Guys, Lots of people love Democracy in Pakistan, Remeber not long ago when Musharaf was in power and everyone in this forum also love Democracy and always said to
GO Musharaf GO Go Musharaf Go - Go dictator Go (He left your country and left us alone to safe and make people of Pakistan happy as per wish of people of pakistan, He is useless and no role in Pakistan politics.)
NOW democracy back in Pakistan in last THREE years. All Your love one DEMOCRATIC People in Pakistan such as PPP/PML-N. now I just asked those people who support democracy, tell me
are you SHARDAMNDA / your eyes are down bcoz of your stupid support or deciosn of democracy,
No blame game please, Question is simple,
Are you sharminda on your decision to support DEMOCRACY in PAKISTAN
Leave your commnet yes or no
GO Musharaf GO Go Musharaf Go - Go dictator Go (He left your country and left us alone to safe and make people of Pakistan happy as per wish of people of pakistan, He is useless and no role in Pakistan politics.)
NOW democracy back in Pakistan in last THREE years. All Your love one DEMOCRATIC People in Pakistan such as PPP/PML-N. now I just asked those people who support democracy, tell me
are you SHARDAMNDA / your eyes are down bcoz of your stupid support or deciosn of democracy,
No blame game please, Question is simple,
Are you sharminda on your decision to support DEMOCRACY in PAKISTAN
Leave your commnet yes or no