Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012 - An eye opener on Doctor's Issue (Must SEe)



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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

Best program so far to understand the Problem.
If some one still dose not understand then he should go to a psychiatrist

khan afghan1

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

Dr not in private practice should be given good package
and pay according average living standard.I m on with
the doctors.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

the best programme on doctor's issue.

more realistic and unbiased!

Punjaab govt jawaab do aur propaganda baand karo!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

please admin highlight the title of the issue on your title for epople to know.
@admin [MENTION=4936]Adeel[/MENTION] should share it on face book too.

Dear members, If a video doesn't play, please use report post option or tag (@) ayshairas or any other moderator. Thanks


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

please admin highlight the title of the issue on your title for epople to know.
@admin @Adeel should share it on face book too.
I agree. Request to the admin to share it on title and facebook


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

The thug who is present as the representative of YDA, just look at his language and threats. When average youth is without any job at all these thugs have the nerve to blackmail for more $$ when they are getting 40K + salaries. Shame on you. Punjab Govt. must not meet their insane demands or it would encourage them to employ same naked blackmail again and again. Punjab Govt. must make an example out of the thugs who so brazenly challenge the writ of government. If any member of PMLN reads this forums for God sake don't let them weasel their way out of this!


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

The thug who is present as the representative of YDA, just look at his language and threats. When average youth is without any job at all these thugs have the nerve to blackmail for more $$ when they are getting 40K + salaries. Shame on you. Punjab Govt. must not meet their insane demands or it would encourage them to employ same naked blackmail again and again. Punjab Govt. must make an example out of the thugs who so brazenly challenge the writ of government. If any member of PMLN reads this forums for God sake don't let them weasel their way out of this!

And what about the lies of Punjab Government??


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

And what about the lies of Punjab Government??

Doctors are bigger hypocrites:
1. They are saying its not about money or salary but on the other hand are demanding all doctors should be recruited at grade 18 (thus salary and perks of grade 18)
2. Constantly argue that they are educated (when they can not name a single medical breakthrough attributed to doctors from Pakistan). The implication that only they are educated rest are sarak chap.
3. Demand that all the relevant transfers/ promotions should be made as they want (so government has no right to run a govt)
4. Threatening to encircle Punjab assembly, drag chief minister by collar, saying things like "judges key maamley mein Govt ki phatti hai" on national television, threatening the writ of government
5. Demanding insane perks and increases which will amount to about Rs: 3,020,00,000,000/- in total. When the country is facing the crises of energy, unemployment, fiscal deficits (Not a single doctor denied that)
6. They say they are fighting for prestige of doctors (after getting caught in their lies about grade 18), where is the prestige of doctors when:
a. Not a single word about private practices when they are on salaries of government
b. Not a single word on how Govt Hospitals have become Mandi from where patients are told to go to specific clinics or specific tests from specific laboratories (with their kickbbacks)
c. Not a single word about how doctors get kickbacks from Pharmaceutical firms for recommending expensive drugs (while cheaper alternatives are available)
d. Not a word about how the patients pay for their education through taxes (up to 4.5 million)

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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

Doctors are bigger hypocrites:
1. They are saying its not about money or salary but on the other hand are demanding all doctors should be recruited at grade 18 (thus salary and perks of grade 18)
2. Constantly argue that they are educated (when they can not name a single medical breakthrough attributed to doctors from Pakistan). The implication that only they are educated rest are sarak chap.
3. Demand that all the relevant transfers/ promotions should be made as they want (so government has no right to run a govt)
4. Threatening to encircle Punjab assembly, drag chief minister by collar, saying things like "judges key maamley mein Govt ki phatti hai" on national television, threatening the writ of government
5. Demanding insane perks and increases which will amount to about Rs: 3,020,00,000,000/- in total. When the country is facing the crises of energy, unemployment, fiscal deficits (Not a single doctor denied that)
6. They say they are fighting for prestige of doctors (after getting caught in their lies about grade 18)
i. Not a single word about private practices when they are on salaries of government
ii. Not a single word on how Govt Hospitals have become Mandi from where patients are told to go to specific clinics or specific tests from specific laboratories (ith their kickbbacks)
iii. Not a single word about how doctors get kickbacks from Pharmaceutical firms for recommending expensive drugs (while cheaper alternatives are available)
iv. Not a word about how the patients pay for their education through taxes (up to 4.5 million)


HAHAHHA!!!!! Mare jao


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

its govt's job to ensure that health syustem works properly, nobody breaks the law, doctors come there to treat patients and get paid for it,

I repeat that its govts job to reform health system, its their job to ensure that doctors follow proper rules (well we all know their are no rules there as ganjaay hazraat have no brain to make such rules).

Punjaab govt ghunda gardi baand karo!

and before I go punjaab govt have noo money (poor punjaab govt) may ask why exactaly they are wasing money on laptops??
laptops laptops lappy topsyyyyyyyyyyyyy................woho....................

