Indian man admits to sexually touching sleeping woman on plane in the US : TOI


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Indian man admits to sexually touching sleeping woman on plane
PTI | Sep 11, 2014, 10.58 AM IST


While the plane was in the air, the woman fell asleep and awoke to find the man kissing her face with his hand inside her shirt.

NEW YORK:A 62-year-old Indian man has pleaded guilty to sexually touching a woman seated next to him aboard a flight from Houston to Newark and faces two years in prison.

The accused, Devender Singh, a resident of Louisiana, admitted before US District Judge Stanley Chesler in Newark federal court to information charging him with abusive sexual contact, US Attorney Paul Fishman said.

The charge carries a maximum potential penalty of two years in prison and a USD 250,000 fine.

He is scheduled to be sentenced in October.

According to the documents filed in the case, Singh was seated next to a woman who occupied a window seat on a United Airlines flight from Houston to Newark.

While the plane was in the air, the woman fell asleep and awoke to find him kissing her face with his hand inside her shirt.

After pushing Singh off of her and telling him to get away, the woman complained to a flight crew member about the incident and asked that the police be present when the plane landed.

The federal government has exclusive jurisdiction over all sexual abuse cases that occur on aircraft in flight in the US.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
This is just pathetic behaviour. Some idiots think that they are in India the whole time and behave like complete perverts with women even on a plane.

Pakistan absolutely condemns this behaviour and urges a mindset change for such lewd behaviour.

May God protect the women !


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Some comments from the good indians ...

asterixkhan (paris)

good lesson for a tharki person like devender singh ..

anonymous (India)

Bloody dot heads now doing perverse things outside their country. Send them back!

Kashour Mak (Srinagar)

Sex perverts!!

anonymous (India)

great. now indian men have started molesting on planes. maybes buses n trains weren't enough.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
I condemn Indians who perpetrate crime anywhere. However this is not exclusive to Indians. Pakistani news deserves to be told on this pakistani forum.

[h=1]Rotherham Child Abuse Inquiry: Over 1,400 Children Raped and Trafficked by Men of 'Pakistani-Heritage'[/h]
An investigation found evidence of "appalling" exploitation involving children as young as 11Keirsten Marie on Flickr

More than 1,400 children were sexually exploited in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, over a period of 16 years, a report has concluded.
An independent investigation has found evidence of "appalling" exploitation between 1997 and 2013, involving children as young as 11.
The victims identified in the report include both girls and a small number of boys, and almost all the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage.
While some of the cases were historic, it was highlighted that the abuse "continues to this day".
The inquiry, carried out by Professor Alexis Jay, examined how Rotherham Council's children's services department dealt with cases involving child exploitation.

She stated there was a "collective failure" by both the police and the local council to stop the abuse. In the summary of her findings, she said the state had failed to protect "some of the most vulnerable children in the borough".
The report found councillors and council officials were told about the abuse in 2004 and 2005 "in the most explicit terms", but it highlighted evidence of a "macho, sexist and bullying culture" within the council, which stopped it providing an effective response.
Jay said there was evidence that senior people in the council and police wanted to "play down" the "ethnic dimensions" of the sexual exploitation, for fear of being labelled as racist.
"It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that the victims suffered," she said.
"They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated.
"There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made witness to brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.
"Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators."
Jay added that the people of Rotherham "would be appalled" at the findings. Rotherham has an estimated population of around 258,000 and is approximately six miles from Sheffield city centre.
In the 2011 Census, the ethnic minority population of Rotherham was around 8%, the largest of which was the Pakistani and Kashmiri community.
In just over a third of cases, victims were previously known to services in the town because of child protection and neglect.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Council in 2013, followed the jailing of five men from Rotherham for sexual offences against girls in 2010.
Umar Razaq, 24, Razwan Razaq, 30, Zafran Ramzan, 21, Adil Hussain, 20, and Mohsin Khan, 21, were found guilty of a string of sexually related offences against the girls, one aged 12, two aged 13 and one aged 16.
(Clockwise from top left) Mohsin Khan, 21, Razwan Razaq, 30, Adil Hussain, 20, Zafran Ramzan, 21, and Umar Razaq, 24, from Rotherham were jailed for sexual offences against girls in 2010(Police)


