Marriage is a command from Allah to the mankind.
If you have a good loving, caring and god-fearing spouse, It is a blessing.
If both partners are God-fearing,loving and caring it is a mini Jannah on earth.
It is a blessing of Allah to have a good spouse (Husband and/or Wife.)
In Marriage you have to have , Love, Trust, Honesty, Respect and care for each other and respect for in-laws.
Marriage is 50% between man and women, and 50% between the two families.
Everybody have some idiosyncrasies, you have accept and ignore those idiosyncrasies like you do ignore those-things in a friend.
If you do not ignore those idiosyncrasies in a friend that friendship will never last for long.
So in my opinion life is better after marriage.
جس نے یہ پھل کھایا وہ ذائقے سے رویا جس نے نہ کھایا وہ حسرت سے رویا
شادی کر لو بھائی ہو سکتا ہے آپکا پھل بہت بے ذائقہ نا ہو
جس نے یہ پھل کھایا وہ ذائقے سے رویا جس نے نہ کھایا وہ حسرت سے رویا
شادی کر لو بھائی ہو سکتا ہے آپکا پھل بہت بے ذائقہ نا ہو
Bro, It was all for fun. Marriage definitely is an Ibadat and keeps you away from a tons of bad things.
Dear Adeel,I need abbasi bhai's take on this ;)
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