Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indian Occupation Of Junagadh: Policy Options For Pakistan
Date: November 15, 2016Author: Believer
Pakistan should raise the case of Junagadh at international forums again.
Indian Occupation on Junagadh is illegal.
Junagadhs Instrument of Accession to Pakistan is an international binding.
Young generation should be made aware of the Junagadh issue.
Junagadh state should be shown in every map of Pakistan.
According to the instrument of accession, Junagadh is legal part of Pakistan which is under illegal Indian occupation. Pakistan should revive the case at international forums. The Indian occupation on Junagadh is illegal and violation of instrument of accession that Nawab of Junagadh signed with Pakistan. Speakers at the seminar stressed that Pakistan should fight the case of Junagadh on international forums. The event was organized by MUSLIM Institute and Centre for International Peace and Stability, NUST titled Indian Occupation on Junagadh: Policy Options for Pakistan.
Prominent among those who addressed the event included the Nawab of Junagadh State H. E. Nawab Jahangir Khanji, Vice Chancellor of Air University Air Vice Marshal (R) Faaiz Amir, Chairman MUSLIM Institute Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali, Associate Dean CIPCS NUST Dr. Tughral Yamin, Expert on International Law Mr. Ahmer Bilal Soofi, Assistant Professor Dept. of History QAU Dr. Farooq Ahmad Dar, Lt. Gen. (R) Saeed Zafar, Professor of Preston University Dr. Z A Qureshi and Research Associate of Research Society of International Law Mr. Abeer Mustafa.
The speakers in the seminar said that in case of Junagadh, young generation should be made aware of this important cause. Nawab of Junagadh Nawab Mahabat Khanji decided to accede to Pakistan because he was very impressed with the policies of Quaid-e-Azam. On September 15, 1947 Nawab of Junagadh opted to accede to Pakistan and signed the letter of accession. Defence, communication and foreign affairs were under responsibility of government of Pakistan.
Junagadh became first such state to accede to Pakistan. The decision of Nawab was in consultation with the state council which included Hindu as well as Muslim members. India didnt accept this decision and economically sieged the country and violated human rights. On November 9, 1947 India occupied the Junagadh state by military offensive. According to May 12, 1946 declaration, accession of Junagadh is legal. Quaid-e-Azam made it clear that Indian occupation on Junagadh was unacceptable and thus Pakistan took the case to United Nations where it is still unresolved.
According to June 3 Plan, Quaid-e-Azam gave the option wholeheartedly to all the princely states whether to join Pakistan or Indian or to remain independent. He was very clear in his policy that the states which will accede to Pakistan, those will be given choice to decide about terms of accession and the method of governance. Perhaps this was the reason that many princely states were willing to accede to Pakistan. In contrast, Congress and Nehru opposed the independence of states.
Gandhi even said that independence by any state will be declared as act of war. On that occasion, Lord Mountbatten sided with India instead of remaining unbiased and especially he forced many states to join India. Kashmir, Junagadh and Hyderabad are those big examples where India broke the Independence act and international law and occupied the states. Nehru and Patel tried hard to prevent the states from opting to accede to Pakistan. British government also didnt take any action against those illegal actions of India. India is even today carrying on the same aggressive policy and is involved in destructive activities in the region including spreading of terrorism.
Speakers further said that the instrument of accession has the status of treaty in accordance with international law. Pakistan can approach Secretary General of United Nations to take action under article 99 and the instrument of accession can be presented to him as a legal document. Pakistan should include Junagadh state in its every map. Pakistan should build itself economically stronger so that it can force international community to take the actions against Indian occupation. Young generation should raise the issue on social media as well.
Diplomats, academicians, politicians, journalists, researchers and people from different walks of life participated in the seminar.

Date: November 15, 2016Author: Believer
Pakistan should raise the case of Junagadh at international forums again.
Indian Occupation on Junagadh is illegal.
Junagadhs Instrument of Accession to Pakistan is an international binding.
Young generation should be made aware of the Junagadh issue.
Junagadh state should be shown in every map of Pakistan.

According to the instrument of accession, Junagadh is legal part of Pakistan which is under illegal Indian occupation. Pakistan should revive the case at international forums. The Indian occupation on Junagadh is illegal and violation of instrument of accession that Nawab of Junagadh signed with Pakistan. Speakers at the seminar stressed that Pakistan should fight the case of Junagadh on international forums. The event was organized by MUSLIM Institute and Centre for International Peace and Stability, NUST titled Indian Occupation on Junagadh: Policy Options for Pakistan.
Prominent among those who addressed the event included the Nawab of Junagadh State H. E. Nawab Jahangir Khanji, Vice Chancellor of Air University Air Vice Marshal (R) Faaiz Amir, Chairman MUSLIM Institute Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali, Associate Dean CIPCS NUST Dr. Tughral Yamin, Expert on International Law Mr. Ahmer Bilal Soofi, Assistant Professor Dept. of History QAU Dr. Farooq Ahmad Dar, Lt. Gen. (R) Saeed Zafar, Professor of Preston University Dr. Z A Qureshi and Research Associate of Research Society of International Law Mr. Abeer Mustafa.
The speakers in the seminar said that in case of Junagadh, young generation should be made aware of this important cause. Nawab of Junagadh Nawab Mahabat Khanji decided to accede to Pakistan because he was very impressed with the policies of Quaid-e-Azam. On September 15, 1947 Nawab of Junagadh opted to accede to Pakistan and signed the letter of accession. Defence, communication and foreign affairs were under responsibility of government of Pakistan.
Junagadh became first such state to accede to Pakistan. The decision of Nawab was in consultation with the state council which included Hindu as well as Muslim members. India didnt accept this decision and economically sieged the country and violated human rights. On November 9, 1947 India occupied the Junagadh state by military offensive. According to May 12, 1946 declaration, accession of Junagadh is legal. Quaid-e-Azam made it clear that Indian occupation on Junagadh was unacceptable and thus Pakistan took the case to United Nations where it is still unresolved.
According to June 3 Plan, Quaid-e-Azam gave the option wholeheartedly to all the princely states whether to join Pakistan or Indian or to remain independent. He was very clear in his policy that the states which will accede to Pakistan, those will be given choice to decide about terms of accession and the method of governance. Perhaps this was the reason that many princely states were willing to accede to Pakistan. In contrast, Congress and Nehru opposed the independence of states.
Gandhi even said that independence by any state will be declared as act of war. On that occasion, Lord Mountbatten sided with India instead of remaining unbiased and especially he forced many states to join India. Kashmir, Junagadh and Hyderabad are those big examples where India broke the Independence act and international law and occupied the states. Nehru and Patel tried hard to prevent the states from opting to accede to Pakistan. British government also didnt take any action against those illegal actions of India. India is even today carrying on the same aggressive policy and is involved in destructive activities in the region including spreading of terrorism.
Speakers further said that the instrument of accession has the status of treaty in accordance with international law. Pakistan can approach Secretary General of United Nations to take action under article 99 and the instrument of accession can be presented to him as a legal document. Pakistan should include Junagadh state in its every map. Pakistan should build itself economically stronger so that it can force international community to take the actions against Indian occupation. Young generation should raise the issue on social media as well.
Diplomats, academicians, politicians, journalists, researchers and people from different walks of life participated in the seminar.
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