Minister (2k+ posts)
Pakistans troubling rape problem


Credits: REUTERS/Faisal Mahmood

There are 1.5 million street kids in Pakistan -- an estimated 90% of them have been sexually abused at some point in their lives.Rape in Pakistan is so common, it's barely taboo. Last week the Daily Mail interviewed a bus driver from Peshawar who says, after his shift is over, he likes to go into the slums and rape street kids. Sometimes he pays them a dollar. But often he doesn't - he just joins in a big gang rape.
"Once, there was a boy on the bus and everyone had sex with him," he told the Daily Mail. "I did it too but what else could I do? They invited me. And he was that kind of boy anyway." He says he's raped 12 different children.
This wasn't a solitary rapist, hiding in the shadows, afraid of being seen or being caught. This was men joining together, unworried about social norms, unworried about someone stopping them.
A poll of 1,800 Pakistani men found that a third don't think raping street kids is a crime - and they don't even think it's a bad thing to do.
And then there's so-called honour killings - where families kill their own daughters for social improprieties, real or perceived.
Every year close to 1,000 Pakistani girls are murdered by their own fathers, brothers or even mothers, for "moral indiscretions" ranging from going out on a date to dressing in western clothing to marrying the wrong man.
What a horrific duality -- a country that has normalized the rape of children, but would rather murder its own daughters than have embarrassing gossip about them.

No wonder so many Pakistanis are happy to emigrate. Put aside the ongoing terrorist civil war, put aside official discrimination against minority religions, such as Christianity or even other Muslim denominations like the Ahmadiyyas -- Pakistan drives out its best, those who want a better life, a life of freedom and peace and safety.
Canada is the lucky recipient of many such immigrants. The Sun's columnist Tarek Fatah is a perfect example of that - someone so Canadian he probably has maple syrup in his veins. But not all Pakistani immigrants prefer our liberal values to those of the Peshawar bus driver.
Aqsa Parvez was a young woman who was murdered by her father and her brother for the honour crime of dressing and acting like a Canadian teenager. They imported the worst of Pakistan to Mississauga
Rotherham, UK, has received another import: mass rape gangs. Between 1997 and 2013, that city of just 250,000 had 1,400 girls - as young as 11 - systematically "groomed," raped and prostituted by Pakistani gangs. Fourteen-hundred out of a city of 250,000. The girls were white Christians; in the eyes of the Pakistani Muslim gangs, they were sub-human, like Pakistan's own street orphans.
Rotherham police knew all about it. But they were paralyzed with fear - fear of being called racist if they dared to act. They found the mass rape of a generation of the city's girls less intolerable than the risk of being called politically incorrect or "Islamophobic."
Back to Canada. Pakistan is the fourth largest source of immigrants to our country - nearly 100,000 in the past decade. Most of them are wonderful, peaceful Canadians, like Tarek. But how many are like the Peshawar bus driver, or the Rotherham rape gangs, or Muhammad Parvez?
Pakistan, like some other Muslim countries, has a rape problem. Perhaps before opening up the floodgates, we might want to do something as simple as asking a prospective immigrant for their views on women, rape and honour.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Comments on the article published in Sun News

  • Rudy Verstraeten Top Commenter Conestoga CollegeAnd Canada sends aid to these morons let alone let them into this country
    Reply Like 8 Follow Post September 9 at 7:14pm

    • Andy Madden Top Commenterwell yeah, they are being gang raped and nobody cares... It's disgusting.
      Reply Like 4 September 9 at 7:28pm

    • Bill Crunkhorn Follow Top CommenterAndy Madden Pakistan does not care, we care. systemic child abuse is common in Muslim countries, like smashing a child's hand with a rock so he can earn more begging. I've seen that personally.
      Reply Like 4 September 9 at 8:49pm

    • Andy Madden Top CommenterBill Crunkhorn I meant no one over there cares... Absolutely disgusting.
      Reply Like 1 September 9 at 8:59pm

    View 2 more

  • Jim McBurney Top Commenter Works at Retired!!! Royal Canadian NavyThe more I hear about this religion and it's adherents, the more I begin to think it should be banned. I can't understand the Boy Blunder catering to these folks for votes, he is tarnishing the reputation of his party !



