India - Nuclear-capable Nirbhay cruise missile's test fails for the fourth time


Senator (1k+ posts)
NEW DELHI: Another test of the Nirbhay land-attack cruise missile, designed to carry nuclear warheads to a strike range of 1,000-km, failed on Wednesday. This was the subsonic missile's fourth test since March 2013, all of which have more or less failed to achieve test parameters.

The missile had to be destroyed in mid-air after it deviated from its flight-path along the coast in Bay of Bengal soon after launch from the Integrated Test Range at Balasore off the Odisha coast around noon on Wednesday. "The test was an utter failure, with the missile veering to the right within two minutes of take-off," said a source.


While the missile's first test in March 2013+ had completely failed, the second one+ was dubbed "a partial success" in October 2014. But the third test+ in October 2015 and the one on Wednesday also failed miserably.

DRDO may have come a long way in developing ballistic missiles like the Agni series, which have strike ranges from 700-km to over 5,000-km, but continues to flounder in the field of cruise missiles.

The armed forces, of course, already have the supersonic BrahMos cruise missiles developed with the help of Russia, but they have a range of only 290-km as of now and carry only conventional warheads.

The Nirbhay, a stealth missile in the making for almost a decade now+ , was meant to fulfill the armed forces' demand for nuclear-tipped land-attack cruise missiles (LACMs) versatile enough to be fired from land, air and sea. The missile was said to be a counter to Pakistan's Babur LACM.

The real big test for DRDO, of course, will be the impending fourth test of the Agni-V intercontinental ballistic missile+ , with a strike range over 5,000-km, in its final operational configuration from the Wheeler Island off Odisha.

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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Nuclear-capable Nirbhay cruise missile's test fails for the fourth time




i think they are trying to deceive us .they have support available from all over the world they just want to keep us in dark . pak shouldnt take this as a joke

The Pakistani

Minister (2k+ posts)
Indian cruise missile test fails for the fourth time


All the four tests of the subsonic missile, with a strike range of 1,000km, have failed to achieve the required test parameters."The test was an utter failure, with the missile veering to the right within two minutes of take-off," ToI quoted a source.The missile's first test in March 2013 had completely failed.

The second one was dubbed "a partial success" in October 2014 but the third test in October 2015 also failed miserably, said the report.According to the report, the missile had to be destroyed in mid-air after it deviated from its flight-path along the coast in Bay of Bengal soon after launch from the Integrated Test Range at Balasore, off the Odisha coast around noon on Wednesday.

The fourth test of India's "Nirbhay" land-attack cruise missile (LACMs), designed to carry nuclear or conventional warheads failed on Wednesday, reported the Times of India.

The Indian armed forces already have the supersonic BrahMos cruise missiles, developed with the help of Russia, but they have a range of only 290kms with the ability to carry conventional warheads."The Nirbhay, a stealth missile in the making for almost a decade now, was meant to fulfill the armed forces' demand for nuclear-tipped land-attack cruise missiles versatile enough to be fired from land, air and sea.

The missile was said to be a counter to Pakistan's Babur LACM."Cruise missiles such as the Nirbhay, are designed to fly at low-altitudes, virtually hugging the terrain, to evade enemy radars and missile defence systems, the report said, adding that the Nirbhay, after an initial blast off with a solid-propellant booster engine, is supposed to deploy its smallish wings and tail fins in the second-stage to fly like an aircraft."The missile, which flies at a speed of 0.6 to 0.7 Mach and carries a 300-kg warhead, is designed to be highly maneuverable with "loitering capabilities" to first identify and then hit the intended target."
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President (40k+ posts)
Re: Indian cruise missile test fails for the fourth time

یرہ انڈینز اپنے 'بڈی' نواز شریف سے کہے کہ وہ فوج سے کہہ کے انڈیا کو اپنا بابر کروز میزائل کا پُرانا ماڈل دیں دے جس پہ انڈینز اپنے جھنڈا رنگ کر کے اسے اُڑا دے تو شائد 'شائننگ' انڈیا کی کچھ شرمندگی کم ہوسکے۔۔۔۔۔۔

او میراثیوں۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ تم لوگ صرف ناچ گانا اچھا کرسکتے ہو باقی تم لوگ کسی کام کے نہیں۔


President (40k+ posts)
Re: Indian cruise missile test fails for the fourth time

انڈینز کو بھی میزائل فائر کرنے سے پہلے ایک کالے بکرے کی 'بھلی' چڑھا دینی چاہیے تھا۔۔۔۔۔۔ کیا پتا کچھ دیر تو ہوا میں رُکتا؟



Re: Indian cruise missile test fails for the fourth time

انڈینز کو بھی میزائل فائر کرنے سے پہلے ایک کالے بکرے کی 'بھلی' چڑھا دینی چاہیے تھا۔۔۔۔۔۔ کیا پتا کچھ دیر تو ہوا میں رُکتا؟

flying bakra


pakistani baqra raju rocket ki qurbani se mission succesful hoga .......................... [hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar][hilar]

waise is bakre per baith kar bhi kam chal sakta hai.


MPA (400+ posts)
This particular test may have failed but it is important to keep in mind the fact that India has succeeded in carrying out several other missile tests and now it is in possession of some deadly missiles.We must never under estimate the enemy.

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
This particular test may have failed but it is important to keep in mind the fact that India has succeeded in carrying out several other missile tests and now it is in possession of some deadly missiles.We must never under estimate the enemy.

missile ki kya jarurat hai ? conventional war me bhi pakistan ne kaun sa tir mar lia hai ?

agar dum hota to kashmir le lete .
