Insight 6th Sep 2014 - India Ki Makari..Selaab kay Bare Main Galat Itilaah Di


Senator (1k+ posts)
China has built 50,000 SMALL Dams in last 45 years. Pakistani nation is in the GRIP of illiterate politicians who are against dams. China is NOT democracy but have strong City Governments who have built dams and economy. This parliament is full of criminals whom Allah will destroy.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
یہ اینکر جتنا اوپر کالا ہے اتنا اندر سے بھی کالا ہے .یہ بھی اپنا ضمیر بیچ چکا ہے .

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
All those who oppose Kalabagh dam and others are real enemies of Pakistan.

Shams-ul-Mulk is right. Wake up KPK and Sindh.

Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We need many many such programs to highlight the importance of this issue.
Help people understand Existential significance of water issue.


Minister (2k+ posts)
China has built 50,000 SMALL Dams in last 45 years. Pakistani nation is in the GRIP of illiterate politicians who are against dams. China is NOT democracy but have strong City Governments who have built dams and economy. This parliament is full of criminals whom Allah will destroy.
Our Army is also involved in this crime too, After Ayub all Chour came in power did nothing for the country, Just made their Farm House, DHA Housing, Start doing Property Business, Banking, Cement, NLS so on get retirement from all with full benefit and start robbing the country through other department.
Now their wife's and daughter are looking full time fun in Islamabad, and they told police not Make Rung main Bung.