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
While Pakistan condemns criminal activity regardless of where it is but in this case the crime has been committed by Britishers and being used to malign Pakistan unnecessarily.

When it comes to India there are no close seconds to violence against women. This has been further cemented by a UN study as well :biggthumpup:

77% of teenage Indian girls endure sexual violence: UN

September 05, 2014, 5:38 pm



New York- About 77 percent of girls aged between 15 and 19 in India have been subjected to sexual violence by their spouses, according to a report by UNICEF which also said more than half of the girls in the age group faced physical abuse at the hands of their parents.

The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) report titled "Hidden in Plain Sight" said violence against children is so prevalent and deeply ingrained in societies that it was often unseen and accepted as the norm. The report said that 77 percent of girls aged 15 to 19 years in India have at least once experienced forced sexual intercourse or any other forced sexual acts by their current husband or partner. Partner violence is also pervasive in South Asia, where at least one in five girls who have ever been married or in union experienced partner violence. In this region, the prevalence of partner violence is particularly high in Bangladesh and India.

The report said that in India 34 per cent of ever-married girls aged 15 to 19 years had experienced some form of physical, sexual or emotional violence committed by their husbands or partners. The report added that about 21 per cent of girls aged 15 to 19 in India had experienced physical violence since age 15. It said the identity of the most common perpetrator varied by the marital status of the victim. "Not surprisingly, among ever-married girls who experienced physical violence since age 15, a current or former partner was cited most often in all of the countries," it said.

The report further added that girls who had not been married were most likely to report physical violence at the hands of family members, friends, acquaintances and teachers. The most commonly reported perpetrator was the victim's mother or stepmother, with over half of single girls reporting this in Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Haiti, India, Liberia, Sao Tome and Principe, and Timor-Leste.

In India, 41 per cent of girls aged 15 to 19 years had experienced physical violence since age 15 by their mother or step-mother while 18 per cent had been subjected to physical violence by their fathers and step-fathers. India also had the third highest number of young homicide victims in 2012. Nearly 9,400 children and adolescents aged 0 to 19 years were killed in India in 2012. The report also noted that 41-60 per cent girls aged 15 to 19 think that a husband or partner is "justified in hitting or beating his wife or partner" under some circumstances.

The report, which draws on data from 190 countries, found that about two-thirds of children worldwide or almost one billion between ages 2 and 14 are subjected to physical punishment by their caregivers on a regular basis.

I condemn Indians who perpetrate crime anywhere. However this is not exclusive to Indians. Pakistani news deserves to be told on this pakistani forum.

Rotherham Child Abuse Inquiry: Over 1,400 Children Raped and Trafficked by Men of 'Pakistani-Heritage'

An investigation found evidence of "appalling" exploitation involving children as young as 11Keirsten Marie on Flickr

More than 1,400 children were sexually exploited in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, over a period of 16 years, a report has concluded.
An independent investigation has found evidence of "appalling" exploitation between 1997 and 2013, involving children as young as 11.
The victims identified in the report include both girls and a small number of boys, and almost all the perpetrators were of Pakistani heritage.
While some of the cases were historic, it was highlighted that the abuse "continues to this day".
The inquiry, carried out by Professor Alexis Jay, examined how Rotherham Council's children's services department dealt with cases involving child exploitation.