Doctors are bigger hypocrites:
1. They are saying its not about money or salary but on the other hand are demanding all doctors should be recruited at grade 18 (thus salary and perks of grade 18)
2. Constantly argue that they are educated (when they can not name a single medical breakthrough attributed to doctors from Pakistan). The implication that only they are educated rest are sarak chap.
3. Demand that all the relevant transfers/ promotions should be made as they want (so government has no right to run a govt)
4. Threatening to encircle Punjab assembly, drag chief minister by collar, saying things like "judges key maamley mein Govt ki phatti hai" on national television, threatening the writ of government
5. Demanding insane perks and increases which will amount to about Rs: 3,020,00,000,000/- in total. When the country is facing the crises of energy, unemployment, fiscal deficits (Not a single doctor denied that)
6. They say they are fighting for prestige of doctors (after getting caught in their lies about grade 18), where is the prestige of doctors when:
a. Not a single word about private practices when they are on salaries of government
b. Not a single word on how Govt Hospitals have become Mandi from where patients are told to go to specific clinics or specific tests from specific laboratories (with their kickbbacks)
c. Not a single word about how doctors get kickbacks from Pharmaceutical firms for recommending expensive drugs (while cheaper alternatives are available)
d. Not a word about how the patients pay for their education through taxes (up to 4.5 million)



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

its govt's job to ensure that health syustem works properly, nobody breaks the law, doctors come there to treat patients and get paid for it,

I repeat that its govts job to reform health system, its their job to ensure that doctors follow proper rules (well we all know their are no rules there as ganjaay hazraat have no brain to make such rules).
Yes Govt's duty! doctors don't have any say in running the government they are out of line here.

and before I go punjaab govt have noo money (poor punjaab govt) may ask why exactaly they are wasing money on laptops??
laptops laptops lappy topsyyyyyyyyyyyyy................woho............. .......

Immature analysis. Do you know that Laptop scheme was initiated by foreign aid on education? It was plan which was financed mostly be foreign funds exclusively allocated for education. Punjab Govt can not run hospitals from that fund. Its rather inhuman that you would play politics in this case where the victims represent the poorest segment in country. Though PTI is proving to be a real ambulance chaser and enjoys the distinction of playing politics on other human miseries and epidemics too. (omg)
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

they are definitely not out of line, they are standing up for their rights! and they have every right to do so.

Now about is that some sort of a joke?????????????
punjaab govt is giving out luxury item from foreign aid??
hats off to their brilliance!
50% of kids of pakistan don't even have primary schools (don't ebven bother to talk about secondary and colleges) and shareefssss proudly giving out laptopsssssssssssss
absolutely brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!! very impressive policies I must say!

Yes Govt's duty! doctors don't have any say in running the government they are out of line here.

Immature analysis. Do you know that Laptop scheme was initiated by foreign aid on education? It was plan which was financed mostly be foreign funds exclusively allocated for education. Punjab Govt can not run hospitals from that fund. Its rather inhuman that you would play politics in this case where the victims represent the poorest segment in country. Though PTI is proving to be a real ambulance chaser and enjoys the distinction of playing politics on other human miseries and epidemics too. (omg)


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

Yes Govt's duty! doctors don't have any say in running the government they are out of line here.

Immature analysis. Do you know that Laptop scheme was initiated by foreign aid on education? It was plan which was financed mostly be foreign funds exclusively allocated for education. Punjab Govt can not run hospitals from that fund. Its rather inhuman that you would play politics in this case where the victims represent the poorest segment in country. Though PTI is proving to be a real ambulance chaser and enjoys the distinction of playing politics on other human miseries and epidemics too. (omg)

that's a blatant lie. The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) had to clarify that UK funds are not being used on the laptops. Ther is a massive debate going on in UK on the merits of funding corrupt regimes in the developing world where funds are either looted by the rulers and banked in the west or used to bribe the electorate. Seriously man - the nutters have no idea what governance is they go through one disaster after the other and then we have apologists like u coming over singing ther praises.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

I couldn't say it better than that.
I mean seriously I can't understand their logics trying to defend this laptop scheme, a shameful scheme.


that's a blatant lie. The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) had to clarify that UK funds are not being used on the laptops. Ther is a massive debate going on in UK on the merits of funding corrupt regimes in the developing world where funds are either looted by the rulers and banked in the west or used to bribe the electorate. Seriously man - the nutters have no idea what governance is they go through one disaster after the other and then we have apologists like u coming over singing ther praises.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

I couldn't say it better than that.
I mean seriously I can't understand their logics trying to defend this laptop scheme, a shameful scheme.
Its a shame but some people will do anything for money. One thing i have to say is that the doctors have scored an own goal from a image and credibility aspect. BY striking they have just come across as money grabbing butchers even though ther grievances are valid from ther point of view . Look at what happened in UK although they called a strike vast majority of them turned up to work but made sure ther protest was heard. From the approach they have taken it seems that are lot havent evolved mentally to take that type of approach.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

yes you are right, doctors should not make poor people suffer.
our people (specially educated class) still need to learn a lot.

