Indian-US-Afghan nexus behind terrorism in Pakistan


Councller (250+ posts)
Although many Pakistani believed and have been talking of the Indian-US-Afghan nexus behind the spate of terrorism in the country during the past couple of years and were wondering why Islamabad kept mum over the issue, the Pakistani military battling terrorists in South Waziristan tribal region bordering Afghanistan has announced it has found evidence of Indian support to terrorists who are killing and maiming people.
On Monday, the Pakistani military spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas announced at a press conference that the troops fighting terrorists in South Waziristan have recovered Indian arms, ammunition, medicines and literature from the hideouts of militants dismantled during the ongoing battle.

Although US puppet Hamid Karzai and his officials as well as the Indian leaders have been making hue and cry about training camps of terrorists on Pakistani soil, it has now become crystal clear that war-ravaged Afghanistan is real hub of terrorists operating inside Pakistan. Only a day earlier, an official of the Karzai puppet regime in Kabul claimed that some Pakistani militants were involved in attack on a UN compound in Afghanistan a few days earlier and an Indian minister warn Pakistan of serious consequences if any terrorism incident occurred on Pakistani soil. It has, however, become clear now that the Indians who have been propagating against Pakistan since Mumbai attacks might have used some terrorists of Pakistani origin trained by them on Afghan soil in Mumbai attacks to conceal their own sinister designs against Pakistan.
Many Pakistanis are now at a loss to understand as to why their rulers are not speaking loudly and clearly about the US, Indian and Afghan nefarious designs against the only nuclear state among the Islamic countries and instead of ending so-called cooperation with the United States in its sham war against terrorism and taking the Afghans and Indians to task for the spate of terrorism in the country are still talking of al-Qaeda and Taliban involvement in terrorism despite the fact that Taliban repeatedly denied their support to the terrorists fighting the Pakistani security forces.

The role of the Pakistani rulers, who are already facing a plethora of political problems on the domestic front, in the international conspiracy against Pakistan also seems dubious because many analysts are repeatedly making it clear that the United States is providing intelligence and logistic support to the terrorists to malign the Afghan Taliban, who have literally inflicted a humiliating defeat on the US troops and Nato troops, and create chaos in Pakistan to deprive the country of its nukes while the puppet Afghan regime and Indian government are training terrorists and providing them arms, ammunition and dollars to carry out terrorism acts on Pakistani soil.


Staff member
Ya when some one points finger at India for its involvement in terrorist activities its conspiracy theory.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Just keep on watching.....

Now Jews and Hindus r allies...they r natural allies.
and very dangerous....

They will finish the world very soon.


MPA (400+ posts)
I would disagree with any conspiracy theory, unless proven by facts, at the moment, they are merely opinions.

It sounds good, doesnt it? Always search for somebody to blame and come up with conspiracy theories and remain blind folded from our own actions and oue own history.

And this is not new, we always do that. Just look at our history and we will see the same trend again and again.

Babar came from Farghana (Central Asian Estates) to attack India? Why, because his own Uncle de-thrown him in his tribe. Did USA or Indians or Jewish do any saazish against Babar? No, it was his own family, muslim family who did it. And what did Babar do after that, he came and attacked India and fought with whom? Ibrahim Lodhi at Pani Pat. Why? Because he wanted to own another saltanat, and so he attacked another muslim ruler and killed him. Again USA or India or Jews were not behind it. After that, all Mughar rulers played musical chairs with the thrown and killed their fathers and brothers and uncles in order to become next king. Even the Alamgir, who is considered greatest and most relegious of all, killed four of his own brothers in order to become king. Now was CIA or Bush or RAW was behind all this? No. these were muslim who were killing other muslims, making alliance with others just to protect their rulership. And our own aabaa-o-ajdaad helped them, they were part of this, they were dividing themsleves as well. This is in our blood.

When Banu-Abbas and Fatimis and Banu Umayyahs were fighting with each other and killing each other, nobody from USA or India or Israel was behind it, they were doing it for power and money. And we are doing it for the same reason now.

Blame ourselves, our ancestors and our history first, try to fix oursleves first, then see if any body can do any thing bad to us.