She stated there was a "collective failure" by both the police and the local council to stop the abuse. In the summary of her findings, she said the state had failed to protect "some of the most vulnerable children in the borough".
The report found councillors and council officials were told about the abuse in 2004 and 2005 "in the most explicit terms", but it highlighted evidence of a "macho, sexist and bullying culture" within the council, which stopped it providing an effective response.
Jay said there was evidence that senior people in the council and police wanted to "play down" the "ethnic dimensions" of the sexual exploitation, for fear of being labelled as racist.
"It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that the victims suffered," she said.
"They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated.
"There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made witness to brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone.
"Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators."
Jay added that the people of Rotherham "would be appalled" at the findings. Rotherham has an estimated population of around 258,000 and is approximately six miles from Sheffield city centre.
In the 2011 Census, the ethnic minority population of Rotherham was around 8%, the largest of which was the Pakistani and Kashmiri community.
In just over a third of cases, victims were previously known to services in the town because of child protection and neglect.
The report, commissioned by Rotherham Council in 2013, followed the jailing of five men from Rotherham for sexual offences against girls in 2010.
Umar Razaq, 24, Razwan Razaq, 30, Zafran Ramzan, 21, Adil Hussain, 20, and Mohsin Khan, 21, were found guilty of a string of sexually related offences against the girls, one aged 12, two aged 13 and one aged 16.
(Clockwise from top left) Mohsin Khan, 21, Razwan Razaq, 30, Adil Hussain, 20, Zafran Ramzan, 21, and Umar Razaq, 24, from Rotherham were jailed for sexual offences against girls in 2010(Police)
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Although rape as a crime occurs without boundaries in every country BUT India has a deep seeded rape issue going on for decades ...Here are the results ..


[h=1]China tags Delhi rape capital of the world, issues travel advisory to its citizens in India[/h]Headlines Today Bureau | Headlines Today | New Delhi, February 8, 2013 | UPDATED 22:48 IST


China provoked India once again, this time calling Delhi as the "rape capital of the world".

In a strongly worded report, state-run news agency Xinhua said on Friday that India is known for "rampant rapes" and "Delhi is called the rape capital of the world".

The Chinese Embassy in India has asked its citizens living in the country, especially women, to remain alert about their personal security and avoid going out of their houses alone. They have been advised to shun insecure places and report to police and the Chinese Embassy if they meet any unusual situation.

The report comes in the wake of a Chinese woman's rape in Delhi recently. The Chinese Embassy had expressed "shock and strong anger" over the incident and urged the Indian authorities to seriously deal with the incident. It also asked them to take effective measures to protect Chinese citizens in India.

For more news from India Today, follow us on Twitter @indiatoday and on Facebook

Read more at:

Pakistan’s troubling rape problem


Credits: REUTERS/Faisal Mahmood

There are 1.5 million street kids in Pakistan -- an estimated 90% of them have been sexually abused at some point in their lives.Rape in Pakistan is so common, it's barely taboo. Last week the Daily Mail interviewed a bus driver from Peshawar who says, after his shift is over, he likes to go into the slums and rape street kids. Sometimes he pays them a dollar. But often he doesn't - he just joins in a big gang rape.
"Once, there was a boy on the bus and everyone had sex with him," he told the Daily Mail. "I did it too but what else could I do? They invited me. And he was that kind of boy anyway." He says he's raped 12 different children.
This wasn't a solitary rapist, hiding in the shadows, afraid of being seen or being caught. This was men joining together, unworried about social norms, unworried about someone stopping them.
A poll of 1,800 Pakistani men found that a third don't think raping street kids is a crime - and they don't even think it's a bad thing to do.
And then there's so-called honour killings - where families kill their own daughters for social improprieties, real or perceived.
Every year close to 1,000 Pakistani girls are murdered by their own fathers, brothers or even mothers, for "moral indiscretions" ranging from going out on a date to dressing in western clothing to marrying the wrong man.
What a horrific duality -- a country that has normalized the rape of children, but would rather murder its own daughters than have embarrassing gossip about them.

