This report shows how the "Real" Taliban (Not the Fake Pakistani ones created by the ISI) in Afghanistan are at the brink of destroying of Drug trafficking. They are now approaching areas near the Pakistani border as they have eradicated drugs in mainland Afghanistan.
Now, this explains why the establishment of Iran and Pakistan are unhappy with the Taliban. We know that drugs are trafficked either through Pakistan or Iran to the West. Pakistani NaPak Generals and Iranian Revolutionary Guards are used to making a lot of money through that which is why they want the War on Terror back in Afghanistan.
If Afghanistan continues to prosper like that I would not be surprised that more and more Pakhtouns would support them in Pakistan and ultimately Greater Afghanistan would be a reality. Most of this support will come once the NaPak generals do the most idiotic thing every conceived, i.e., Kil Imran Khan. May Allah save us from this catastrophe. Ameen