Staff member
@ Left Brain

You mentioned all Muslims rulers fighting each other for saltanat, what about the Christians and Hindu rulers, didn't they fight with there own brothers for same saltant, my dear it was a common pratice thn every king fighting wars to expand its kingdom.

And about conspiracy theories, some things are very obvious and Indian involvement in our internal matters is clear, these so called Talibans can't do such activities with out foreign funding and, US India and Israil are supporting them. Look at India if any thing happens there they start blaming Pakistan at that very moment, with out any evidence. What would you say it??


MPA (400+ posts)
Thanks for keeping it at academic level.

1 - We are talking about Muslims here, so I gave examples from Muslim history. We are not talking about Hindus or Christians, If you want to discuss them, kindly create a thread and I will be happy to contribute with whatever knowleddge I have.

2 - This is exactly what I am saying, these are opinions, we "think" that this is the reason, other dont think, so why dont we fix ourselves first, try to fix what we really know and then take care of what is 'grey area'?

3 - India do blame Pakistan, and we always maintain that they are liers, that it is just their biased opinion, so if we want to enjoy the right of labelling their view as a lie and just a biased opinion, why we do not give hindus and christains the same right?
Pakistan army and ISI are responsible for spreading Terrorism in pakistan...Taliban was created by them..they support,train and fund local pakistani terrorists and encourage local pakistani terror organizations like Lashkar-e-Toiba and pakistan should accept reality and should stop blaming other countries for no reason.


Councller (250+ posts)
Pakistan army and ISI are responsible for spreading Terrorism in pakistan...Taliban was created by them..they support,train and fund local pakistani terrorists and encourage local pakistani terror organizations like Lashkar-e-Toiba and pakistan should accept reality and should stop blaming other countries for no reason.

I'm rather surprised after reading that. Qoute "...... accept reality and should stop blaming other countries for no reason." unqoute.
Chanda most of the evils happening in Pakistan are gift from other countries. Don't forget since the attention from Iraq has shifted to Afghanistan, what was happening in Iraq is today happening is Pakistan with extreme similarity. Don't forget XE Inc. (formerly known as black water).


Senator (1k+ posts)
I am sure we have more proofs about the involvement of foreign elements behind TTP than US would have against Bin Ladin for 9/11, or had against Iraq for having WMD or the evidence that India shows to support the involvement of Pakistan in Mumbai attacks. Its unfortunate to see that we are asked to give proofs even to write anything like an analysis while other countries can simply use media to launch a propaganda to build their case.

But I do not point fingers towards anyone as my first criticism is directed at our agencies. How on earth they could not see it coming? They are professional people and its their duty not to give any opportunity to anyone. If we keep on providing opportunities, then we should not blame anyone who takes advantage.
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Voter (50+ posts)
please everyone seems so apt to point fingers and allege conspiracies here. The current situation with Pakistani terrorism is due to many factors. Yes, the US had a hand in it by funding the mujahideen in afghanistan and yes pakistan's ISI had a hand by aiding the taliban in afghanistan. But all that aside, the taliban and pakistani militant groups wren't created by outsiders. Their roots are to be found within their home countries. What we are seeing now isn't a clash between islam and the rest of the world (as the americans would like us to think). were seeing a clash between entrenched tribal mentalities and modernity. Unfortunately, pak and afghanistan in many regions (especially pashtunistan) have a very clannish worldview averse to modern education, and personal advancement is often seen as being at the expense of one's obligations to the clan. the result is an incredibly insular group of people, who are do not understand and are frightened by the modern world. When this happens, they turn to their religion for soccour, and thus unfortunately islam has now been used to cloak what is really a war of rejection against the 21st century. The militants true goal is ultimately not inthe name of imposing islamic law on their countries but rather to cause these societies to regress down to the medieval level that the militants would understand. Look at afghanistan. Under the communists (not that i support them) the afghans had schools and universities, hospitals, and a small, but educated and prosperous middle class. THe taliban took power, closed all the schools, persecuted anyone with a college degree and sought to erase all evidence that the 20th century had ever happened in afghanistan. This is what the militants really are fighting for