No wonder so many Pakistanis are happy to emigrate. Put aside the ongoing terrorist civil war, put aside official discrimination against minority religions, such as Christianity or even other Muslim denominations like the Ahmadiyyas -- Pakistan drives out its best, those who want a better life, a life of freedom and peace and safety.
Canada is the lucky recipient of many such immigrants. The Sun's columnist Tarek Fatah is a perfect example of that - someone so Canadian he probably has maple syrup in his veins. But not all Pakistani immigrants prefer our liberal values to those of the Peshawar bus driver.
Aqsa Parvez was a young woman who was murdered by her father and her brother for the honour crime of dressing and acting like a Canadian teenager. They imported the worst of Pakistan to Mississauga
Rotherham, UK, has received another import: mass rape gangs. Between 1997 and 2013, that city of just 250,000 had 1,400 girls - as young as 11 - systematically "groomed," raped and prostituted by Pakistani gangs. Fourteen-hundred out of a city of 250,000. The girls were white Christians; in the eyes of the Pakistani Muslim gangs, they were sub-human, like Pakistan's own street orphans.
Rotherham police knew all about it. But they were paralyzed with fear - fear of being called racist if they dared to act. They found the mass rape of a generation of the city's girls less intolerable than the risk of being called politically incorrect or "Islamophobic."
Back to Canada. Pakistan is the fourth largest source of immigrants to our country - nearly 100,000 in the past decade. Most of them are wonderful, peaceful Canadians, like Tarek. But how many are like the Peshawar bus driver, or the Rotherham rape gangs, or Muhammad Parvez?
Pakistan, like some other Muslim countries, has a rape problem. Perhaps before opening up the floodgates, we might want to do something as simple as asking a prospective immigrant for their views on women, rape and honour.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
It would be interesting reading the comments of this HORRIFIC incident on a GRANDMOTHER in India which is a regular occurence ..

95-yr-old woman raped by 35-year-old man

TNN | Aug 16, 2014, 05.08 AM IST

BANGALORE: The chief minister may have stressed on safety and security of girls and women in his Independence Day speech on Friday morning, but a sexual predator on the prowl did not let the city feel rest assured even for half a day.

In a grisly incident, a 95-year-old woman was allegedly raped by a 35-year-old autorickshaw driver at Nyanappanahalli, near Begur, off Outer Ring Road, south Bangalore, on Friday afternoon.

The incident happened when the woman was returning home by an auto from Bannerghatta Road after visiting some relatives there.

Nyanappanahalli is located between Bannerghatta Road and Hosur Road.

The autorickshaw driver stopped some distance away from her house as the road was not motorable. Police said the driver offered to walk her home. The path was surrounded by bushes and the man allegedly dragged her into one of the bushes and raped her.

Passersby, who found the woman in a semi-conscious state alerted Hulimavu police. Police reached the spot around 4 pm. She was brought to Jayanagar General Hospital around 5 pm.

Hospital RMO Dr Kishore Kumar said their gynaecologists examined the woman. "It looked like a case of sexual assault. The woman's clothes have been sent for forensic examination," he said.

The doctor said the woman appeared to be about 85 years old and was sent home after treatment. She has been asked to return on Saturday for more tests and scanning.

Police said the woman is unable to give a statement or identify the autorickshaw driver. "We are trying to find his identity, but we have no details on him except that he looked to be around 35 years old. We have gathered some details from people who saw her walking with the autorickshaw driver. The woman and her family members say she is 95," police said.

Comments on the article published in Sun News

  • Rudy Verstraeten Top Commenter Conestoga CollegeAnd Canada sends aid to these morons let alone let them into this country
    Reply Like 8 Follow Post September 9 at 7:14pm

    • Andy Madden Top Commenterwell yeah, they are being gang raped and nobody cares... It's disgusting.
      Reply Like 4 September 9 at 7:28pm

    • Bill Crunkhorn Follow Top CommenterAndy Madden Pakistan does not care, we care. systemic child abuse is common in Muslim countries, like smashing a child's hand with a rock so he can earn more begging. I've seen that personally.
      Reply Like 4 September 9 at 8:49pm

    • Andy Madden Top CommenterBill Crunkhorn I meant no one over there cares... Absolutely disgusting.
      Reply Like 1 September 9 at 8:59pm

    View 2 more

  • Jim McBurney Top Commenter Works at Retired!!! Royal Canadian NavyThe more I hear about this religion and it's adherents, the more I begin to think it should be banned. I can't understand the Boy Blunder catering to these folks for votes, he is tarnishing the reputation of his party !



Minister (2k+ posts)
This is not a competition between Indians and Pakistanis on crime or rape statistics. If one Indian man has molested somebody and that's news you want to post on a Pakistani forum then in the same way one must highlight relevant information pertaining to pakistanis who are committing crimes in equal if not in greater numbers. Read article no 2 i posted. Sexual abuse of children and drugs is a big issue facing Pakistan. Sexual violence in any context is condemnable and should be tackled. However you are not voicing anything on your own country. This leads me to believe that you live in some lala land where you believe that Pakistanis are all spotless clean just by virtue of being muslims. Well you think wrong! If you won't highlight your own issues then I shall do the honors! Indians don't visit this forum in any significant numbers. So your TOI trawling serves no purpose.