Its a shame but some people will do anything for money. One thing i have to say is that the doctors have scored an own goal from a image and credibility aspect. BY striking they have just come across as money grabbing butchers even though ther grievances are valid from ther point of view . Look at what happened in UK although they called a strike vast majority of them turned up to work but made sure ther protest was heard. From the approach they have taken it seems that are lot havent evolved mentally to take that type of approach.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Insight with Salim Bulkhari - 30 June 2012

They are definitely not out of line, they are standing up for their rights! and they have every right to do so.
Now about is that some sort of a joke?????????????
punjaab govt is giving out luxury item from foreign aid??
hats off to their brilliance!
50% of kids of pakistan don't even have primary schools (don't ebven bother to talk about secondary and colleges) and shareefssss proudly giving out laptopsssssssssssss
absolutely brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!! very impressive policies I must say!

Showbaaz Lohaar is dealing with Doctors as his Marhume Abba jee use to do with Ittefaq Group Union Leaders by throwing them alive in the furnace. These Lohaar think that by purchasing the media and distribution of Lap tops they would be able to purchase the heart and mind of people. They are living in fools paradise, bringing Army Doctors for duty is not the solution. As we have seen in case of LDA, WAPDA, NLC, FWO etc. etc. the corruption multiplied by taking these type of insane decisions. The only solution of these problems is to get rid of these Noora's who are the main cause of collapse of all Institutes and system. The sooner we get rid of them the better it would be for poor people of Punjab and Pakistan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

that's a blatant lie. The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) had to clarify that UK funds are not being used on the laptops. Ther is a massive debate going on in UK on the merits of funding corrupt regimes in the developing world where funds are either looted by the rulers and banked in the west or used to bribe the electorate. Seriously man - the nutters have no idea what governance is they go through one disaster after the other and then we have apologists like u coming over singing ther praises.

I couldn't say it better than that.
I mean seriously I can't understand their logics trying to defend this laptop scheme, a shameful scheme.

- Department of International Development (DFID) - Aid to Punjab Education Sector > [Aid for education can not be used for other services, open all the heads]

- Since public welfare is considered a crime when Pakistani poor are concered > [Poorer pupils to be given free laptops - A scheme to give free laptops to pupils from poor backgrounds is being rolled out to 270,000 families in England. Children's Secretary Ed Balls said: "Families who are most in need cannot be left behind in the digital revolution we're seeing in education.

- The first article about corruption in Laptop Scheme by Transparency International Pakistan which is quoted again and again by Imo and PTI >‘rs-1-7b-rat’-in-free-laptop-scheme/ [TIP smells ‘Rs 1.7b rat’ in free laptop scheme]

- The Second article where Transperancy International Pakistan checks the documents and gives Punjab Govt a clean chit is never discussed > [The Transparency International-Pakistan (TIP) gave a clean chit to the Punjab government in the procurement of 110,000 laptops being distributed among talented students]

- Response frm Pakistan about Laptop Scheme > [74% public appreciates Laptop scheme]

- Its becoming easy to read PTI propaganda no one amongst them really give a hoot about the poorer segment, be it patients suffering due to doctors strike or the fact the some poor sods now have laptops which may not have been possible for them with their means. Public and the poorer segment can go to hell as long as a political point can be made thus reasons the supposed party of angels (which would shame the devil on his own game). Now laptops are evil since poor can finally get and use them. Students for the first time perhaps have a Govt. that appreciates their success. In case of Danish school the same Mantra was heard why good education, why expensive education, why not in this area or that area! the real problem is the notion that someone in the poorest segment of society can now get the same level of education as those of elites - A crime which can not be forgiven by elite brigade of Imo.

Returning to the real issue
Now it is open as day that YDA only wants more perks and benefits, it has nothing to do with any supposed well being of patients since the conditions are:
1. How many cars/ w drivers should each doctor have (via grade)
2. Utility bills, petrol, house allocation etc for doctors
3. Fast track promotion and induction at grade 18

This is after doctors get highest pay in grade 17, highest pay comparative to all the provinces of Pakistan & with their last demand of pay increase accepted - only these increments are going to cost Punjab Govt more then 17 Billion. PTI only wants a drama which will allow it to point some political scores, the attitude of PTI members in this forum should be an eye opener the real victim belong to the poorest or poor and have no other option but Govt Hospitals - Alas after building the first political victory by conning the people into charity Imo is building his second political victory on back of dead bodies.

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