim, musharaf, Gen kiyani ke bhai, aleem khan aur in jesay baki logo ka ehtasab na hua to ye nawaz ka ikhtitaam nahi shuruwaat ho gi shaid phir ikhtitaam establishment ka ho .... aur dosra ye bhi ke anay wali gov ki progress agar N league ki gov se bhi buri hui tab again ye ikhtitaam nahi ho ga


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Ye atom bomb Nawaz me porhna chahiye

Nawaz Sharif is the enemy of Islam, he never wanted to do the atom bomb tests but was forced to by the Military and pro-Islam forces in Pakistan at the time. But the Munafiq would obviously take credit for it and use it till eternity to gain votes from the idiots.

Nawaz can never be ended because the corrupt forces in Pakistan want him. There is a Mafia in Pakistan and he is the head of it.

This jail time is just a stint and i don't think he is even in jail. Why wouldn't they release a single photo of him in jail? He is probably in his jati umra home.

There is one thing i have learned spending 29 years in Pakistan that the corrupt of Pakistan are special people who get special treatment unlike the common man and everything you see on TV is lies and magician's tricks while something else is going behind the scenes. Time and time again, i have been proven right.

Nawaz Sharif gets disqualified (real reason was the supreme court and corrupt mafia was afraid of a bloody revolution by Imran Khan because the nation was angry, i would have been one to participate in this Jihad had IK ever called for one) and look how he cursed the judges and ran the country for years. Nawaz Sharif gets jailed (real reason is martyrdom and gaining sympathy). The mafia of Pakistan hates internet and social media because they can't sell their propaganda like they could in dark ages (the pakistani atom bomb test was the biggest propaganda this mafia has sold).

I could go on and on but no you can't end Nawaz Sharif. He is the Godfather of Pakistani Mafia and too powerful. This is all just a magician's tricks and drama, watch how he comes out of it with smirk face at the end of the trick back in power in a few years.