While Pakistan condemns criminal activity regardless of where it is but in this case the crime has been committed by Britishers and being used to malign Pakistan unnecessarily.

When it comes to India there are no close seconds to violence against women. This has been further cemented by a UN study as well :biggthumpup:

77% of teenage Indian girls endure sexual violence: UN

September 05, 2014, 5:38 pm



New York- About 77 percent of girls aged between 15 and 19 in India have been subjected to sexual violence by their spouses, according to a report by UNICEF which also said more than half of the girls in the age group faced physical abuse at the hands of their parents.

The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) report titled "Hidden in Plain Sight" said violence against children is so prevalent and deeply ingrained in societies that it was often unseen and accepted as the norm. The report said that 77 percent of girls aged 15 to 19 years in India have at least once experienced forced sexual intercourse or any other forced sexual acts by their current husband or partner. Partner violence is also pervasive in South Asia, where at least one in five girls who have ever been married or in union experienced partner violence. In this region, the prevalence of partner violence is particularly high in Bangladesh and India.

The report said that in India 34 per cent of ever-married girls aged 15 to 19 years had experienced some form of physical, sexual or emotional violence committed by their husbands or partners. The report added that about 21 per cent of girls aged 15 to 19 in India had experienced physical violence since age 15. It said the identity of the most common perpetrator varied by the marital status of the victim. "Not surprisingly, among ever-married girls who experienced physical violence since age 15, a current or former partner was cited most often in all of the countries," it said.

The report further added that girls who had not been married were most likely to report physical violence at the hands of family members, friends, acquaintances and teachers. The most commonly reported perpetrator was the victim's mother or stepmother, with over half of single girls reporting this in Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Haiti, India, Liberia, Sao Tome and Principe, and Timor-Leste.

In India, 41 per cent of girls aged 15 to 19 years had experienced physical violence since age 15 by their mother or step-mother while 18 per cent had been subjected to physical violence by their fathers and step-fathers. India also had the third highest number of young homicide victims in 2012. Nearly 9,400 children and adolescents aged 0 to 19 years were killed in India in 2012. The report also noted that 41-60 per cent girls aged 15 to 19 think that a husband or partner is "justified in hitting or beating his wife or partner" under some circumstances.

The report, which draws on data from 190 countries, found that about two-thirds of children worldwide or almost one billion between ages 2 and 14 are subjected to physical punishment by their caregivers on a regular basis.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Chandbibi Can you please respond to these comments from your fellow countrymen ..

rsresh ()

Mera Bharat Mahan.

Abhishek (Kochin)

How cruel, even a 95 year old is not safe in India, shame of you driver.

Comments on the article published in Sun News

  • Rudy Verstraeten Top Commenter Conestoga CollegeAnd Canada sends aid to these morons let alone let them into this country
    Reply Like 8 Follow Post September 9 at 7:14pm
    • Andy Madden Top Commenterwell yeah, they are being gang raped and nobody cares... It's disgusting.
      Reply Like 4 September 9 at 7:28pm
    • Bill Crunkhorn Follow Top CommenterAndy Madden Pakistan does not care, we care. systemic child abuse is common in Muslim countries, like smashing a child's hand with a rock so he can earn more begging. I've seen that personally.
      Reply Like 4 September 9 at 8:49pm
    • Andy Madden Top CommenterBill Crunkhorn I meant no one over there cares... Absolutely disgusting.
      Reply Like 1 September 9 at 8:59pm
    View 2 more

  • Jim McBurney Top Commenter Works at Retired!!! Royal Canadian NavyThe more I hear about this religion and it's adherents, the more I begin to think it should be banned. I can't understand the Boy Blunder catering to these folks for votes, he is tarnishing the reputation of his party !


