Is Kashif Abbasi making fun of Sheikh Rasheed's detention in the US?


Senator (1k+ posts)

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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

yar code_decode tu itni falto ki videos kyon banata hai ??? there is no point here, he NEVER made fun of anything, he is asking video main Music k ilawa aur kuch nahi hai !!

akelay protest kar yar hamara time na kharab kar


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

yar code_decode tu itni falto ki videos kyon banata hai ??? there is no point here, he NEVER made fun of anything, he is asking video main Music k ilawa aur kuch nahi hai !!

akelay protest kar yar hamara time na kharab kar
LOL... People who supports Zardari won't find anything in it. LOL... You should just go and "Worship" Zardari..because Zardari will be running away from Pakistan
in couple of months...


Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

Code Decode get a life, there is nothing wrong with that video he is just throwing light jokes take it easy man. maybe you should find something better to do rather than waisting your energy here. one thing more, please dont call me zardari or ns supporter now.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

is waja say roka hay Sheik sahib ko
please don't compare sheik sahib with SRK.

srk ko roka hay sirf naam ki waja say.

lekn sheikh sahib ko is waja say.


Code Decode get a life, there is nothing wrong with that video he is just throwing light jokes take it easy man. maybe you should find something better to do rather than waisting your energy here. one thing more, please dont call me zardari or ns supporter now.

LOL... People who supports Zardari won't find anything in it. LOL... You should just go and "Worship" Zardari..because Zardari will be running away from Pakistan
in couple of months...

yar code_decode tu itni falto ki videos kyon banata hai ??? there is no point here, he NEVER made fun of anything, he is asking video main Music k ilawa aur kuch nahi hai !!

akelay protest kar yar hamara time na kharab kar


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

یار آپ لوگوں نے اس بندر کی کہانی سنی ھے جسے ماچس ملی تو اس نے پوری دنیا کو آگ لگا دی یا یہ ضربلمثل کہ اللہ گنجے کو ناحن نہ دے تو کوڈ ڈی کوڈ کا حساب کی کجھ ایسا ہی ھے ۔ پتہ نہیں کہاں سے وڈیو ایڈنگ سیکھ
لی اور سختی ھماری ۔ حدا کے لۓ دوسروں کی غلطیاں نکالنے کی بجاۓ کوءی اپنی خوبیاں پوسٹ کرو اکر ہیں تو
اور ھر وڈیو میں میوزک ضروری نہیں


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

Geo Sheikh Rasheed

Rahi baat Kashif abbasi ki to woh aik ghatya aurat ka ghatya shohar hao


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

No doubt Pakistan and Pakistanis who want to defend Pakistan are at hit list.


Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

code decode is too paranoid he never made fun of him. He just asked the question in Punjabi in a Punjabi way. I don't think code decode is Punjabi.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Kashif Abbasi "MAKING FUN" of Sheikh Rasheed's Arrest in USA. (EXCLUSIVE)

is waja say roka hay Sheik sahib ko
please don't compare sheik sahib with SRK.

srk ko roka hay sirf naam ki waja say.

lekn sheikh sahib ko is waja say.


important meeting of the cabinet of Jahanum.


Senator (1k+ posts)
code_decode;905194[/video said:

Smiling while questioning is NOT a big deal, right after smiling he shows very serious look. Anyway, but yes I agree with you Question was non-serious if you compare Sharukh incident and What Indian media and gov. did at that time. BUT WHY WE ARE COMPARING ?? As Sherry Rehman and Pakistani consulate was also involve in this issue..