Minister (2k+ posts)
4 Pakistani men held for raping and murdering a 51-year-old woman in Riyadh

on Jun 2, 2014

Riyadh Police arrested four Pakistani men on Saturday morning for sexually assaulting a 51-year-old woman and then killing her after stealing cash and gold jewelry. Her 14-year-old son was also raped.

It was reported that the men attacked the family living on the third floor of a building in the Mafouha region of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They tied the son up before raping and killing the woman according to local media reports.
The police who were informed about the incident by the woman’s brother, tracked down all 4 of the accused.
The woman was found lying on the ground with her legs tied up and various scars and bruises all over her body in a room that was totally ransacked.
Deputy Riyadh Governor Prince Turki bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz issued a directive to arrest the culprits and soon afterwards Riyadh Police succeeded in identifying the four suspects, aged 20 to 30 and arresting them.

It would be interesting reading the comments of this HORRIFIC incident on a GRANDMOTHER in India which is a regular occurence ..

95-yr-old woman raped by 35-year-old man

TNN | Aug 16, 2014, 05.08 AM IST

BANGALORE: The chief minister may have stressed on safety and security of girls and women in his Independence Day speech on Friday morning, but a sexual predator on the prowl did not let the city feel rest assured even for half a day.

In a grisly incident, a 95-year-old woman was allegedly raped by a 35-year-old autorickshaw driver at Nyanappanahalli, near Begur, off Outer Ring Road, south Bangalore, on Friday afternoon.

The incident happened when the woman was returning home by an auto from Bannerghatta Road after visiting some relatives there.

Nyanappanahalli is located between Bannerghatta Road and Hosur Road.

The autorickshaw driver stopped some distance away from her house as the road was not motorable. Police said the driver offered to walk her home. The path was surrounded by bushes and the man allegedly dragged her into one of the bushes and raped her.

Passersby, who found the woman in a semi-conscious state alerted Hulimavu police. Police reached the spot around 4 pm. She was brought to Jayanagar General Hospital around 5 pm.

Hospital RMO Dr Kishore Kumar said their gynaecologists examined the woman. "It looked like a case of sexual assault. The woman's clothes have been sent for forensic examination," he said.

The doctor said the woman appeared to be about 85 years old and was sent home after treatment. She has been asked to return on Saturday for more tests and scanning.

Police said the woman is unable to give a statement or identify the autorickshaw driver. "We are trying to find his identity, but we have no details on him except that he looked to be around 35 years old. We have gathered some details from people who saw her walking with the autorickshaw driver. The woman and her family members say she is 95," police said.



Minister (2k+ posts)
Why don't you respond to your fellow countrymen on their comments.

Chandbibi Can you please respond to these comments from your fellow countrymen ..

rsresh ()

Mera Bharat Mahan.

Abhishek (Kochin)

How cruel, even a 95 year old is not safe in India, shame of you driver.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We condemn this horrible incident and im sure saudi will appropriate the SHARIAH punishment to these culprits after which they wont be able to harm anyone else :)

However, this continues unabated in India :

[h=1]Youth held for raping 78-yr-old grandmother[/h][h=1][/h]
TNN | Jun 26, 2008, 02.57AM IST

NEW DELHI: A 28-year-old man has been charged with raping his 78-year-old grandmother at Jaffarpur in south-west Delhi on Tuesday night. The incident came to light when neighbours found the victim crying outside her house early on Wednesday morning.

After the victim narrated her plight, the neighbours informed the police. The accused, a daily wage labourer, was reportedly drunk at the time of the incident.

"We received a call around 7 am and rushed to the victim's residence where we found the accused sleeping. We arrested him and took the victim for medical tests to Rao Tula Ram Hospital," said an official from Jaffarpur police station. He added that the MLC report confirmed rape and the accused was booked for the same.

The accused married three years ago and is the father of an infant daughter. Reportedly, his wife left him two weeks ago following some dispute.

Incidentally, the accused had been brought up by his grandmother and not his parents. "It is the most disgusting and disturbing incident. The victim is in a state of shock. We have informed the victim's son about the incident," said a police official.

4 Pakistani men held for raping and murdering a 51-year-old woman in Riyadh

on Jun 2, 2014

Riyadh Police arrested four Pakistani men on Saturday morning for sexually assaulting a 51-year-old woman and then killing her after stealing cash and gold jewelry. Her 14-year-old son was also raped.

It was reported that the men attacked the family living on the third floor of a building in the Mafouha region of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. They tied the son up before raping and killing the woman according to local media reports.
The police who were informed about the incident by the woman’s brother, tracked down all 4 of the accused.
The woman was found lying on the ground with her legs tied up and various scars and bruises all over her body in a room that was totally ransacked.
Deputy Riyadh Governor Prince Turki bin Abdullah bin Abdulaziz issued a directive to arrest the culprits and soon afterwards Riyadh Police succeeded in identifying the four suspects, aged 20 to 30 and arresting them.


Minister (2k+ posts)


Credits: REUTERS/Faisal Mahmood

There are 1.5 million street kids in Pakistan -- an estimated 90% of them have been sexually abused at some point in their lives.Rape in Pakistan is so common, it's barely taboo. Last week the Daily Mail interviewed a bus driver from Peshawar who says, after his shift is over, he likes to go into the slums and rape street kids. Sometimes he pays them a dollar. But often he doesn't - he just joins in a big gang rape.
"Once, there was a boy on the bus and everyone had sex with him," he told the Daily Mail. "I did it too but what else could I do? They invited me. And he was that kind of boy anyway." He says he's raped 12 different children.
This wasn't a solitary rapist, hiding in the shadows, afraid of being seen or being caught. This was men joining together, unworried about social norms, unworried about someone stopping them.
A poll of 1,800 Pakistani men found that a third don't think raping street kids is a crime - and they don't even think it's a bad thing to do.
And then there's so-called honour killings - where families kill their own daughters for social improprieties, real or perceived.
Every year close to 1,000 Pakistani girls are murdered by their own fathers, brothers or even mothers, for "moral indiscretions" ranging from going out on a date to dressing in western clothing to marrying the wrong man.
What a horrific duality -- a country that has normalized the rape of children, but would rather murder its own daughters than have embarrassing gossip about them.

No wonder so many Pakistanis are happy to emigrate. Put aside the ongoing terrorist civil war, put aside official discrimination against minority religions, such as Christianity or even other Muslim denominations like the Ahmadiyyas -- Pakistan drives out its best, those who want a better life, a life of freedom and peace and safety.
Canada is the lucky recipient of many such immigrants. The Sun's columnist Tarek Fatah is a perfect example of that - someone so Canadian he probably has maple syrup in his veins. But not all Pakistani immigrants prefer our liberal values to those of the Peshawar bus driver.
Aqsa Parvez was a young woman who was murdered by her father and her brother for the honour crime of dressing and acting like a Canadian teenager. They imported the worst of Pakistan to Mississauga
Rotherham, UK, has received another import: mass rape gangs. Between 1997 and 2013, that city of just 250,000 had 1,400 girls - as young as 11 - systematically "groomed," raped and prostituted by Pakistani gangs. Fourteen-hundred out of a city of 250,000. The girls were white Christians; in the eyes of the Pakistani Muslim gangs, they were sub-human, like Pakistan's own street orphans.
Rotherham police knew all about it. But they were paralyzed with fear - fear of being called racist if they dared to act. They found the mass rape of a generation of the city's girls less intolerable than the risk of being called politically incorrect or "Islamophobic."
Back to Canada. Pakistan is the fourth largest source of immigrants to our country - nearly 100,000 in the past decade. Most of them are wonderful, peaceful Canadians, like Tarek. But how many are like the Peshawar bus driver, or the Rotherham rape gangs, or Muhammad Parvez?
Pakistan, like some other Muslim countries, has a rape problem. Perhaps before opening up the floodgates, we might want to do something as simple as asking a prospective immigrant for their views on women, rape and honour.

Seems the writer of this article in the news paper is a rape victim of some Peshawar bus driver. I do not blame him for this article but to be honest, 99% of the substance is a bullshit and lie in it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I would love too but these are britishers born and raised there ...and I dont think a Pakistani should comment on it. You have millions of cases and your a citizen of the RApe Capital of the world so you have all the more responsibility to be held answerable for your citizens :biggthumpup:

Why don't you respond to your fellow countrymen on their comments.

